PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002783.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

pvT rzrnj NT 110.* 41
22 Janua-ry 10,73
Tic 1rime ii-inister, ' JThitlam, anid the Federal Ninisteor
for Urban anrd R~ egional lievelopmcnt, 1. ir. Uren, will meet w-ith the
Premiers of i1S'. and Victoria-in conference at Albury n_. ext
Tliursday. Tie meeting will4 ho t he first step towrards fulfilling
Labor's election pledge to develop 1Llbury-' Jiodoniga as a reL! ional
crouTth centre. In his policy speec-hhMirl saia that Llbury-
' JTodonga had -all the ingredic-its for a successful ef-fort to
establish an~ othe1r inlar. d ci-% ty tesize olf Canberra. Lie pledged
that ho vad the new Ninister7 f" or Urban Aff airs would ha,-ve an
early meeting, witih the Premiers of i.. J* and Victoria to
initiate aprogroxmm-e for the developracnt of tile Llbury-WJodon[ ga
proj ect. The Deputy Premier of i1. S. W. and M1inister for Local
Gover-nnent, Sir Chiarles Cutler, the Hinister for
Deetrl-tion, M~ r. Fullr2 -thle Victorian ! Minister for Lo', al
Government, 14r. Hunt and the Mlinister for State Development,
Er. Byrne, will also be present. They will be accompanied by
senior State off-icials as advisers.
Thle meeting will also be attended by the Oecretary
of the niew-Comoneal1th Do-oartrIaent of Urban and : 2ecional
Development, 1M'r. Zv. Z. 1innsdown, theo Commis: rioner ol" tihe
Lational Urban and 2" egional Development Autho-rity, Sir John
Overall, and! thle Commissioner o-f the National Capital
Development Commiission, 1. r. ' JT. C. Andrews.
Tlhe m~ eeting will begin at 10.30 a. m. in. thie Dancuet
. oom of tile Llbury City ! all. An official lunchieon w-ill be
given by the Prime M-Ainister for State Einisto'rs and local
Government offL'icia-ls at-U thIe Provincial M-otel, ' Jodonga at 1.00 pm.
For all ( enquiries contact the Prime M--inister's Press
Office onl 73 1770, or M. r. 1harry Stein ( 11r. Uren's Yress Secretary)
on 73 2333 or at the Hotel Cannberra tonight.-