PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003570.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Office of the Prime Minister

27 December 1974
The Prime Minister's office has released the text of
messages received from Hleads of Government expressing concern
and sympathy at the devastation caused by the Darwin cylcone.
New Zealand: " On behalf of my Cabinet colleagues and
the Government and the people of New Zealand, please extend
our deepest sympathy to the people of Darwin who have suffered
so grievously as a result of the recent cylcone.
Bill Rowling, Prime Minister."
Papua New Guinea: " I am deeply grieved and saddened
to learn of the unfortunate cylcone disaster that has fallen
upon the people and the city of Darwin. The Government and
people of Papua New GuirieZ extend to you and the citizens of
Darwin our deepest sympathy and sorrow for the loss of lives
and property. M. T. Somare, Chief Minister."
Fiji: " I am deeply concerned to hear of the tragic loss
of life and destruction aL Darwin caused by cyclone Tracy.
On behalf of the Government and people of Fiji, and personally
I extend to you, to the people of Australia and the bereaved
and suffering, our deepest sympathy at the sad time and trust
that the mammoth task of rehabilitation and reconstruction will
be speedily effected. RatVJ Sir Kamisese Mara."
Nauru: " The Government and people of Nauru are deeply
conscious of the tragic luss of life and widespread distress
caused by the disaster at Darwin and join me in sending the
Government and people of Australia our hoartfelt condolences.
Hammer de Roburt, President.
Ireland: " On beha] C of the Govern~ ment and myself, I
wish to convey to you our great sense of. shock at the disaster
at Darwin and to express the deepest sympathy of all the
people of Ireland. Liam Cosgrove."
Grenada: " Deeply saddened by the news of the disaster
at Darwin. Government and people of Grenr. da share and lighten
the burden of your grief at this time. Please extend our
condolences to the bereaved and our sympathy to victims of the
catastrophe who we pray would receive fromn God the strength and
fortitude to meet this tragedy which might be a precursor to a

brighter future. Eric M. Gairy, Prime Minister."
The Indonesian Ambassador, Mr. Hertasning, and the
British High Commissioner, Sir Morrice James, have also
expressed their shock and distress at the Darwin tragedy.
In a letter to the Minister for Defence, Sir Morrice James
offered the use of an R. A. F. Hercules to help in evacuating
people from Darwin and in carrying relief supplies into
Darwin. He further offered to make available any Royal
Naval ships in the vicinity to help in relief work. These
include two frigates, two tankers and a stores ship. Sir
Morrice said he hoped that many of these expressions of
willingness to provide, or investigate the possibility of
providing, help from British resources will be translated
into positive action as a tangible expression of the
sympathy of the British people for their friends in Australia.