PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gorton, John

Period of Service: 10/01/1968 - 10/03/1971
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002100.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Gorton, John Grey

, Vx 17
FOR PRESS:-P. M. No. 67/ 1969
Statement by the Prime Minister, Mr. John Gorton
The Government's intention to aid and encourage the
highest possible national standards in the Arts is reflected by the
substantially increased provision in the Budget for grants and other
support through the Australian Council for the Arts.
The allocation of 850, 000 for 1969-70 which
represents an increase of 183, 651, or 71%, over expenditure
last year, will provide for support in several new areas as well as
for consolidation and extension of existing activities.
The Government will continue to support the
maintenance of national touring companies which will bring the best
drama, music, ballet and opera to all States and allow talented
Australian artists to make a professional career in this country.
Public interest in the ballet and opera is increasing and the
Government will therefore support the establishment of a second
theatre orchestra to enable extended seasons to be provided by these
companies throughout the Commonwealth.
The Special Projects Fund established last year offered
help to a wide variety of smaller companies based in the various
States; it provided encouragement for playwrights, choreographers,
composers and other creative workers. The Fund will be considerably
extended in the coming year.
The Government regards the matter of professional
training in the Arts as of great importance, and will continue to
support the national training schools in ballet and drama. Subject to
the findings of a survey which is at present being carried out,
support will also be provided for training schemes for theatre
administrators and technical personnel and, in this coming year,
the first steps will be taken towards establishing a national opera
school to provide a flow of trained opera singers for the National
Company and for other purposes. / 2

Many bodies such as the Australian Elizabethan Theatre
Trust and the Arts Council of Australia ( Federal) provide a valuable
service in bringing a variety of theatre and artistic activities to
Australians in metropolitan areas and in the country. The Government
will continue to provide support for these bodies through the Australian
Council, and in particular it is hopeful of seeing the work of the Arts
Council in country areas considerably expanded.
The Government is looking at ways in which the Arts
of the Australian Aboriginal might be fostered. It will provide support
towards the establishment of a permanent professional group of
Aboriginal dancers. This group will perform throughout the country,
and will teach Aboriginal children the traditional culture of their people.
In previous years Federal Government assistance to
music has principally been channelled through the Australian
Broadcasting Commission, whose valuable work has brought a wide
variety of music to Australians through orchestral concerts and
broadcasts. Assistance to composers has been provided through the
Government's Advisory Board in this field. This year funds will also
be made available for musical activities through the Australian Council
for the Arts which will advise the Government on appropriate additional
areas for support. In regard to film-making in Australia, the Government
has accepted the recommendation of the Australian Council for the Arts
that an Interim Council be established to investigate and report on the
form and location of a National Film and Television Training School,
and has provided $ 100, 000 for this purpose. The membership of the
Interim Council, which will include a representative of the National
Institute of Dramatic Art, will be announced shortly.
The Council for the Arts has also formulated plans to
encourage the making and exhibiting of short experimental films and
provision of $ 200, 000 has been made in the Budget so that assistance
in this direction will begin during the present financial year.
13 August 1969