PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00003992.pdf 7 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

28TH' NOVUNBCZk, 1975.
! me miafr issue inv this elecrtion. I& the atrocioLus mismanaqement of
t& tnli'safais'overthne last threie years.. The rnafrcr chalenqetihe
A. stralianq tiext~ ve i~ to-get Australia. oa ths pa-tcl% to PIos0peri-ty.
There is no. 4oubt that this. cam. be done.. It can. only 1z done-if there i s.
an'. ixindiata ch." ange-of. ditrection: in-our apgroach to Au'strafla.'-s -econom-icpolm.--.
The. only-road. to, prosperity. is: through-policies which-Stimu; Iate
"-rwh ia-:, the, private. sector*.-
O nl in! thIs ; way-can we have the. expansiont of job-oppyrvn!-tiesR -needed. to
wit grwuinn mplymet.. Only'. i n., this. way can we Mave-theeconcinic
gqrowith on. whichi real I. and-healthy-increases,. -in; t. he~ revenue. can-.
bb. ssd.~ By-increasir9 the: revenue otst of real growth., we~ oanh n Olnt. an,'
* ttak. nth raidl' rizing, def ict+
irngthis;-week have: aq.ñ n directed. attention. iat tiwe massive and
4g~~.~ edxncrose jn'tbedeicit -sincze. the. original budqot etiats
-iTt 3 c--lear: thaft whatever thPase fMhs'. deficit it isgoinLr t or' presfent.
Autgliwt everea probilems of economnic -management next year-ad be__ yond:..
~ obf~~ areinlatrion, colsl an iigaeplo-yment. an
' wr croled-de fici are warning. signs-: of. the. most riuknd:
ha-ve stated., ad reatteLabor Party baa mat. beean-frank-aboumt, the.
Ime-diificucties. itspiehvevase' it has deibeisraty Stgh~ t
~ ttar concIfeal -! th fasct3,. rio 96t 9h the eastry pub-I. libed. its -owml
ndep'endent and accevdrtk'vla aesratof the-economy.
in TW ndia o of thtese . papes was. Stopped1Or-QYImeasn ny
teLbrPrycould, o: ltmer affoard to. have -its. peU-cies:, and, theirx-
2ttite-examined. ad. -reported-o0; 1: bypt.--rasr
Fvew thidngs-ant. ivore. syrnkicslic:* off the atutzdeo thef econm ova the
lsthree-yeers.;... Under the1 Hfayden. Bndget, uantouctiedj the, defii. t wiltl
P040 mo~ nil-ioi. Let u-s cions. ier tha reali-ty of-th 2inazurial. yea. r.

-biously. e.-will. niot be able-to take now with the-financi-al: year
Lmost half' over, the. measures: we. would-have taken-, if we had been. i.:
goverrr~ n-in. the. months. leading-r up. to -the buqe.. The. budget is.-alreayopetating
contracts have. already. been let,-. agreements-have bee-n-made
with the. States: it. would' -be wrong. to. obstruct essential-Progra-es
There. is: a. way out of' our. diffitulties.-The: fundamezrtal. chaiiqe o-f,
direction.,. that mu~ sti occur-must. be brouqbt about with-, a. sensitiv hand, onthe-
wheel. Like. a1car.. careering-along... in, the. wrong. d ir ecton, the Course..
can, on-1y.--be changed*-with. care-.
Therefore..-untiz'tteze. ist the:.. most detailed, department. y.-depaxtmezh.
examination-. of. expendixe -and adaiaistratom,, is. not possible-to.
detail , where" economies-and4: restraint. can.. be-made,-in:. the: short. term...
With buadget: of-over $ 20., 4001 Milliow1it is% obvIoirs that improvementsn..,
mana gement. e fficiency can. r esult in' savings, aof may. rmil Iions-of dollaar
Ouxr-strategy now-.. musts be. to-; give-conxfidence:: to, -the: private: sector,, take*,.
maeases S-Whibar feasible o to. -stimuliate. economic-. activ-tyt
anonce-proq, ames: 4and. re forms. far,: ahead, as: possible-o provide.-a..
ba is fr' Pjann. rei. -in iextra agancea.: -government. spending,. as. much-.
as Poasib& lte in!. the: pa'rlt of-the-year that reai_, s,. commence: inzediAtely
~ lo~~. pa~ nq. fr henet-three. years.. There -as nt. been,. thea
fdtthi--net h n
2Pthesem aue. -r
-The rrbestaKae o. ms origt-Asrlas: vr. nteveni
, mMe tioWedh tkbay ~ ~ n.~ his no-P'liy Seecn.-unf ationj. unemp'loyme.
adt-he itax--prob'lem.-These, were-all vie. b-M WitIa ehs-
* completely.* mlsj~ udqed; the: concerns of-the-epl Heu: taoixf~ f ers-:
no' constcie rpsln way: overcoming'the probliems..-h:, ~ s
owl -atyhacs reated* forthe people, a1f Australia... He. has:: i-n
-number. o-f-occasi it. is! obviou~ sly'-true? that. he knows. nothinq: abdut:
. the-economy.

Hesretsn't G-sic; II ~'-eine tr rstr hi ownma ctaflv. U a taken.
ca ~ sFa cclc-Ea ' r~ s: dex inrc~ CCLnobenncs x: on.
nne rwi~ itehs nricestThiLS: very ei-Zz, urr a ecdceinz=
NwrD V-1~ toL ey documents thatk do: exs A. ti ~~ as teyQ:
him. lie c~ E. alcumxn'ts contaZLynim fvirxM! sts discusszedoavr-
f i.; a-t f ew. 41Os do rno t e'ri SC t hc rr will n ce m i&_-iKe, these
dooiment art
tr Teni-c-licy cCoit" IMe. eco-nomic ? r;. ta gnr z%
bendessarvlin o wsaaitbs oe and rcszsit aaemn f 4~ a~ a
9t~ rfffnft... After D~ er 13_ E . olc~ o OVrlf~ Asrl~ wl
be go-vexrmeflt policies-. Teewlb ivend-to-unccr-ord. rrated
tY~ tZZit, ene2? Zt U20f c : rihutiori, for xml"
poiv4n, th-e Dreviou. as. :! ver: c-n th in~ e e.-; fn e4& IAa~ ain
TMcv* -r: wil be flc-rciic~ rf hs To imintain: thea . inte'r t-
* anDolitic-ual natLure ofth uicsroheewlb-acsneo
a titude towi. rdg, & ppd-ntmentSU to-5eyr'ior n'i5-1uc4 s& cervice puliutiflhS th1Iis:
will ze desig-3nef4 maimla, yu1-11: dl7 pub1l jv ice. iad
a-vs'~ Ire s* er'afC

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