PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00000768.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

OF 1" M JULY, 1963
fm"~ th rm Nnna the KA m. a ir Ehr ~ se
NAa~ tnb m nafa WtimIQUgkt bhe
Von ran as a inttof facbt, torn between tkme mtios
am Is that I Amv to oat ba& to see that my Wcllea, the
KIMite for the Interior doesn't got awy with mord" da the
Balgat & iseassiow., The seesad Is that I-m you knowe1W
-m* I Wa a " eet aftleetion and still havj"
God for Cbarli* Nmdth and a 7eat afftetion fomy trieo" on
the leoto and ur wife is aw. te ot~ imeastle drivers of a
F& au espa. V. 1, thatos eli. an that sift, Oa t" e ether hrand
Newr Ford 11 owne opt mwInto a lot of ta'mhLe, at the ~ tm
LSaZi* v i& Ottawa beftame 0 0 0 1 ma there and my wife was
there Mnd somebodyr arnad. that I was to eat with his -Probably
Cberlie, if I remesbae. Bonnie Prinoe Charlie. Ar to out a
1469 story sb0st, we boW so Interested, had cur elbows on
the table took a little touhb of this. or tkat as it arrived you
se aM at It e'tlok In the -4--in 1 iet badt into sm~ dU
at 4Z Chqtomx; t Lo~ e ad re took me three am t
MRsO VWm. ( Lou trr
Bet I do want to % t al up ooth that~ e
followig Upes two ' PLe Who e ommspiemsly UIdentip
themmevex$ while tc; heae been he" e, with ti m otry, TA
will bera lot of argamt and of surse Cams" a iears a lot
mmt about the presmn of * vents hasm outslde invetse and
all this. We Umdestando ftt I belive that Dme of tm. greatest
thlmg that a Vm~ t or ams o eomin Into Atraliag is
to have people VWh 1. f m~ z M ~ eut7
New# ftas Prim Charmb beem th* greatest living
expers ca Australian Mos ftotball. ( ZeagTer) This ws a
wmefel thing to 60, exeept In Steq ( lAugter) I haven' t
really Frm" m YOU emubJeft to & tsoovr whether you a" t
taken up In tim am way, hat I would strongly advise you, Kr.
Boothto devet. e fo the lonigwinter 01111SLUtS to a
Aftelilan rules; footb9l to ptœ n to kmivth things ta
; Zito tbo m. le un matas of mankind In Atrali-.-i's a
very great mistake totlkthat people In Autralia are
p aa1to about naklities. not. Te1* alng a pelling
ayand say a s ht 014 se so.. still W ll1 he# s
anet bad' sU they voe. me& n er thber say, * 004 it's time for
a ehange amd they veto so ON[ t. This dom't oxaite U& Asiam
In the Dubuic mind. The eau ole IL-out psalomm -b
it are pelitIsiae But mt do" eite Passion is what sIM
you are am In tUm fbotball or the qrinket, or that stirangp
thdUm-fVy I B& what'S It eRaile rwgbF wale.
: Itbini, damslynt
mat quite seieey the gnat tigthat has been
dan ryour p-e2seoesags Is tht thq bhave. wt" avmial
short eiod of time, aiUired a 4irde of W; 0"~ il ed b-taestl
Wdek ha ae epese quite quinkly that tk. W are em ofus
Now this is the easemm If I aw ay so, of tm. Avtali~
a& r-e~ e, We dal't staind off1 and miff and sneop. We reall
are not so diffiat as sam* in the world appear tothi* W

we A* 10m to mt people and 6.. l with people who, iana
La ouw instimmtiw are mn the samem&
VW. talk their anp the talk ours* They a" one
Of ns and you Souid nt have saedd oe-. half as wish as you
hewo if it we". nt for the tet that you hae been awof us,
and I au perfleetly ontaia that Wr. Bmth wiil be oe of us.
No's mae a Jelly Sod stawt anyhew, be's living ix Melboumme.
NDewwt e hae tor bae to Vak and all that, Wt
I md t t tllym me ttl* IEI" imt stery. MiPe
Imit, ftitbfml ftriumtaxy rop" ti te is or
teminister ft Transport up* Mr Oppern", spoke
to e cat ieasipsted t af tor a Pelimisa2. meetng Wt
Wotba ad said MTe Tioo-Prosident of Ferd in Cmad is
0Aa n sit a~ ad elm is owing out amd I m
thm p t CabervO and 1a an expansive aod, I sad%
Om11 I ea leyt mw kmm atto & tahaadnd, I will
b4 1 il to give them a laebmp 1Uhave a few NMnsters,
and all this, 910100 Ad be said# '* 11,9 that's very als of
so 06th~ e wa ind ad promouttlym
mind, but ma of emv weto). d u. r~ f t vofte
WM dwritten It & f Rthe diary.% r ~ Iñ in mo
ofte 6MAtbe thiap about hewing a pON private
" no~ l as tim ww and we had a povewful I s n
pz." In a little = and I vas the Mble, Los= nm of
Pwel~ m to dlimw the apeo L the lose amight. Tis
in 1 1o the al" a tax onm= e vebiles; It did all erts of
thiap, and I moedly hawdly sa, wasn't reeved wiLth Altimato
ro ? thU people, omiemod, and I went off hem the nt
Ii" whem I arrived in the offlee, the entire staff was lised
up, I theught the we". ping to Sly* so a pzesentatiom or
mq tey said* OWe've Just been arguing as to whaothem
Is~ ? mSgIhk to be givea the Viotwia Cro or etifLed as a
lmatio,.' I said, OThmse a" e bard wetds. flqlw TSad
' toay, you aro, having * be Ned Pe"' le for' lum* ob% gt
Ad I net Chrlie & dth In the emrido. about a
bait an hWW berm* h e am darting late a Obhw. Peiwe
re-and I said * ood mninga~, Cbwli,' and he 94id,
Gedmermingm and I "" id ' stl frimds?* anid be said,
yea, kit of cause with a enutaia aot of diffloaltro.'
Tem ve veat toe lumo Rmbet Oppeima was there NOW I weS
delighteed wiLth the edef Ned4 ma jWoeat who, q M I maid to
him, 01 œ' ft low what to do* 5 I Vt uner the tabKe?'
so saidt * I liatmd In to you lost ight. I heard ewe7 wftd
0* f it. a I said, OAll, mind you, It's right, YOU kv'. Be
aiA,* ' ar with you. 10 kn a let of0 ol talce a sbout
VieW. Vm L Iping to bapm is ihii next t X-lwe mnths. If
you n ar ima a show of our dimensions YOU do't look at the
attwelve math& y" u aW leokkag a em, ed of time.*
And kw said mash 16 O Vle0f. 1001 don't mi nd that in
Ya 400s., 1 thij* I Would hae dome zaetly the sme thing.'
And that lpv* me a pasifonate beliof in the statoumaaship of
tho Ford oom~ s tVat I hmm e ver yet lost, Sir.