PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00003301.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

. j AUSTRAI. A. L 14 June 1974
Press Statement No. 271
Urban Public Transport
The Australian Government has successfully completed
negotiations for a $ 73 million program for a major improvement
in urban public transport in the six capital cities.
All States have now signed the Urban Public Transport
Assistance Agreement in which thr Australian Government will provide
two-thirds of the cost of urban transport projects in the capitals.
Under the agreement the following non-repayable grants
will be made to the States over a 5 year period:
New South Wales
Victoria Queensland South AustraliA
Western Australia
Tasmania $ 28.57 million
$ 18.59 million
$ 12.30 million
9.77 million
1.89 million
$ 790,000
In addition, the Australian Government will provide
$ 3 million for research and planning.
While the $ 73 million eaxmarked for the procramwillbe spent
in the capital cities, provision is also contained in the agreement
to extend its scope to major provincial cities such as Newcastle,
Wollongong and Geelong. Projects to be undettaken under the new agreement,
and the Australian Government grants to be given for them, include:
NEW SOUTH WALES New electric double-deck cars for
the suburban system
Signalling improvements in the
Sydney; station area
Signalling improvements in the
Strathfield area
Work towards the quadruplication
of railway line between Granville
anO Penrith $ 30.5 million
3.0 million
2.85 million
8. R9 million

Improvements to interiors of
busses and trains
Modernisation of railway
electricity sub-stations 680,000
$ 970,000
VICTORIA 2 additonal tracks and asociated works
for the South Kensington-Footscray
railway route 3.07 million
A 3rd track and additonal platform
at intermediate stations on the
Caulfield-Mordialloc line 4.07 million
Additional track and 2 additonal
stations on the Sunshine-Deer
Park West line $ 1.27 million
2nd track and platform alteration
on the Macleod-Greensborogh line $ 810,000
Signalling improvements for
railway system 3.66 million
QUEENSLAND Cross river rail link to Roma
Street station
Electrification of the suburban
railway line from Darra to
Ferny Grove
Additional trackage for northern
corridor, Roma Street station
to Northgate
SOUTH AUSTRALIA Christie Downs railway extension
including additional track from
Brighton to Port Stanvac to be
electrified Glenelg tram route upgrading
New buses
5.34 million
1.41 million
8.00 million
$ 530,000
$ 870,000
Pedestrian access bridge to Central
Bus Station $ 630,000
Bus access road from Fitzgerald
Street to Central Bus Station $ 160,000
New buses $ 900,000
TASMANIA New buses
Ticket issuing machines $ 670,000
$ 100,000 / 3J

I am delighted that the States have finally seen their
way clear to accept this major initiative by the Australian Government.
The Australian Government has already allocated almost
$ 73 million for projects that were scheduled to commence during
the current financial year. We had intended to spend $ 32 million
during this year but because of delays caused not only in settling
the agreement, but also because of the recent interruption to the
Parliamentary machinery the expenditure will not be anything like that.
This means that Urban travellers will be forced to wait longer before
they start to enjoy the benefits flowing from our program.
Projects already in the program include new rolling stock
for rail, bus and tram services, the provision of additional rail
trackage where necessary, the creation of exclusive bus rights of
way in certain cities and a number of other projects which will
improve the comfort and convenience of our public transport systems.
The final step necessary to get this program under way is
the ratification of the Agreement by the Australian Parliament. The
bill to achieve this final step had been introduced in the previous
Parliament but was not passed before Parliament was disolved. I am
determined to reduce any further delays to the minimum and will ensure
that the necessary legislation obtains priority in the early sitting
of the current Parliament.
We are closely watching our commitments in the immediate
future to ensure that they can be met during the current economic
climate. At the recent Premiers' Conference I stated that we proposed
to press on with the Urban Public Transport Program we have initiated.
As the Treasurer stated in his Budget speech last year, our outlays
in this field will increase rapidly in 1974/ 75 and beyond.
We are fulfilling our commitment to improve a neglected part
of our cities, a part which must be improved if the cities are to
be attractive places in which to live and work. I expect that the
benefits will be flowing to the regular traveller in the near future
as some of the less costly projects that are extremely attractive
are introduced into the transport system.