PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gorton, John

Period of Service: 10/01/1968 - 10/03/1971
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002236.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Gorton, John Grey

P. M. No 64/ 1970
Statement Issued b1y the Prime Ministers c Australia
and New Zealapdat Canberra on 5 June, 1970
We have reviewed the community of purpose which inspires
all our dealings as partners across the Tasman. We believe that our
two Nations have attained a degree of harmcny unique in international
relations. We believe also that as our two countries l~ ace up to the
challenges of a rapidly changing world they must nurture the full
strength of this spirit in order that the Australia/ Nlew Zealand partnership
may attain its highest potential. This joint commit tnent should not be
pursued as an end in itself but rather as a bilateral e2ifort at Government
level which will, in turn, reinforce the aspirations coi our two peoples
to promote a tangible improvement in the climate of international relations.
In the final analysis, therefore, the fruits of Trans-Tasman collaboration
are intended to benefit the nations with which Australia and New Zealand
are associated in the wider search for peace and security in the world.
Over the past year, it has been rewarding for Australians
and New Zealanders to join in celebrating the epic voyages of Captain
James Cook two centuries ago. After this firSt common strand in our
history there came a parallel sequence of exploration, settlement and
economic and social development. Moreover, it is no accident that
in times of stress and challenge, the threads of our history have again
been intertwined. Our partnership was baptized by the gallantry at
Callipoli and during the last world conflict. The C" anberra Pact is a
contnqtrg pledge by Australia and New Zealand to joini their efforts
in peace as in war, and thus to forge a lasting bond between the two
nations. It is fitting, therefore, that we should in 111970 meet in this
same spirit of partnership to intensify the range of our joint co-operation,
for the logic of history and the realities of political and economic geography
suggest that Australia and New Zealand should act in close concert one
with the other. Indeed, if our two peoples are to fu] lfil the vocation of
nationhood in the modern world, their energies should be harnessed in the
most productive way.
In charting the future course of Australia, New Zealand
partnership, we continue to be guided by the following principles: ./ 2

On all major matters affecting our common interest, including
tile conduct of our international relations, whether at the regional
level, in the Commonwealth context, in the United Nations or
elsewhere, we will continue the closest bilateral consultation:
recognising that there are cases in which our national interests
may not be indentical or in which we may adopt different
approaches to the solution of common problems, the habit of
sustained contact between our two Governments assumes special
importance. In questions of Defence, the co-ordination of effort in areas
such as planning, purchasing, standardisation of equipment,
training and operational procedures should be regarded as a
first priority by our Armed Services.
In the field of Trade, the good progress made under the aegis
of NAFTA should be consolidated and expanded to lead to the
maximum flow of trade and the highest practicable degree of
economic rationalisation between the two countries in the
interests of their national development.
The administrative effort of both Governments should be directed
towards facilitating increased collaboration in all fields.
Attempts by non-Governmental agencies to promote new areas
of Australian/ New Zealand co-operation, or to lend greater
substance to the wide range of existing contact between our two
peoples should be encouraged.
CANBERRA June 1970