PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Statement in Parliament
Transcript ID:
00004004.pdf 6 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

11.11.75 PK) 3 19/ 3%
HSPEAIlR I call the hon mem for Wannon.
Ar4LCL'M F~ S ( WA-1NNON) ( 2.34) Mr Speaker, this af te rnoon the
Governor-! 3eneral commissioned me to form a go-vt until elections can
he held-( Govt _ su-pporters interjiecting)
Mr-SPEA: zu_-7r' I suggest that hon raeMs on my right remain silent iC they
want to stay in the House.
Pir MA-LCOL2-IRASET'I ' he purpose of the 4mmission is to permit a
deadlac~ c be-t-, re-the-Houts-of Parlt--to-be-re& solv-ed andi -to-return
Australia to stable. govt.. It will b imy sole purpose to ensure that
Autralia has the -general election to which it is constitutionally
r-ititled and wihich has so far been denied it. Until -the judgnnt of
te-Australian people-has been registered at this election miy Govt
T'ill make no appointments or dismissals or initiate any new policies.
1 have written to tile Governor-Gieneral in these terms:
Your Excellency,
You have intimated to me that it is Your Excellency ' s
plea13Ura that i Should act as your chioP advisar an, 1 head oZ the
Govt. in accepting your. commriss~ ion I confkirr, t. it I hua ; 7iven you
in asstranica tlaa-I 3hall imedatly Ok to-.3ecu-rt-the u3ap
o, he t.% ppropriation Bills i-hich are at present before Senate.

11. 1.75 i&~ 19/ 4.
NWhitlam -They have been passed.
Nr": iT C0LM PP. ASER Thess uingSuply . for-the-carrying on of the-Public Service
is~ rachs Itirth-r, confi'rn)-thatt,,. upon thet-granting.
of S. u. P Py, xa. 1.1 irnme& iately re'eommand to-Your iExee-1ency-thedissolution
of-both Houses of this Parlt. 11,11G o-: t will ac t as a
carat aker govt and dilma'k3 ao appqointments or distnissalS or
init1kiate new policies before a general election is held.
M-i nle-r the-tairw. s daub-le,-dissolution he-Bill: 3 thtt-& re-. in.
2d oub ie dissoiutioaQ position.:. vill all., be-cited in that double dissolution
a CI hon. ineams wiILhave* in mind-the-sigrnif icance of that.. Th ere' 7e ii1ll-be
i e ir ryoicy changes.-T he re-vil b e--n royal comm-isions/ Int t
Kactivi ties of this : Govt throughout the period of the election carapaign.
We , ill be sea'ezi n g: di13.3olIu tiom o~ he Parlt at the earliest o po rtuns
Th:: kppropriationBills, as some hon tnem interjected, have alreatdy pa3sed
-,: iro ti h -the I r ould onl 1, s t d
D r Gun -' hat-ia tria ma-ter-i-with th e iu*; nov?
M ~ r SP~ EAKER rt-ha hon. me-ni might like to stay-in the
iha-rp-inia sian
' Llcon I{ A. -I would only r4ish to add so-nie parts of x~ i -aIe e
s " tIe ment. In the summary of that statement -he said:

1.1.11-75 R'FPS 19/ 2 A.
has bean necassary for me-
'-hat is J1Us Excellencyto
finI a. de.-ocratic and coas-titutional solution to the
currn+--ri~ is ' Aliclh-will permit tha peaooplu of Australia
to decide a3 soon as possibl wht shoul.-be the-outcome of tha
deadloclk w~ hich Olereloped over 3upply betveen t~ he tw~ o 11ouse-3 of
g Parlt and betwean the Govt and the Oppsn partiaq
Later-he stated: B t-auas of ladera. l nature-e of our -Contttor n eas
of ita-provision3-the Senate. undoubtedly cons tituti onal
* power to-refuse or defar-supply -to the Govrt. Becausa o? the-
* priciple~ i of raspoasi il goyt -a ? rizn! 4 Miniater -who cannot, obtain
6i~~ supply, Thcludinty money for carrying on the ordinary sp~ rvices
3o? govt,* must either advise-a Yenf-ral elt-etion or-rpsian. If' he
re -: uses to do this I have the authority and indieA tUie * Iuly
und.' er theCon-tituatioa to withdrav hia Bomls3ion ag PrIMtrr
4 i a. t4* r--Tha -postiao-n i. n Autralia i3 . m. Cdi-ienr-n + h e
positiom-in the-Urriteri ! Iingdom, e n-confi ,? ncq of' Doh
.1o1is, on 3WO21y is nizcessary i.-3nu:-r~ j-o.
L1T1' 1. o1 o u~ c no~ t~ rum~ oe jare
andI in the UK the duty o? the -Primne Ministe. r i: 3 tha

1.175 : Th 19/ 6
same in a most irnnoztant respect he cannot gePt supply he
must resign or advise an election.
Lter he also stated,/ that the decigions he had mad 49re made aft~ r
hawas. s a ti s f e that Mr Wh1iit1art. cotall not,. ob-tain su-pply,. 1. aaI idL
No other---decision open to me -would enable the Australian. people
to decide-for-the-iselves what should be done.
The Governor-_ General dravs at'antion also t o the fact that* he had 9
consulted thie Chief Justice of Australia.
The Govpernor-General also
The'_ r-is.-one other-point., There--has-bee-n disc-ussion -f the
possiLb4ility that a half-Senate alection might be held under
. rclimstances-in. vhic~ l ti, 9-Go t has not obtained supply. If
such advice were gi-7en ~ o Me I hould feel acons tra in ed to rj
I os. cause a half-LSenate elIection held vhilst supply continud
to ba denied does not guarantee a prompt or 3tuffici~ intly clear
* prospect-. -the deadlack being. res-olvad imL accordance. V ih
p roe r princi-les~ rarq 1 m _ TNTr to-rejeetion of auch a-dvice-E
mean as i ivould find it necaess3ary in the Circumstances . L
have envisaged to datarmine, Mr'' ilmsCOmMiS3iO. n and, a~ s
. tqinrz3 iave -turrad out. t hawe done so, ha would not, br Prims
Ninist+-and nob able to .,-Ave or persi! 3t with such advice.

Ar 1Malcolma Fraaer in continuation.
T~ oa a~ crp&: ~ M~ ~ it& l Ieur xce4. e-cy's statement..
otxd 021" lhope that hon mens caccet This -os'itiozi'hir haa
evelb-oed with the d1ignity" that accords W--h this House-and not
1*_ t: dtit . nust have be-moat-paiLn~ kul duty go-Eis-j~ xcellency too aketaie
deeiiin that ' Le -xias-e. I read one other-section-. of .1i s.
, xceilric-,;' s3 stat aeantr
? irleMinsterx xxcxtaxx. refuses to resign or to.-
advise an electing-and-this--is-the-cass wi-tb M* r. V4Lt lam7
. ym constitutional authority and duty require me to do what I
rwI1a* a Z' 7 i'
0:-posn to Ccr" caretaker-that is, one-tta at Mqk%. no.
2oI~ e~~ e~ nsi ~ oa ~ s arr. iititesno c~ 1cñ~ until, a&
C Z CYe . C'Cian i u liaIt ti tew
Thi ;; ii. tIt r like only to add that I appeal

1to tile isense of thte Austn people to understand that xmx a most
difficult situation has developed. It is one that I xa'_ would hope tha-t
Sof this Fouse w; ould be able to encompass with -a degree of
d ignity and a -propper compreliension of tha i Portance of the event.
Th i33sW il st no unhappy. precedient for futura uovts because-P as hon
sare wall -awa-e. ha-e unever in 75 yeatrs had eqjuivalent
circumstances. TJhat needs to happen is that this House -be dissolvE
a. s soon as po3: 3ible. It-is inappropriate that further businessb
.0is as inI accordance ith the wishes exprse b h
.; o-ver~ ior-General and t~ iZt this EMouse will be
Soo as i ' 0A
i n a ccordance with the terms that I have indicated in. relation. to' a
a.,' reement with-the Governor-C: eneral. It is inappropriate that
2urtlier business be undertalken. mro ve:
lhat the House do now adj~ ourn. 21 3BARKELO