PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003648.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

PRIME MRAINISTE Press Statement No. 463
March 1975
Appointments to Special Joint Commission on Tasman Bridge
In the joint statement issued by the Australian
Prime Minister, the Hon. E. G. Whitlam, and
the Premier of Tasmania, the Hon. E. E. Reece, M. H. A. regarding
their Agreement to set up a Special Joint Commiission to
superintend and direct the salvage and re-building operations
following on the collapse of portion of the Tasman Bridge
over the Derwent River, it was stated that the names of the
two Associate Commissioners to act with Sir Allan Knight
would shortly be announced.
The Prime Minister and the Premier said today that
they were happy to be able to announce the acceptance by
Mr Eric George Warrell, of the Prime Minister's
invitation to act as Australian Government representative, and
by Mr Bernard J. Donnelly, B. Eng., to act as the
Tasmanian Government representative, on the Joint Commission.
They will take up their duties immediately as members of the
Interim Commission pending completion of the final
arrangements. Mr Warrell, who is Chairman of the Cities Commission
under the Minister fcr Urban and Regional Development, commenced
his engineering career as Assistant Engineer with the State
Rivers and Waters Supply Commission of Victoria, where he
served from 1947 to 1951. For the next 18 years he was
associated with the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority,
where he rose to the position of Associate Commissioner in 1965.
In 1969 he became Vice-President of the Sydney Water Sewerage
and Drainage Board. In June 1973 he moved to the Chairmanship
of the Cities Commission.
Mr Donnelly retired last year from the position of
Director of Public Works in Tasmania after a distinguished
41 year career in the Department, in which he served as Deputy
Director for 13 years. Previously, he had been the Bridge
Engineer before occupying the post of Deputy Chief Engineer
for 8 years. He served for 5 years in the Army.
The Prime Minister and the Premier expressed their
great appreciation to the Chief Commissioner, Sir Allan Knight
and to the two Associate Commissioners, Mr Warrell and
Mr Donnelly, for having agreed to make their services
available at such short notice.