PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00001152.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon
PM 69/1965 - Air Force Commemoration Week

 P. M. No. 69/ 1965

The Commonwealth Government will be represented at the following functions during Air Force Commemoration  Week, 12th to 19th September, 1965


Sunday, 12th September

  • St. John's Anglican Cathedral  - Senator Dame Annabelle Rankin, D. B. E.
  • St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Cathedral  - Mr. K. M. K.Cairns, M. P.
  • St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church  - The Hon. C. E. Barnes, Minister of State for Territories.
  • Albert Street Methodist Church - Mr. F. J. Killen, M. P.
  • City Tabernacle Baptist Church -  Mr. E. N. Drury, M. P.

 Wednesday, 15th September

  • Wreath-laying ceremony at the Shrine of Remembrance Air Vice-Marshal I. D. McLachlan, C.B.E , D.F. C.


Wednesday, 15 th September

  • Wreath-laying ceremony at the Stone of Remembrance, Australian War Memorial The Hon. Peter Howson,Minister of State for Air.



Wednesday, 15 th September

  • Wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph The Hon. W. McMahon, Minister of State for Labour and National Service.



Sunday. 12th September

  • St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral The Hon. H. F. Opperman, M. P., Minister of State for Immigration.

Wednesday, 15th September

  • Wreath-laying ceremony at the Shrine of Remembrance Mr. E. M. C. Fox, M. P.

Thursday, 16th September

  • Official dinner at the Air Forces Memorial Centre The Hon. B. M. Snedden, Attorney-General.

Sunday. 19th September

  • St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Cathedral Senator Ivy Wedgwood.



Wednesday, 15th September

  • Wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph Air Commodore D. W. Kingwell, D. S. O.



Wednesday, 15th September

  • Wreath-laying ceremony at the South Australian National War Memorial Air Vice-Marshal E. Hey, C. B. E.

10 September, 1965.