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FOR PRESS P. M. No. 47/ 1964
The Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies, last week
sent the following message to the Acting Prime Minister of
Israel, Mr. Abba Eban " You will have heard from your Ambassador
that, on medical advice, I am required to cancel
my visit to Israel next week. This gives me
personally and officially the greatest possible
regret, I would like you to know how grateful I am
for the invitation extended to me by your Prime
Minister and for the arrangements which you and
your colleagues had made to receive me. I am
most disappointed not to be able to visit Israel
at this time. I would like you to convey my
personal regrets also to the President of Israel,
Mr. Zalman Shazar."
The Prime Minister, Sir Robert Monzies, has received
the following message from Mr. Abba Eban, Acting Primo Minister
of Israel " While I am naturally disappointed by
your inability to be with us this week, my first
thought and that of my colleagues is for your rapid
restoration to complete health. Please accept
Israel's best wishes for your recuperation together
with an expression of hope that we may have the
privilege of receiving you in our country in the
near future."
CANBERRA, 17th June, 1964.