P22S3~ T~ iiiIT110. e 41
22 January 1c. 73
The Prim. e I'inister, Hir. J. hitlan, a-nd thea Federal H-inisteor
for Urban and Regional Development, H1r. Uren, will meet with thle
Pprmiers of iIS~. and Victoria-in co-nfe" rence at 1,1bury ne. ixt
Thiursday. Thae meeting w-ill be the first step towrards fulfilling
Labor's election pledge to develop 1, lbury-\! odonga as a regional
growrth centkre. In his policy speech.-, 1: r. , Thitlam saicd tha,-t 1Llury-
-odong3a 1had all the ingredie-nts for a successful ef.' ort to
esta-blish aanother inadcity th1-e size of % Ca-nberra. ' To~ pledged
tkat 1he and the new 1-iniister: for Urban ki fai rs would have an
early meeting, with' the Premiers of iIZ~. and Victoria to
initUi ate pro cramle f or theo devel1oprmien of tile Llbury-Jodonga
project. The Deputy Premier of 11. S.-iJ. and I-Ainister for Local
Government, Sir Charles Cutler, thle IT. S. J. Hinister for
Decontrali;' DationI Hr0 Fuller, the Victorian Minister for Local
Government, 14r. Hunt a-nd the M4inister for Statue Development,
1' r. Dyrne, w'ill also be present. They will be accormpanied by
senior State of. 2icials as advisers.
The meeting, will alo e tended by the Cecretary
of the niew, Commonealth Doe), arti'll,-nt of Urban and -' eg,, ionrl
Develo-1ment, Lnsiiown, the Comrmis! rionor o.-f the
National Urb,-n and 2egional Development Authlority, Sir John
Overall, and thio Commis'sioner of the6 National Capital
Development Commu~ ission, 1Hr. 71T. C. Androws.
Tlhe meeting, will begin at 10.030 a. m. in thie Dancuet
2. oori of thle LAlbury City ' Hall. An official lunchieon w-ill be
given by the Prime 1M-inister for State ! Hiniszt-ors and local
Government officia~ ls at thle Provincial Hoel Tdog at
For all ' enquiries contoct the Prime Einister's Press
Office onl 73 1770, or r. Harry Stein (, Lir. Uren's Trress Secretary)
on 73 2333 or at the Hotel Canberra tonigh-'.,