PJ: r' S S rLr
rr.-e T" C ; i4" Prr: nLse Dr. J. P Cai11rns anid M.~ ne
fœ*. r5IJVe for aar~ indJustrv, today armouyicer,.
~ ti s fthe Go : e: splans fror the 7t~ ia/
th t CG'' n' stLeat vTK h the C .'~ rlP
jfl1f~ l.'~~ Idi be maar-a
r . da incrtc: maLe~ isf: c: duty . cd-e on CKD asse-cal'lY rz
pro: to % ebr17 a 260%, shoul4. b ha: x
cove--a four-c yoa-c perioCL or' the : F o oirng basis:
CKD) Pac c d \ a1 DIIP: y
January 75 1.. 71-W. 77 1.1.78 1.1 79
32% 3
Dur iD c( Tf pha-se-in; volIAfe 1Jijrlt42.) riS 0r1 the itpor of I) cz~
by assE!, b1,: rs vi. 131 auply. rThesc : LX'ia3osWhich will be L,
en piOUL1uctic. . in caien-. 1ar year~ Ji. 4 olus; a, an rajcQw2: c
.3 per cent and w* ill1 be on a ccoi;: a*.. basis,
DrC. a~ ri-is nd adJ i. Edte. hba t1 tbhere I~ as a iced for fulthr
2 0C. CCC CC3 5SICS22~ VO. VXiin deterining; duty r
to-C app' tc) so:. ur whe-' a~ n lig'~~~ j1~ c m-r , ercial vhc;&
wihl~ l donc in cu nLinwith the cGov': rnmnert' ils a~ n o
of t~ he c~ : m on Ccr. mircial VehIIIcles.
-r9 ~ at t-eC tlhat-. the rnew po-licy for ig mr c Ec Prs
wI-I 1ave e."" ect froic January 197
D e 20); * L9 7 4