PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003934.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

.4 1 ? RESS STATE: MENT-NO. 50E. 1 C
914 C r 197-/ 5
7neGcvrnrentis J aa1l1l . i _ ts p: F'rto s ee-that-
DCL~. 3Jli1s are passe: d. In the event,
ovr,' thea Oc'-ciz. on in t'l Senat-e remains
-Lca-a,-d r nst h7e 1D avet-iL o f s Zlar1iae Sis su SDe n C . d
will. ncve-' rt. h-l. csS, T
to assent'-al oo:~ cieisv sarsv : e ffec-Lively
as Dosbe It iS hSe in te re st s o al 1 PO S. Oo. c FL lj-S the
1-: 1 nt s objec t ve an d cl1ear d Uty-to M i n S e a ny
d i I-c rt i o n o F 1 t~ t ehi~ h To cnr, COJrwe
would exci llls-nloe~, t r .1o we7--jjave to 3-oak, J'or
tne provi.,-sion o-so mayvital servi es, t~ o con aniie a T
cmplovim-ernt and to Vork1ormJ. iv
I " Ile guarnc aa ia~ ee -tha t th -orn ior t'ñ s
salary and sg oriiet ari-sing . rrom thi'atL erloyimr1nt-wil
event-Utalv bea t At t1h-= s; inxe time the Go-vernm-e nt knowsFthatla
ari cutOn th-"-e CIC0o'J: tWA. and qrocd sen: o-L all1
orri-* cerS, on the loy-altv t-hc-y give to whatever Govc,-, rnmerit is
in powear., and on th * aanthey apply t o ' th eJ-r t. as, s.
The Govern-ment will not, however, act other than strictlyv
~ naccord1arnCe with 2law ' n a-;-terripting to preserve, aciministrabive
s e ac. . s a nd maP ~ a n Eg e an sai--l a r y p aym1e n tS.
The Goverrument h-as revieojed the f inancial position ofL
all Dea-rtmrents and authl-ori-ties and-; steps have beenaen to
ensure that w-. acre and salary payme-nts will be maintained th11iroucilh
th uply period, that is until. the Cend: of Nov embl'er.
T3, e Govornment has directed that all spendi ng on non-essential-s
is to ~ ecLt to the bon--and that funds bie conserved as -much DS,
possible. It is likl-ely that. in addition to -vages arld salaries
Most ot;-e-r essential paymrents can a lso be wholly7 main t a~ in ntilI
orfl oY em: r
If IChe Opo)-7ositi*' on in the Senate continues to deny Supply,
n-owever, Government employees may face som-e proa. nrsis
, n that event I would ask them to accept some personal but
_ e-moorarv sacrifices i n the interest of tewelfPare ol hi
' o ustr-alians. T can assure thee1-that the0 2-o-verrnn-ent iS
loo-: inc an-d wi2ccntinue to look at every possi blFe w% 17ay oT.
sa ~ c the icu1tie-s and inconv. oni once whilichnu face its
/ 2

cm-,) lovees and that t[-he Governnlen 4. c V. cveloping schemes
which wil co-, l with the. exis--a and which are
imed at all-viating, as much as thsieb -problms
which micht con-front e! mplovees afterT. the
Cn of] N Ibar.