PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003551.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

17 Mecember 1974
The Prime Minister, Mr Whitlam, announced today the
recipients of the first set of grants to be made for special
activities during International Women's Year, 1075.
He stated that he had approved the grants on the
advice of the Australian National Advisory Committee for
International Women's Year. This w,. iuld be the first of a
series of grants to be made for the Year .: ind ref-! ected the
areas of special priority determined by the Committee and set
out in the paper for discussion tabled in both es of
Parliament on 4 December 1974. De: ni. cd arrangements are
subject to negotiation with the individuals ao groups
General Community Attitudes
Australian Council of Churches Status of Women Commission
The Australian Council of Churches in June 1973 established
a Commission on the Status of Women to investigate the status
and role of women in the church and society, to remove discrimination
on the grounds of sex and to stimulate tilr. full participation of
women in the church and society. During 1975, the Commission
will hold a national conference, a regional conference involving
women from Papua New Guinea, Pacific Islands, New Zealand and
Australia . and a seminar for clergy; will undertake a study of
the history of women in the church! and will produce various
publications and visual displays.
Gwen Wesson La Trobe University ( Victoria)
Ms Wesson has collected the writings ( poems, essays, short
stories) of suburban housewives, to be published in a book as
unedited expressions of women in the process of resocialisation
as they move from the domination housewifery.
Australia ' 75 ( Canberra)
This festival, to be held in Canberra in March, will feature
a Baroque to Rock Concert, featuring woeien arliists; the reading
of songs and poetry by Dorothy Hewett; and a stage portrayal of
pioneer women in Australia by Nita Pannell. ./ 2

National Council of Women of Tasmania
The Council will hold a one-day seminar in May 1975 to
focus attention on the importance of women in all walks of
life taking an active part in the processes of government
at all levels, to encourage the increased participation of
women in government.
Health and Welfare
Fitzroy Accommodation Service ( Victoria)
The Fitzroy Accommodation Service will receive an interim
grant to enable it to continue to assist homeless women and
men find suitable accommodation until the Department of
Housing and Construction is in a position to fund it. The
majority of such demands for assistance are made by women.
Committee for the Liverpool Women's Health and Resources
Centre Interim funding is to be provided to enable the establishment
of a multi-purpose women's centre consi'sting of a refuge shelter
for women in urgent and desparate need, and a meicrial/ recreational/
educational centre with child mindi~ g facilities.
Western Australian Institute of Technology
A grant has been approved to enable women with low incomes
to attend a one-day seminar on " Women frori Minority Groups"
which will involve women from various minorities ( aboriginal,
ethnic, single mothers, physically and emotionally handicapped,
etc.) Education Footscray Institute of Technology ( Victoria)
The Institute will prepare leaflets to attract women to
engineering, against obvious Australian prejudi. ce to the
contrary, and will offer an orientation course to women who
have felt that their knowledge of technological terminology
has been inadequate compared to that of men. It is hoped
that their action will attract some women to enter the profession
of engineering who would otherwise have gone to a profession
of their second preference.
Work Anne Conlon and Edna Ryan
Ms Conlon and Ms Ryan have written a book, The Gentle
Invaders Australian Women at Work 1788-. 974, on women's
participation in the labour force rince Australia was founded.
It describes the arbitration system and gives the background
to wage fixation in Australia with particular refercnce to

Creativity Joan Long
A grant will assist in the production of a feature fil. m
based on the book Caddie, an autobiography set in 1.925-32
about a woman on her wn, her struggle to support herself
and her children, of the attitudes of the society and of
her efforts to adjust and survive.
Women's Theatre Group ( Victoria)
This group of women uses theatre to show the oppression
of women in society, to challenge sex roles, and to create
new styles and new images for women. Their 1975 program will
include community per: ormances, performances in schools and
places of work, and a country tour.
The Prime Minister also announced that the Australian
National Advisory Committee, which is composed of individuals
chosen from the community and do not represent nry organisation,
state or sectional group, recoanised the great value and need
to actively involvewomen's groLps in International Women's
Year. Accordingly in view of the long association of the
United Nations Association of Australia in United Natio'ns
Years he intended to make grants to the forum of women's groups
at both national and state level constituted by the United
Nations Association of Australia the United : ations Association
of Australia Committees for International Wonten's Year. These
grants would enable the Committees to meet throughout the Year
and engage in specified activities. It was expected that the
Committees would carry out these activities within the context
of the objectives formulated by the National Advisory Committee.
The Prime Minister also announced that Australia had
contributed $ US40,000 towards the United Nations Voluntary Fund
for International Women's Year. This will ena''. e the United
Nations to carry out its own activities duri!, i the year whichinclude
a world conference on the theme-of Equality, Development
and Peace to be held in Mexico in June 1975, an inter-regional
conference on The Communication of Attitudes: Women, The Arts
and The Media to be held in Australia in 1975,
and the publication of a wide range of malrerial relating to the
Year. CANBERRA, A. C. T.