PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00000791.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

02 23RD MatJ 1963
I thiat you Ea al that PV* Mte s ines fr1Wthly
WOMu Iyy io nuw swa d Quaab roouts au It aE VO.. iutSiyO I WMl ' t U79. Mvbm. lt
kotalant as Ir * d one ( U~ tw Ihv
sinesMO m to mbwtaa W~~ t CUiPPO It IsJus pasala
tMtsP M" e of NWVt ftMtother ( lau~ itmu) amd Ut Is
* 7 W ea" anl 410ll dte4 to hesuse WVOo aWt him to be
limtI wa me tbln w migt hae a litti. of It in wh off
on is la the PrOM. 1
MW. Other day In chum 1W soetma m ht
of & 1tlvlkrOR WoW f the 10" t offloo, a tele. gm me
461T~ ed o e t woog (& Mmgte') Qm kF gam awe
Vowmvha his hot, m-8a u6ld0the hose Whos It aWlm4d and
a YO~ kgs atobtis ptrawith red hsir put oe toot as the
A . yo km the my It hepposs -adth* elna
ka the thIstle me a mo. ua ma ( Isughtss) but It#* 3pother
idea to hae, a teleps aaqbw ( LUghter) Ilk l s.
sia to thIs q hta" your t= s Do you
ment to be a 1 oyoWu mt to be Direotew-Gtsess?
Do you wat to be afiitr. the Cswi? Do you wat to hae
a km~ ghthea aramd yw nookT And he P134 iM toot U Mt
on tU the bIe * U do oft ho and sold to his wathsm
I talme4 to tXe .1U h* Lo. Roess in" 0 ( ZcW tWr) A1 rot,'
of goua s sOM Aram0( i2lsm1 x ' A proffiessona1 hotein go
am lahmass mast a ewmea Arthum owmoul d oarg m st--tWhaallt oI fa nd ontoht iiqnq atthee alse awfafdl
as all tMLt ( Jauktsz)
It Is a rmm'kab1o disotia of houiisaes that
hew 3mg alps -allpb st years ap, fifty years ap, prehably,
vWmNhe U of ycog M" astaM wmating oMa
liwi who boam telgrUkN meseWs aMin Meulit
tho he FROdoesi the only W* m= 4 * eWMd. h e I omit
MW 16te ther e~ peoMa NNMI t-In of the
~ hof SODtlAm ( 0uheA) I . t a to Noise too
1 31Wk % wa t 6-thM I bo4 a Posts! 4" sl
before cbrle I Vwlds V had boss a telegraphueuswa
Wvef he am toptber I mgnet In tile ~ tbooku"
0" both masherL the* 0 a1. 4tyine~ ( lasoiter) This,
IaicVa ga i~~ nwat be epfoI tVhWea itoty of AuStMlia
heesuft the yeans te3* orpk -4p bee a VWy dlamuile
publie servats or as 19 ayfrsa m oons at ether, miwil
politi= oe assh mo rieaps" aoo mye'trsapito
as. a ' tin. Iw
so 1r, oveMeOK that in , ehrrsy' i viii ritle
a Uetter to the pape Whyaht a idee hiiv I mse after
1W fuMeisi ( TAute ftrpt abot that. It Is a waY
WnstILtigte ma of his abityr of Uis tvNMAD-61
risk Jw anda utter Integrity atmuld hae1 .000*/

hiasini bi pie Uve w oldo of POelew sand In S
MA olds of Peutis and I voutwe tooa
= ause r veIinde ea ec A9as kovhoe ; 4a
low this is Jt to apthat cbPwma a sort of
t~ wo. oft~* I hae an a flow poop" e in or ts wirn 0003l
r kwt avet~ wbowt of all vors* That Is not ow frisa&.
holsWw seid the, teeh o uw the Owr
WA us rqim ry fraM tar piAk of VIM of OU pehfiitle
a~ ai teti el rs, boew tOat be he7 bee uterl eta
utterly onlblet utory bemest# tohat my~ of us vul sit
owsad my, OIislp CIppip tell mwhet you tbi* about thstq*
sad~% V kmmta mlsteniagS to v~ se mda ft" m a vise USa.
In faet9 I don't speak fW & W ethor aUia SSte
Mon. vW ow be us, I find it difflmlt to yeembo te ether
sms. (. usetssaI iL ma tolu Is tat ee am * ad tweat
a" ItAOme" l ovwon o = ON that's the th" Ifg to Got but
we wed to -sooasmn d t W o ohv it
Msoae ntI tinat o e* eafw1tUie t AZsMt owknq oU S UDIOe. s-wma e isteh, . ar ilt.
at" b vrm sad t m g hev; S A * 1
U* a flor a gas* fir al t" asm he vas Ma4bekhroo he
was the smest ame ft thwsefy beem It Is ' l-y ft pObli
sbiaitratiea a mtter of l~ mg ISmr ens. a dss'It wed
to be voll tlUstt km th hM of thingV tht Sm~ t
ft W~ t am d cully Is that me knoi aM
therbM yu Wt ths kind of aff~* tI ssay
besans of looking hbr a ma*
Andp gpat I miwt to Say to yes quilto bawitly
that We YUw Slot to that pelat ia this sawalses, covatu
ofoeraet ft" ad yoursef smug dam to a " r Maarw fil".
thlla owofiabw~ tfhteorf. mIt, isa eboabisd ly Weo kea foof r a& oWtbwW t* o010 t
of six sr sews or eihtpple a. 14 em of the edditis In w
time be* boo tbot m we hae had semethia that fit
Into this gamerel pattwr,. Ilv said, ' Veil, boys~ we11 kno
whalt vs mat, Ufs & WOW a no In 1m" amd imUe ot
of Met, they say# as about MOiPt
Now thi Is tmue This is troe and I wmt hin to
km that this is " Ms W on" m thdIs a~ proof, In flet as I
wodrstind It s, alnaiveo p~ I speak aubjeet to the
ammuthr or c0qtr J~ ies k~ telAAt this, to so
is smlus0 Pasef that Chipil ha. a teputathes
with all ma of wdeistanding aa osilavsApiskl
istu a awaof smown opo as-f' 1
warqwa aftlnltrativo julgoat and of the
I thin that we sue toul 0ats Sir? entertainingr
Oa sutp of MW samps in hiS Msomsf s tt a
way great Awtwasa ( hear, bowr and wba I heard that " hi
Dlmr was on ad I ma asd whether I um 6 X an
the rules sad said$ ' Oll, 4 ILa to be % how*. I isuesy ve
esaisllod some-tes. I doloesy somehdinmear isa wa
SIM9 about It. I umlftt erni less.
The Owly oter wo* I mant to hle to you,
lit, n. Lsthi. t las a 0t ew ef yo b 000Ms
hes~~ oUis O -b to am s saw to explefa to us

hwvvoag ve am and onI soe oasioa, I e0,401y nbme
thea& I t iiiomll It boy righit w M'sIw
9 1 kam wmet of yes and I an tarn to ro tht meet
* f e are MW Mte" and fw a lam long Use. I Speeam
aftsr a. -sVesjWa ht W2 0e6* 0 " byee= enw a Meimndi tae r PuoSf LbeEo imIStOuV emor saom ue wtft01w92le
ofttoem yeaMs I M an eXpevt ab@ t the CITib SGVwies. Yern
owthfelli r apllo. l, iwtle amth, o uo. u tuI idhea eT omh adfl, aayrnte 4t o ldao Awaitsht vatbbl e( aI a180a0waw~)
ainnd a N1: awlviamys t reinv evbisat swal afqtl o" ns $ uo f mtoim me a Amw oI" wkasw qta ioteld eaamraly
the CiLvi Seigiees Wrev a standard of owtIne bebov Mb* u
as Mid~ t amy bU I veprvled this as a zto
bgt.~ wtad ymik. 6 I have Ung sinee esw to sttan4
that it is. tu'mg I Wou have bated to be a EFistp. Onal
wsaimthe tGhiInIg" thabaitp pela imelltlb oawn = f" ereon~ r eol, f f-beat inif vWI vwwaoed Atond do
of OSUM I woud havoo
11a to one of taw oubal eivb Serats of ow
tun and, Intoeostiln-e3a-I mythis to all you tyonoms
you know, lea 3oekint N, t=.( Le& Ughi) ISO its Iaterted,
SmeuS1. You hmOWoNe00%-lYnil Iat elb mus" Iw pmultted
Ureel eas Ictaty wmaiks abotit elvil vewwmnt and
wanaee I'm bees 4. Igkt to fied In y own time that
xm tUse to Unae yoe agarl take am of the and be beesmee
quto algalflean$ In the beelam vwrd, This Is a tibute to
Uno erbracotof the Clvii Seric and 6-es I talk about
the vpper brad* et of the CiLv11 Servlee I talk fr~ eely and vmdy
and aftetiuately about am ma Wa repveets that scr
. inp~ bythan any other main I can UhLM of.
And % horeftweq SW# r= this . ocasion Iro~ e
mistoa Aw~ m Is ping tor up M age. w~ th me as he
UMily ios. bet" sM yak wa -bt = Whs,, hie Is lpig to
pat up end a pewith no beesiie an this matter we are an
asntosabt ndG ood lask8 tatotey 7um mhr and my you lie long