PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003590.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

Joint Communique issued at the conclusion on 1 2 January 1 975 of
the visit to Yugoslavia by the Prime Minister of Australia
At the invitation of the President of the Federal
Executive Council, Dzemal Bijedic, the Prime
Minister of Australia, the Hon. E. G. Whitlam,
accompanied by Mrs Whitlam, paid an official
friendly visit to the Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia from 9 to 12 January 1 975.
The President of the Republic, Josip Broz Tito,
received Prime Minister Whitlam, and held a
long and friendly talk with him on topics of
mutual interest relating to international relations
and bilateral co-operation. The Prime
Minister extended an invitation to the President
to visit Australia. The President accepted the
invitation with pleasure.
Prime Minister Whitlam and his party visited
Belgrade, Mostar and Dubrovnik.
In the course of the visit, detailed and extensive
discussion took place between the President of
the Federal Executive Council, Dzemal Bijedic,
and Prime Minister Whitlam and their associates.
The Yugoslav side at the talks was represented
by: Mr Milos Minic, Vice-President of the Federal
Executive Council and Federal Secretary
for Foreign Affairs;
Dr Emil Ludviger, Member of the Federal
Executive Council, Federal Secretary for
Foreign Trade;
Mr Miljan Komatina, Assistant Federal Secretary
for Foreign Affairs;
Mr Uros Vidovic, Ambassador of the SFR of
Yugoslavia to Australia;
Mrs Milica Ziberna, Assistant Federal Secretary
for Foreign Trade;
Mr Milan Manojlovic, Assistant Chairman of
the Federal Committee for Work and Employment;
Mr Nikola Cicanovic, Adviser to the President
of the Federal Executive Council for
Foreign Policy Matters;
Mr Ismet Redzic, Director of the Department for the Far East, Indochina and Pacific, Federal
Secretariat for Foreign Affairs; and
Mr Bozidar Crnjak, Head of Group for Pacific
Department for Far East, Indochina and
The Australian side at the talks was represented
by: Hon. L. F. Bowen, Special Minister of State
and Minister assisting the Prime Minister;
H. E. Malcolm Booker, Ambassador of
Australia to the SFR of Yugoslavia;
Sir Lenox Hewitt, Secretary, Department
of Minerals and Energy;
Mr D. H. McKay, Secretary, Department
of Overseas Trade;
Mr G. J. Yeend, Deputy Secretary, Department
of the Prime Minister and Cabinet;
Mr R. A. Woolcott, Deputy Secretary, Department
of Foreign Affairs;
Mr J. Spigelman, Principal Private Secretary
to the Prime Minister;
Mr R. J. Greet, Assistant Secretary, Department
of Foreign Affairs; and
Mr J. S. F. Bowan, Counsellor of the Embassy
of Australia
Separate talks were held in the Federal Secretariat
for Foreign Affairs and in the Federal
Secretariat for Foreign Trade between the
officials of these . two institutions and members
of the Australian delegation.
All discussions took place in a friendly atmosphere
and in a spirit of mutual understanding
and respect. Views were exchanged on wideranging
current international issues and on the
possibilities for promoting diversified forms of
co-operation between the two countries.
The two sides paid particular attention to the
expansion of mutual trade. It was noted that the
level of economic relations lags behind the
actual possibilities. They expressed their belief
that there exist favourable conditions for the
further development of economic co-operation
in various fields and agreed that it was necess-

ary and in the mutual interest to make joint
efforts to enhance trade and economic cooperation
in both directions.
The Australian side would welcome a greater
engagement of Yugoslav commercial interests
in the Australian market and to this end recommended
to the Yugoslav side the intensified
use of the market assistance facility of the Australian
Department of Overseas Trade.
The Australian side agreed to give careful consideration
to the Yugoslav wish to conclude an
agreement on the elimination of double taxation.
The two sides welcomed the conclusion of an air
service agreement between Australia and
Yugoslavia and the early introduction of regular
scheduled services between Australia and
Yugoslavia by Qantas and JAT.
The two sides consider that the Yugoslavs living
and working in Australia represent a special link
between Yugoslavia and Australia. The
Yugoslav side expressed its appreciation for the
efforts which Australia has made to promote the
welfare of Yugoslavs in Australia. The Australian
side reiterated its concern that they
should enjoy the same conditions as other
members of the Australian community. Both
sides believed that there could be value in the
conclusion of a Social Welfare Agreement between
Australia and Yugoslavia.
The Yugoslav side notes with appreciation the
efforts which the Australian Government had
made to prevent terrorist activity by extremist
emigr groups aimed against Yugoslavia
and designed to obstruct the development of
friendly relations between the two countries.
The Australian side confirmed its determinaton
to prevent such activity.
The two sides also examined possibilities to
intensify cultural co-operation and agreed to
conclude a Cultural Agreement at an early date.
Prime Minister Whitlam set forth his assessment
of the situation in the Pacific and Asian
region. Prime Minister Bijedic acquainted Prime
Minister Whitlam with his view of the situation
in Europe, particularly in the area of the Mediterranean.
The Yugoslav side informed the
Australian side in detail of the activities and the
forthcoming program of the non-aligned countries.
The two sides noted that the strengthening
of the role of the non-aligned countries,
which had become an important political and material factor in the world, contribul: es considerably
to the democratisation and stabilisation
of international relations and to the settlement
of outstanding international issues;.
The Yugoslav side took note with interest and
appreciation of the desire of Australia to take
part as observer or guest at the next summit
meeting of the non-aligned countries and welcomed
its positive attitude towards the
increased role of the non-aligned policy as well
as its interest in co-operation with tile nonaligned
In regard to the situation in the Middle East, the
two sides pointed out the need to make intensive
efforts to find a just and durable solution on
the basis of the relevant resolutions of the
United Nations.
The two Prime Ministers consider that the
implementation of the Resolutions of the United
Nations constitutes the appropriate approach for
a just and lasting solution to the Cyprus crisis
and expressed their willingness to make efforts
to this end.
With respect to the situation in Viet-Nam, the
two sides agreed that it was necessary to secure
the full and strict implementation of the Paris
Agreements. In welcoming the progress made by the peoples
of Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Angola on
their road to liberation, and the adoption by the
United Nations General Assembly of the
Resolution on decolonisation as the expression
of the successful struggle against colonialism,
the two sides emphatically condemned the policy
of racial discrimination and apartheid and
expressed their belief that the peoples subjected
to racial oppression would soon attain freedom.
The two Prime Ministers emphasised the particular
importance of the United Nations
organisation, pointing to the need for further
strengthening its role and efficacy in dealing
with fundamental international political and
economic problems, as well as in the development
of all-round international co-operation
and safeguarding peace in the world. The
importance and usefulness of co-operation between
representatives of Yugoslavia and
Australia in the United Nations and in other international
organisations were also
emphasised. During the conversations, views were exchanged
on the current economic situation in the
world. The two sides stressed the need to find

more durable solutions to economic problems
through broad international co-operation which
would take into account the interdependence of
all states while respecting their sovereign
interests. The two sides accentuated the importance
of the decisions of the Sixth Special Session
of the General Assembly of the United
Nations and the need for their early implementation.
They concurred in the belief that disruptions
in the world economy could be overcome
only through substantial changes in existing international
economic relations and the establishment
of a new economic order based on
equality between nations. Only thus would it be
possible to improve substantially the position of
the developing countries, which constitute a
key issue in international economic relations.
The two sides stressed that the problems of raw
materials and economic development could be
resolved through the introduction of more just
terms of trade in the exchange of primary and
industrial products, while at the same time
recognising the right of all nations to freely
manage their own natural resources. The two
sides voiced the need to undertake concrete
steps in the directon of halting the arms race
and bringing about general and complete disarmament,
in particular nuclear disarmament.
The two Prime Ministers expressed their readiness
to support all efforts aimed at consolidating
international co-operation based on the principles
of equality, non-interference and respect
for the independence and sovereignty of all
states. They evaluated positively the results so
far achieved in the promotion of detente, as a
contribution to peace. They stressed that, in
order to become a universal and lasting process,
detente must spread to all areas of the world, so
facilitating the resolution of outstanding international
issues and acute crises with the participation
of the international community as a
whole. The Prime Minister expressed his deep appreciation
for the warm cordiality and generous hospitality
extended to him and his party by Mr
Bijedic and the Yugoslav Government.

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The opening of talks in the Kremlin between Mr Whitlam and Mr Kosygin. -1
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