PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003936.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

J! AUS October 1975
The Prime Minister Mr Whitlam said today that he was
determined to press on with the ordinary business of government,
despite the current constitutional crisis. Mr Whitlam-was speaking
in Coffs Harbour at the beginning of an official visit to
Coffs Harbour and Bellingen.
Mr Whitlam said his visit to Bellingento open Bellorana
had been a firm engagement since July when it had first been
mentioned to him. He said that the degree of community involvement
in the planning and building of Bellorana was an example
of the kind of co-operation between the Australian Government and
voluntary organisations which characterised the Australian
Government's approach to social needs. Mr Whitlam has already
opened old persons' homes and hostels in other New South Wales
country areas this year including Ozanam Villa Hostel at Lismore
and Blakeney Lodge at Tumut. These have been made possible
through the Australian Government's decision to increase the
former $ 2 to $ 1 subsidy for such establishments to $ 4 for every
$ 1. Mr Whitlam said he was looking forward to the Civic Welcome
at Bellingen and his visit later in the day to the Coffs Harbour
Council Chambers. He said he valued the sense of partnership
which had grown up between local government and the Australian
Labor Government. Last year the Australian Government had made
direct grants to local government bodies for the first time. This
year Bellingen Shire Council had received $ 100,000,
comqp red with $ 77,000 last year, an increase of 29.9% while
Coffs Harbour had received $ 188,000 this year, compared with
$ 138,000 last year, an increase of 36.2%.
Mr Whitlam said that the Australian Government was
determined to use its powers to increase equality of services and
opportunity between regions. Last week the full High Court had
ruled in favour of the Australian Government providing direct
grants to the Australian Assistance Plan. This power had been
challenged by the Victorian and New South Wales Governments.
Had the State Governments' challenge been successful, it could
have endangered federal grants for old peoples homes and hostels,
such as " Bellorana" at Bellingen, as well as such services as
meals on wheels, isolated childrens allowances and many other
social welfare services. ( A list of Australian Government
expenditure in Bellingen and Coffs Harbour is attached. This
list includes some programs which could have been affected by
the High Court challenge.).