PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003732.pdf 12 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

D. P/ Z.
22 8 9 May 1975
Meeting of ConLmonwealth Heads of Government, Kingston,
Jamica, April/ N', ay 19g75.
Final Communique.
1. Commonwealth Heads of Governm., ent met in Kingston from
29 AprilI to 6 F~ ay. All Commonwe. alth countries w,. ere represented
twenty-eig~ ht by their Presidents or Prime Minister,-. The 2ri me
Fiinjister of Jamaica was i~ n the Chair.
2 This was3 the firzit Hdeof Governmnet Moeting to be
hold, in the Coaribbeari. f] eads of Government expresSed their
gratitude to Commonwealth Caribbean Government-and in part icul'ar
to the iPri. e iNini. ster of Jawaica for the wa.. rm hospitali ty
provided by his Governmen t.
hoads of. Govornmenit Qxtoncd u cordial grec~ ting -to 1-ho
Prime. Pœ inistcr of GIronada whose country had. W becoimre a rn~ iinbc>
the, C ommonwoo2. Ith nocthe proviouo rioctin,. Thaoy affirmn d thiat
a re( 3ueoi; from Papua Now GuAinoa for Commonwealth mrricbershar) on
the attlainment oil itvi indeipeldeofcC would be welcomed.
4.11Ilad of Government pt-id tribu-Ate, to the memory of -thli
lato NIormanx Iirc, Prime Minister of New ZcaJland, arnd recalle-I
with res~ poct Pnl affection hio deep ,: nd practical concern for
hirmaniit y a. nd hia outstanding personal contribution to the
d ovolopmont of the m.-od er Commonwelth.
11eads of Government reaffirmed the value they attch -to
thcse meetings and expressed satisfaction with the constructive
approach and mutual confidence of their deliber:-tions. They
notod with approval the incroasing use being made of Commonwealth
machincry to further the principles of the Coimnonwealth Dciaration
and to promote consultation, co-operation and collaborativa a
action across and within regions. S3uch consultation formed an
important part of the contribution Commonwealth countries mia,~ e
to the development of a new pattern of international relations
which takes account of the significant shifts in political and
economic power. heads of Government urged that the Commonwrealth
initiatives already taken to this end should be intensified so
as to promote peace and security, economic and social justice
and harmony among races.

6. The reduction of continuing unacceptable economic disparities,
the shifting balance of political and economic power, and
colonialism and racialism in Southern Africa, were the main preoccupations
of Heads of Government in their discussions.
7. Heads of Government recalled the statement in the
Declaration of Commonwealth principles: " We believe that the wide
disparities in wealth now existing between different sections of
mankind are too great to be tolerated", and pledged themselves to
do all in their power to promote a new and equitable economic order.
World and Commonwealth Trends
8. Heads of Government reviewed political developments in the
world which had occurred since they last met, in the light of the
varied interests and concerns of member countries. They acknowledged
the contribution of the spirit of detente to a measure of
relaxation in international tensions and called for its universal
application. They noted, however, that there were some crisis
areas in the world where peace and stability were not yet secured
and which were still subject to super power rivalary and interference.
They stressed that the maintenance of peace ans stability
could not be left to arrangements between the super powers but was
the responsibility to the entire international community. Heads of
Government laid particular emphasis on the opportunities for the
Commonwealth to make a constructive contribution to the problems of
Southern Afica and underlined the special responsibility of Commrronwealth
member countries to work together in the search for a
resolution of the situation in Rhodesia.
Disarmament 9. Heads of Government expressed their concern at the continued
testing and proliferation of nuclear weapons and reaffirmed
the need for urgent measures to facilitate a comurehensive ban on
all nuclear weapons tests as one essential step towards general and
complete disarmament under effective international control,
Cyprus Heads of Government, deeply concerned over the continuation
of the Cyprus crisis, expressed their solidarity with the Government
of the Republic of Cyprus and their determination to help in the
achievement of a political settlement based on the independence,
sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-alignment of the Republic
of Cyprus. They reaffirmed their support for the General Assembly
Resolution 3212 ( XXIX) and Secruity Council's Resolutions 365 ( 1974)
and 367 ( 1975) and in particular they called for the speedy withdrawal
of all foreign armed forces from the Republic of Cyprus,
for the taking of urgent measures for the return of all the refugees
to their homes in safety'and for the continued efforts through the

intercommunal talks to reach freely and mutually acceptable political
settlement. They note the spirit of goodwill with which the
Government of Cyprus approached the resumption of the intercommnunal
talks under the personal auspices and direction of the Secretary-
General of the United Nations and expressed the hope that these
would be fruitful.
11. heads of Government, as a concrete expression of their
interest and concern for a fellow Commonwealth country, agreed to
establish a Committee consisting of representatives of the Governments
of Australia, Britain, Guyana, India, Kenya, Mal~ ta, Nigeria
and Zambia to meet with the Commonwealth Secretary-General as early
as possible, to follow developments concerning Cyprus, make recommendations
and assist in every possible way towards the early
implementation of the above-mentioned United b~ ations resolutions.
Viddle L~ ast
12. Heads of Government expressed concern at the renewed
danger of conflict in the Iliddle East. They re-emphasised the
need for the establishment of a durable peace in the area as a
matter of urgency and urged all parties to renew their efforts to
achieve this objective. To this end heads of Government affirmed
their support for the relevant United hations Resolutions on the
N'iddle. East and their belief that to ensure success it was necessary
that the authentic and legitimate representatives of the
Palestinian people participate in the forthcoming peace negotiations
in Geneva.
Indian Ocean
13. Noting that the Indian Ocean was a region of special
interest to a significant number of Commonwealth countries, heads
of Government re-affirmed the desirability of ensuring that it
remasin an area of peace and stabiity. Serious concern was
expressed abou~ t the increase in naval activity in the Indian Ocean Aron
the part of the great poweis and the establishment and expansion
there of military installations. heads of Government called
upon all nations, and particularly the great powers most directly
concerned, to work towards the implementation of the Resolutions
of the United Nations declaring the Indian Ocean a zone of peace.
South Asia
14. The Heads of Government noted that positive steps had
been taken in the process of norralisation among the countries of
the South Asian sub-continent. However, they expressed their grave
concern at the impediment to normalisation of relations posed by
certain outstanding problems resulting in the aggravation of
economic hardship and the retardation of the process of national
reconstruction in Bangladesh. These problems include the repatriation
of nationals and the sharing of assets. Heads of Government

expressed the hope that the problems will be resolved expeditiously
and satisfactorily through discussions among the countries concerned
in the larger interest of peace and stability in the region
Indo-China Heads of Government welcomed the end of the prolonged war
in Indo-China, urged countries in a position to do so to contribute
to international assistance for the urgent tasks of rehabilitation
and reconstruction and looked forward to the new governments of the
region playing their full part in the community of nations.
The Caribbean
16. Heads of Government strongly reaffirmed the right of
people in each country to choose the form of government which they
considered best able to achieve their social, economic and political
goals. Belize Heads of Government offered their full support for the
aspirations of the people of Belize for early independence. Noting
that talks had recently been resumed with Guatemala, and bearing in
mind the special responsibilities of Britain as the administering
power, Heads of Government urged the parties to take all necessary
action for a speedy solution of the problem, which could be endorsed
by the international community through the United Nations, in
accordance with the principle of the self-determination of peoples
as enshrined in the charter of the United Nations.
Cuba Heads of Government expressed the hope that all countries
would now normalise their relations with Cuba and respect the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of that state and the right
of its people to the government of their choice.
Southern Africa
17. Heads of Government had a thorough and constructive
discussion of the changing situation in Southern Africa and its
implications for the Commonwealth. They considered that the imminent
independence of Mozambique and Angola had radically altered the
blance of forces in the area and tributes were paid to the liberation
movements who had contributed so decisively to this result.
18. Heads of Government re-emphasized that the objective for
Rhodesia was independence on the basis of majority rule. They
welcomed the initiatives taken by the IHeads of Government of
Botawana, Tanzania and Zambia and the President of Frelimo to
achieve this objectibe by peaceful means if possible. The Heads of
Government, meeting informally, heard a statement by Bishop Muzorewa,

President of the African National Council. The meeting noted that
the nationalist movement now united in the African National Council
was seeking with sincerity and determination the basis for an agreed
settlement. 19. Heads of Government reaffirmed their total support for
the struggle of the people of Zimbabwe for independence on the basis
of majority rule and pledged to concert their efforts for the speedy
attainment of this objective. They took note of the determination
of the African freedom fighters, supported by African and other
states, to achieve their objective by peaceful means if possible
and recognised the inevitability of intensified armed struggle
should peaceful avenues be blocked by the racist and illegal regime.
The moral responsibilities in those circumstances would lie with
the minority government and those who had chosen to sustain it.
The meeting noted that South Africa continues to support
the rebel government by affording it the military and economic
assistance on which its survival depends and reaffirmed their view
that South Africa should fulfil its international obligations and
strictly apply the United Nations mandatory sanctions and withdraw
its forces from Rhodesia.
21. It was agreed that the prospects for a settlement would
be greatly enhanced by the strict enforcement of sanctions by the
international community as a whole. Heads of Government undertook
to bring this consideration to the attention of governments outside
the Commonwealth in renew. ed representations where a breach of
sanctions was known to have occurred. They also agreed to take
action at the international level for the reinforcement and extension
of sanctions.
22. In considering the recormmendations of the Commonwealth
Sanctions Committee, and authorising the Committee to continue its
work, Heads of Government emphasised the importance of taking
immediate practical steps to assist and independent Mozambique in
applying sanctions since the great bulk of Rhodesia's exports and
imports is dependent on IMozambioue's transit facilities. They were
unanimously in favour of providing immediate financial assistance
to the new government of 1ozambioue. They also endorsed the
recommendation that an initiative should be taken by Commonwealth
Governments at the United Nations to establish a program of assistance
for I:' ozambioue in terms of Articles 49 and 50 of the Charter.
23.. Heads of Government were deeply concerned that South Africa
continues to occupy Namibia illegally in total disregard to the
resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council and the
advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice of June 1971,
and in defiance of world opinion. Reaffirming that the fragmentation
of Namibia was unacceptable, they recalled the obligation of
the international community to maintain the territorial integrity
of the territory and the right of its people to self-determination
and indepedence.

24 The meeting looked forward to the time when the Government
and people of Namibia might be welcomed into the Commonwealth, if
that were their wish,
Heads of Government reaffirmed their total and unequivocal
condemnation of apartheid and all forms of racialism. They welcomed
the British Government's decision to comply strictly with the United
Nations embargo on the sale of arms to South Africa and to terminate
the Simonstown Agreement. They condemned the violation of the
embargo by those countries which continue to supply arms to South
Africa or enable them to be manufactured in that country. Noting
the alarming increase in South Africa's defence expenditure, I-eads
of Government express their concern that this military build-up was
bound to increase tension in an area already plagued by dangerous
conflict. Heads of Government also agreed to maintain and intensify
effective pressure on South Africa in the struggle for the elimination
of apartheid.
26. Heads of Government reiterated their support for humanitarian
assistance to the indigenous people of Southern Africa in their
efforts to achieve self-determination and independence. Several
Heads of Government described their contributions to various bilateral
and multilateral programs and indicated their intention to increase
such assistance. The meeting also noted with approval the development
of the special Commonwealth program for assisting the education
of Rhodesian Africans and indicated their desire to expand this
program to meet new and urgent needs. In particular, Heads of
Government recognised the importance of extending the variety of
education and training opportunities available to the people of
Zimbabwe, with special emphasis on technical and industrial training,
" in service" experience and administrative training It was
also agreed that Commonwealth multilateral assistance should be made
available to help in the developmental and training needs of the
people of Namibia,.
27. Commonwealth Heads of Government recognised the need to
take immediate steps towards the creation of a rational and equitable
new international economic order. They reaffirmed the statement
included in the Commonwealth Declaration adopted in Singapore
in 1971 that " the wide discarities of wealth now existing between
different sections of mankind are too great to be tolerated.... our
aim is their progressive removal", and acknowledged the complexity,
range and inter-related nature of the issues involved. They agreed
that a small group of experts should be invited to draw up for
consideration by Commonwealth Governments, in the context of the
current international dialogue, a comprehensive and. inter-related
program of practic. l measures directed at closing the gap between
the rich and the poor countries. These measures would be designed
to promote development and to increase the transfer of real resources
to developing countries inter alia in the areas of production,

distribution and exchange of primary and secondary products as
well as services. Heads of Government recognised the importance
in this context of co-operating to achieve an expanding world
economy and world trade.
28. The group of experts should be selected from the Commonwealth
on the basis of their personal capacities and their expert
knowledge of contemporary problems of international economic
development, and should be assembled in a way which would enable the
perspectives of different regions of the Commonwealth and different
national development strategies to be brought to bear on the
problems concerned.
29. The group of experts should address itself to the issues
and proposals elaborated in:
I. The Declaration and the program of action on the establishment
of a new international economic order as adopted by the United
Nations General Assembly: and
II. The relevant principles of the Commonwealth Declaration
adopted in Singapore in 1971, and:
IIT. The concepts and proposals advanced during the discussions
of the international economic situation at the Kingston Ileeting
heads of Government including the presentations by the Governments
of Guyana on behalf of the Caribbean and the Government of Britain.
In drawing up a program of practical measures the group
should pay particular attention to:
I, IMeasures to transfer real resources from developed to
developing countries through international co-operation in the
field of international trade in primary commodities with particular
reference to the integrated commodities program recommended by the
Secretary-General of UNCTAD, current proposals of buffer stocks,
S for indexation, and other relevant proposals, including the proposal
for a general agreement on commodities.
II. Measures which the international community can introduce
for assisting developing countries
To increa. se food production:
To promote rural development:
To promote economic co-operation among themselves at the
sub-regional, intra-regional and inter-regional levels:
and A review of existing organisations for industrial co-operation
and development.
To obtain greater control over, and benefits from, such
activities as shipping, insurance, banking and other
parts of the infrastructure for international trade and

III. Programs for industrial development involving new and
expanded forms of industrial co-operation, the enlargement of
employment opportunities in developing countries, and more favourable
access to the markets of developed countries:
IV. A review of existing organisations for industrial cooperation
and development:
V. Mechanisms for increasing the flow of long-term development
funds, the transfer of technology and the transfer of real
resources to developing countries: and
VI Reform and where necessary the restructuring of the
international institutions concerned with the management of
interrn-tional trade and finance, and whether means could be found
to increase the effective share of the developing countries in the
decision-making process of the major international financial
institutions. In all of the above matters due regard would be paid to
the special needs of the least developed, land-locked, the most
seriously affected, and islaid developing states with limited
natural resources
31, In drawing up its recommendations the group of experts
should consider the feasibility of utilising relevant concepts and
mechanisms embodied in recent economic co-operation agreements
between certain developed and developing countries.
52. The group of experts should consist of not more than ten
persons. 355 The members of the group should be appointed by the
Secretary-General after consultation with member governments.
54, The group should aim at submitting to governments an
interim report on the results of its work indicating measures which
are amenable to early and effective implementation in time to permit
discussion of this report at the next meeting of Commonwealth
Iiinisters and to enable governments to take this report into account
before the Seventh Special Session of the General Assembly.
It is expected that the group will endeavour to hold its
first meeting by the end of IMay or early in June.
36, It would be desirable that the Secretary-General elect
should be associated at as early a stage as possible with the work
of the group.
37. Heads of Government appointed Mr Alister Mclntyre,
Secretary-General of the Caribbean community, Chairman of the
Expert Group.

Lome Convention
38. Heads of Government welcomed the conclusion of the Lome
Convention drawn up by the European Economic Community and fortysix
countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. They
welcomed the increased co-operation within the Convention between
Commonwealth and non-Commonwealth countries in these areas. They
expressed the hope that the principles underlying the Lome Convention
could usefully contribute to the further development of relations
between the EEC and other industrialised countries, on the one hand,
and developing countries, including the Asian and other Commonwealth
countries, on the other.
39. Heads of Government welcomed the valuable support which
the Secretariat is giving to Commonwealth countries in the multilateral
trade negotiations.
Food Production and Rural Development
Heads of Government discussed the Report of the Commonwealth
Ninisterial Meeting on Food Production and Rural Development,
held in London in March 1975. They welcomed the opportunity it
had provided to consider in a Commonwealth setting the proble: ms
of the three auarters of the population of Commonwealth developing
countries who live in rural areas. Heads of Government endorsed
the view that the problems of rural development and food production
should be attacked in an integrated manner and should receive
high priority from individual governments and aid agencies. They
stressed the need for aid-providing agencies to adapt their practices
and programs to meet the special needs of food production and rural
cdevelopment, and endorsed the proposal to establish a food production
and rural development division within the Secretariat. The new
division would enhance the effectiveness of the Secretariat's
already significant contribution to this sector and should be
essentially action-oriented.
41. Heads of Government emphasised the setback to agricultural
production which has resulted from scarcity and high prices of
fertilizer, and welcomed efforts, in the Commonwealth and elsewhere,
to secure adequate supplied of fertilizer at reduced costs. They
also called for similar efforts with respect to farm machinery, feed
stuffs and other agricultural imputs.
Drou ht and Other NIatural Disaster
42. Heads of Government recognised the value of the Commno.-ealth
as a forum in which to consult and concert broad strategies for
action in the Sahelian Zone of Africa and in other natural disaster
are-as and endorsed the recommendation of the r; inisterial Meeting
on Food Production and lural Development that Commonwealth action
should supplement action taken by world bodies.

Industrial Development Co-operation
43. In underlining the importance of increasing agricultural
production, Heads of Government stressed the parallel and related
need to accelerate the development of industry and endorsed the
expansion of industrial co-operation, particularly between Commonwealth
countries, In this context, they stressed the need for
measures to promote the processing of primary commodities in their
places of origin and the removal of barriers to trade in processed
primary commodities and other manufactured goods.
44. Heads of Government stressed their ccnern to ensure that
the activiti'es of multinational cororations conform with the
policies of host governments and their goals for an equitable
redistribution of wealth. They noted the work done on multinational
corporations by the Commonwealth Secretariat and by bodies in the
UN system. They agreed on the need for countries to build up their
capabilities to deal with multinational corporations.
Development Assistance
Heads of Government affirmed the need for all countries
with the capacity to do so, to maint. ain and, wherever possible,
increase the flow of development assistance to developing countries,
especially to the developing countries most seriously affected by
recent econolmic developments. They should also promote the rapid
industrialization of developing countries.
Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation
46.. Heads of Government reaffirmed their conviction that
mutual help and shared responsibility were essential elements in
Cormmonwealth co-operation. They expressed satisfaction at the
expansion of the Commonwealth Fund for technical co-operation in
the four years since its establishment, noted with approval its
flexibility and its capacity to respond quickly to the reguests of
member countries and commented favourably on its successful management.,
47. Recognising the need for the Fund's resources to keep pace
with the expanding requirements of Commonwealth governments, Heads
of Government noted with appreciation the steady growth in support
for the Fund and welcomed the substantially increased pledges made
by developed and developing member countries. They noted the
intention expressed by a number of governments to increase their
contribution and hoped that further increases would be forthcoming.
Commonweealth Investment Bank
48. Heads of Goverunent noted the studies organised by the
Secretary-General at the request of the 1974 MIeeting of Commonwealth
Finance Ministers, on the financial feasibility and the need for the
services of a Commonwealth investment bank along the lines proposed

by a Commonwealth expert group. They concluded that a nuriber of
issues still reouired discussion bef-ore the proposal could be put
to governments ' or a final decis-) ion. They requested the Secretary-
Genera~ l to convene a comm-Ittee of Corr,,. onvealth officials to prepare
a detailed. and specific proposal., addressing itself to the unresolved
is., sues w-. hich must be faced. if such an institution is to be set up,
this committee shouild report to th~ e next mneeting of Cormonwealth
Fina~ nce linisters.
Comlmonwealth Scientific Co,: mittee
49.: 10t~ int; the cruota-f. ivpc mof ~ anf sd~~ tce ch'nology
in promnoting social and. econom-. ic development, Heads of G overnmerint
welcoTmed the proposal of the Commonwealth Scientific Committee
for an enlarged program of scientific and tecchnolog( ical co-operation
aogComm,-onwealth membr and f" or thne closer intefy. ratio:-of its
activities wlithin the Secretariut. They express: ed the viev! that
attention should be given to env ironmr ental aspects in the enlarged
progrr, am.
. Cc--iT,( nnw-ea3_ th Youth Progr-ar,
R( ecognisinig, that the popu) lations of' all CommR'onweaO,-3lth
ccuintries included a sijgnj iicant and increasing nwmbjer,. of' young
people w%, hose talents and potential ou(,-ht to be fully utilised in
meien gthe devel opmental ch) alleng-es of their c ommuntics and
niaticns, of overnm-ent noted w,. ith satisfaction the progre: s
vhiji ch inad been~ -made irn the,-Short 1; imo since the establishment of
thI e Coimm. onealth Youth ro-ram and agree that the program should
t Endd be1) cy o nd 197 6
1 eads of Government acknow-. ledged the concern. expressed
over the problems associated with the brain drain arid agreed that
there was an urgrent n'-, ed -for practical measures to reduce -these
difficulties being exocrienced. The specific proposal for the
es tabl ishmient of' a volunteer corps was considered and the Secretary-
General was asked to under tak1e a detailed study for the consideration
of' Cormonwealth governmentzi.
. ren in 1iiublIc Aif f a irs
h2 ilc recog-, nising that thero. was increasing participation
b~ y women in the nationa] affairs of rimany Cormmonwealth. countries,
Hasof' Governm. ent emphasized the need to focus greater: attention
on the right-s of' wom,-en to nsure the availability of opportunities
' or them to participate on a basis of full equality in the politi cal,
economajc andncultuzral. activit!-of their countries. As far
po,_-siblce existing and future Commonwcalth programns should take into
account the riceus ; nd a~ ispirations of women Lnd. genuaine efforts
-hou'ld be made to iurovide -for thei~ r full_ participation in nationalm
: i nternational. affairs,

Commonwealth Foundation
53. Heads of Government expressed appreciation of the achievements
and progress of the Commonwealth Foundation which they regarded
as having an important role to play in strengthening professional
co-operation throughout the Commonwealth and noted the increased
bugetary requirements for 1976/ 79.
Report of the Secretary-General
54. Heads of Government took note of the Fifth Report of the
3 ec re t ary-G( e n eral.
Election of Secretary-GCeneral
Heads of Government paid warm tribute to the Secretary-
General Mr Arnold Smith C. H. for his distinguished service to the
Commonwealth over the past ten years and elected Hionourable
Shridath Ramphal, Foreign Minister of Guyana, to succeed him.
Next Meeting
56. Heads of Government accepted with pleasure an invitation
by the United Kingdom Government to hold their next meeting in
London in mid-1977 at the time of the celebrations of the Silver
Jubil. ee of The Queen's accession as head of the Commonwealth.