PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002864.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

3 A
A at," NQ DATE
M/ 58 24 March 1973
EMBARGO: Not to be used
in any form before midnight
on Saturday 24 March 1973.
~ The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Whitlam,
announced today that Australia and the Holy See had agreed
to enter into diplomatic relations and agreed to the following
joint communique: " Australia and the Holy See, wishing to promote
mutual friendly relations, have decided to exchange diplomatic
representation, with the rank of Embassy on the part of
ustralia, and of Apostolic Nunciature on the part of the
Holy See." Mr Whitlam said the names of the respective Heads of
Mission would be announced shortly, adding that the Australian
Ambassador to the Holy See would be arccredited on a nonresident
basis. Mr Whitlam noted that Australia had become one of
over 70 countries, of which 12 were members of the Conmonwealth,
which maintained diplomatic relations with the Holy See. In so / 2

doing, it joined ten of the most influential and populous of
its Asian neighbours, including Indonesia, India, Japan, Pakistan
and Thailand. The Holy See maintains resident diplomatic
representation in over 60 countries at the level of Nuncio or
Pro-Nuncio ( equivalent to Ambassador), as well as having
Observer status to some 12 international organisations, including
the United Nations, the European Communities, and a number of the
Specialised Agencies of the United Nations.
Mr Whitlam said he expected that the Apostolic
Delegation in Sydney would, in due course, become an Apostolic
Nunciature in Canberra.
The Minister said he had taken careful note of views
put to him by individuals and organisations before a decision
on this question had been made. He emnhasised that the step
was one of several actions which the Government had taken to
normalise its relations with other States and should be seen in
this secular light. The nature of any exchanges between the
two States would be that of normal diplomacy and would in no
way provide privileged access by the Catholic Church to the
Australian Government.