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LAdies and Gentlemen s
With peat plesure I convey my congratulations and
best wishes, to the Laesand peoples of Malaysia an this
very notable day in their history*
The esa. blishument of Malaysia Is of particular interest
to Australia and Australians for we have had a close and varm
association with you in the past and are extremely keen to come
oven closer to you an you develop your now nationhood,
I regret to say that I " e hover visited either North
Borneo or Sarawak butI do of course know the Leaders of Malaysia
and Singapore, Tw~ k% Abftl Rtabman anid Mr, Lee Mun Yew, for each
of Vhe I have greet respect and regard.
We in Australia have had a long experience in the
formation of a self-gorning federation out of a group of
* elf-@ mvrning ooloanie As you perhaps knov, all this happened
in Austalia ust be fore the end of the last century With the
result that Australian Federation somw Into existence in
1901. So we have had a good deal of experience in forming a
federation and of couse$ we have amw had 60 years of experience
In making hat federation work* I mention this beaue, althug%
today " epresents a splendid begi% 6% ningd I would not like you to
think it represents the and of a road IIt is really the beginning
of one, From now on, it is your task to ake the federatimn
effective strn cohesive, influential, and I an sure you
wil-l so aunt it La that way.
Now what I have just said indicates just why we are
deeply Interested in you and are very confident of your success,
We have of course some spesial personal eontacts. A number
of your young son and wemen hae come to Australia for educational
or other purposes and I believe ( and I an sure rightly) that
they have found great friendship awmg the Australian people.
Theme eontacts In addition to anl the others I need
not refer to, 0 will no doubt oontime and grow. They have
certainly produced in Australia a preat affection for, and
a high degree of understanding of Malaysia and Its special
problems, We are, of eorse you Malaysia we the IsMAMiatk
of Australia -Coonwealth partvers and we AaVe a stron-g Interest,
an enduring Interest In peace and in the ecoomic advanowment
of South last Asia* I emphasise this because I 3sgard the
Malaysia creation as a great step forward in the forwarding of
peace and the forwarding of ecoomic development.
We must all veyk together think togather., be willing
to understanid each other and to help each other. ) y Minister
for External Affairs, Sir Garfield Barvick, Is personally
representing the Australian Government and Its peple at your
imngeral celebrations and I do not roed to toll you that be
bears with his the good wishes of everybody In Australia. 0 .& 00
I an suw that yar no w dty winI briag i
Its train the strength that wi oumrm a great fiture
for Malaysias That in ertainly what I vish, that is
ortainiy what the people of Autralia wish, and therefore
it is the wish we oaL you on this oonsion in your history,
rou have the wtmsat exprssions of podvill
free my oouatry and its people*