PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

McMahon, William

Period of Service: 10/03/1971 - 05/12/1972
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002647.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • McMahon, William

Statement by the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. William M~ cMahon,
The Prime minister, Mr McMahon, today received a
deputation from the Australian Council of Local Government Associations
comprising the President of the Australian Council of Local Government
Associations, Councillor A. A. Mills ( Western Australia) the
Past and incoming President, Councillor H. G. Behan, CMG, MBE
( Queensland) and the Secretary of the Association, Mr N. T. G. Miles.
The deputation was introduced to the Prime Minister
by the Hon. Bob Katter, Minister for the Army and Chairman of the
Canberra Committee on Local Government, and Senator G. Davidson,
Secretary of the Canberra Committee.
The Prime Minister told the deputation that he was
impressed by moves in the United States to restore more authority
to government at the grass roots level.
As life in the cities became increasingly complex
and populations grew, local government authorities would have to
play an increasir4y larger part in improving the quality of life,
particularly with regard to recreational, sporting and cultural
matters, in addition to other traditional responsibilities.
The Prime Minister expressed his specific concern
for the problems of local government, particularly in relation to
their prestige, authority and responsibility.
The Prime Minister recalled that at the recent Loan
Council meeting, the limit on local government borrowings without
the approval of the Loan Council had been raised from $ 300,000
to $ 400,000. This was a recent and clear indication of the
Federal Government's concern for local government and it was hoped
that this liberalisation would improve the range of local government
activities. The Prime Minister also indicated to the deputation that
he would like to see local government represented at the forthcoming
Constitutional convention. He confirmed that he would strongly
support the attendance of local government authorities at the
proposed Constitutional convention. / 2

Councillor Mills, on behalf of the Australian Council,
expressed appreciation that the Prime Minister had been able to
meet the deputation at short notice. It was the first time in more
than two decades that national representatives of local government
had been received by the Prime Minister.
While the deputation recognised that state Governments had
the responsibility for local governments, it nevertheless felt that
the Prime Minister should himself be aware of the tremendous
pressure on local government for increases in services and amenities.
Councillor Mills informed the Prime Minister that the
Australian Council was nreparinq a pamphlet setting out the current
requirements of local government. When this was complete, it would
be personally presented to every canditate in the coming Federal
elections by Mayors and Shire Presidents.
Councillor Mills emphasised that, while the Australian
Council was a non-political body, it believed it was necessary that
its message be understood by all sections of opinion.
Councillor Mills also emphasised that the deputation did not
in any way seek to infrinqe on procedural matters prior to a.
Constitutional convention, but it believed it should take the
opportunity to express its fundamental views when meeting the Prime
M-inister. Councillor Mills said the deputation had been impressed
by the fact that during the discussions, the Prime Minister himself,
had taken the initiative in expressing his specific concern for
the problems of local government.
Mr. Katter said at the conclusion of the discussion he
hoped that now that a dialogue had been opened, it would introduce
a new era of too level contact between the Federal Government and
local government.
CANBERPA, July, 1972.