PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00001166.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

FOR PRESS P. M. No. 75/ 1965
Statement by the-Prime Minister, Sir Robert M. emi, ies
I was deli,-hted to accept this appointment which
I feel is as much a tribute to Australia as it is to me personally.
The selection of an Australian for a position so steeped in
British tradition and history is a real demonstration of the
family bonds of the British Commonwealth. I am most conscious
of-the honour that has been done to me and it is a particular
privilege to assume the appointment in the footsteps of Sir Winston
Churchill. I can assure the citizens of the Cinque Ports that
I : ill at all times do my best to uphold the finest traditions of
this post. The appointment nowadays is purely honorary and
no longer involves any judicial or administrative duties.
However, I understand that the citizens of the Cinque Ports do
like their Lord 61._ rden to visit them from time to time and I will
endeavour to resume the practice of the Lord Warden residing'in
the area for at least a week each year. I hope to be able to
manage this while in Britain for the other matters that will no
doubt take me there from time to time.
As for the official installation at Dover Caistle,
no plans have yet been made for this. However, I hope the
installation might be able to take place whlen affairs next take
me to Britain.
CANBERRA, 7th October, 1965
GENERAL BACKGROUND: The following is an extract from " Heritage of
Kent", Autumn 1943, describing the functions of the Lord
Warden v . e I

" At the head of the Cinque. Ports stands the Lord
Warden. The holder, in former days, held a dual position,
as a Minister of the Crown through whom the Royal
commands to the Barons of the Ports were conveyed, and
also as the representative of the Confederation, pledged
to maintain all the franchises, liberties, customs and
usages of the Five Ports.
" The appointment includes the offices of Constable
of Dover Castle, and Admiral of the Cinque Ports, and
carries with it the right of residence at Walmer Castle,
of flying a distinctive flag, and of precedence next to
Royalty in any of the Cinque Ports or their Liberties.
At sea, the Lord W-irden is entitled to a salute of 19
guns and to hoist the standard of the Cinque Ports within
the limits of his Admiralty.
" For the purpose of his formal installation in office,
the Lord Wrden still exercises his right of summoning
the Ports to Dover Castle and of presiding at their
ancient Court of Shepway. On such occasions he wears the
full dress uniform of his office specially designed to
indicate his high naval and military rank, and has borne
before him, instead of a mace, the silver oar of his
Admiralty jurisdiction." The Cinoue Ports are an association of maritime
towns in the South-East'of England exercising a jurisdiction
dating from about the time of the Norian concuests. Five
principal ports constituting the body are Hasting s, Romney, Hythe,
Dover and Sandwich. It is interesting to note that the office of the
Lord Warden includes the right to " Wreck", i. e. flotsam, jetsam,
lagan, tc., found within the limits of jurisdiction of the
Cinque Ports. There are some excepted areas within the jurisdiction
where the rights of certain Lords of LManors ( about twenty
in all) have been admitted by the Crown in respect of unclaimed
wreck washed ashore. The Office also includes the right to *" Fishes
Royal" within the same limits, but these are probably more of a
liability than an asset in that they usually have to be buried,
and the cost of the burial is a charge to be borne by the Lord
Warden. On balance, the proceeds of the wreck, etc. more than
cover the cost of burials but the amounts, in normal times, are
small, averaging about œ 12 a year.
* Fishes Rcyal are whales, porpoises sturgeon, and the like, and
were granted to the Lord Warden in 1707.