PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00000763.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

Lord Provost~. a drW rovest a
Whn you wre telling as of this highly eradito
note that Y" wo to yo thmen o if that Isun't a
debsed ezpwesilem I was delighted it imiW e me of
the met fbm~ smM alden Speaesh m made I& a t1 ] buse of Comms
vho ws the only 6Q; nsewtIm, I thiimft'h e great electin
of 1" 6 to win a meat That immat n bee tifgo und
himself as a am Member Met like mrslt, hely endowed with
Impertinenc ( Laught.) a there heam ao the other side
I~ otber p4I411 David Usyd Goge and Usyd George boA
enatteziñ arg Toules in. the ei1m and exp 11111-that
If they we voted tO. l, Qduese alamW would bekouI
the Wlsh hills bmuse strsaely enoh nmto s election* a" e
osnimoted an wint a" esbeunl rather amusing issMw really,
nytm the I~ berals won and the Tories wev in
opposition. and I LoYOU heve all " ead you should.
119 smith's waiden ak beinus. the Spker In due cow"
arinsmkcalled Vn Smth and few 4r mea-lecm stood iV.
This is-of ocre, omof the Ziedwiatap of aving a nn
like Smthe If It bad beenMeasles or Mingles, it would have
be" s different. Butt anyhav I -n not going to rePeat to you
the entre a bt be il end up br quoting a little Latin,,
asyoi d, i sksva id all thishvg atta* d Ltd Qeorg,
lmv" nattioked the idea of 61= e sl" wy in the Welshlm ts ins
so p bysq 1g Paoxlwj sealegs. erfbat., And b
he b" Odt as you 4in't Sir, * For tise benefit of those efteted
at StI I wlil this into '& mlish,' ( lau* Ate) and be did It
Into ftlis. Ad he said OPPOKiw 1 ' In the a4J! 7INARn
e ~ of eve. * thmeo rpi ght km-ma L ll'
film Carnarro Burrouhs' Ardebat s ' was letting offMi"
me~ mi ( Leaugter) And I hae alims like this becuse with
mr rather seemA hI-u -. djp of Latin I hoe always bees delighted
to kne that tbere was so a peliti elan wb produced the right
twefor' the ward " auietbat*. b An so I listezod to yom, Sir,
today with Vset plesure ad I thought, * wel* elassimel
learning Is nt ded in, Rdinbursh. 0
NOW the A0Xt thing I WUNt to Say is that this 11 2 e
aret poea on about b-to proee mug. me I ea member
wvmIwas a mLl bey Wrin fmhsa in a vashei
o. watint fashion 9404910 Llook 9 It'ss2m aei
1 * 100: 1tbw wouldat kae it*. t0a*-ps1081
tbqretore it Is Measles. And last Friday I itmebed here with
the Calejp of Pbvsielams and I was 55W four phrsleia
out of fly* that Menzies Vag the right pwiumia adthat
Mingles was an Edinburat affeetationmLugtr
Bat yea" s age, I had this matteo" uunuently settled
for me in landen. Yea knw a Landie, when th have a k~ g
padrieti 44 I thin at which pear, wmenring
Calonaltypes i1e nyseif hami to make a speech thmey have
an inposing gaeamn ia a red oat and he aee esswyrbody
' nLing up wbere psisie with the Prermant ha J0BUie of
" Is Ps en( Jagt) vidbI m no. hsodboy bad Ipt
rater tired. Behad produeed all these thins time arter tim,

is % tt I aight Aeswibe as a im UNia O0mati * glieb.
( Laughter) Most beor he mes to aas not he 6
aaws and with a flue Doric, qmuli on his to" M b m
Cmwty this stuff be saidt *" x~ iese 31r , bet on I te
( Applauee iY. wiea or (" Lavgher)( L
Aplase'oAad I sid, 00 OLMt a-. m ww
Now, you kv&. irs thUse is Mtbi rather
attractive t he inAS d about Mdlabwgb* In
next" s thit, dw'tou I'll ssANOessMtiA, about nt -a
In a amt. W CLeaht I ra r ! at~ edta
ye had a Wlthqwww -elastzf s~ itdloptim
onsmiher. imeludiag ~ asoupte and a definiti
ILM 1 1rot. o that an year we had
a epim r Pool" of lottery, t was 604ld6A
that x woud " ePly insw bam-oa soa:. I in anoter
plac and Z In aother pi~ ee, and woit sin to Miaabmi
thelad Piovest ve a kepta & a the am o= Ze the let
bed tales t had 10 Rae. to do with Seetland, I thoughts
tthe wM m' un. t Stul he got up and be said. M
' a kwv 1--d Provst# I have Lwth and is ay Ve 40 and
Vo oe ali flabbergated -and be said, * Toss jy wife's at
was a 8-taeams' ( Jau---' And with ay usual itrwexraeeo
I iaiadito, my meighboar and said, C st Live been a VM
Vedikgo ( Laughter)
NM, Sirt wow. Tw tastStl. Xoave a bra
kiat I& the oaroe a " aging se: t the stowy
sested with as k miagN a Treana of 1Mi~ ab. so" e ef
y. have hoard It bat ethers of 7e" my met hove board It.
louve no the opprtsmity, so I wi1l toll It bessi nw
of ye. igtw 9afyo ertt his fellow to bemew a Freumon
of AbA-1-is a Mtt 10iek requires xQl amtlon.'
( rauw~ 11, it cmo aboat In this way.
in itutS I VMS what ma all0dl soilled a
health Lwua~ y I was than Leader of the Oa~ lt i.. in
Austral le poeios, whisk I ida
that tine ' for se*" aws w which I oeapid I an hapff to
say, Zrt eVl oe year oes, IV wita Vas vNit as and varlow
p. e and we travlling is Scotland* Zlab Vakhe had
1of now Jinth. Vales aOd we had beon in tmok with,
him am be meot Us at the Assembly Reomn G eurg Street.
Vboa, we arrived, well# there we awe By wife Wand my db 1
Mhe was ith so t~ manted to sa balletq you ka1 allet
is a little boyemd my peep ( LeAr and manted to see the
Lindsay alyand this klod of Lidj -w e arrive& and I
said to VA kebert " lea kasv we have booed invhere and
the Plostivol is in fyI! myj. r whana we 4' AM ha said,
' Cmo acoss hoe A moet bdProset who was then Lord
PioVet xwrrayt I thiok I tight in sayingq. * f ware
Na'edin teemr to the bird P t and I said with, all
* bana amrie a Austnaiaa ( lmagtr)
' Vei19l, d Pre to I hate to lop* o this an o but eamid you
W~ l no to boe* a f~ w seats. boe a" t youn know,.' An&
beat so Mmd said, swP r ir, as a Fteamn of
Ed~ tboehoall doors a" e 4aM to YOU*' I said, * Ila sor7t
iwwt-Vu-d oumind repeting that?' And ha repeated it Is a
loa clear vise# and I said, ' Well r don't uwrstmd this
at ft said, ' ae eiseted you to be a 7ueaa in, 194M'
ra t9' i1 I bad been in omit btitala duriag the war amd I
happed at that timt tr reasomt or amthor, to be * o/* 3

rIlm Nalso of Am tCLIM9 and it omute . th at the
" eSolution held been fle a" that the letter had been pod
Of eaume inii a lot of eMil wont astray becaus sahp
M-4 Amd all that sut of thiag. I bad miev hewA of it.
s-oa0A t was % at three Weeks l Vtm00 01 UP Into this maT
Rom with the wd am a ad the bellies and I reslved. the
NZL; of 3diMMWgh SOeM yftr after It had been Voted
( laughter but e~ thWo weeks after I Wa leaziat about Its
kAis ) Wn& I no" d toll you that La a rem at boa" e
~ r ewevarius ths=-tee Is the Frooku of J~ nmg~
there' Ssom" Isn't there, Pat, 0 anngth
as to who Is to Pet it. ( Laugter)
Mw theme in soother oeasion that giwes a
œ MW pleasur beesuso, sitting an the ri hand side of
the Laoy Prvwt is Ia& Donressil amd sit on the left.
hanI side of air * I* e hrSsa, that harat'w=&-w ho
t-Wa ai Wrest Is~ ladw AlM. ( Applause) I
4 " W# 1 ead " Mylgew go mture. An o all JOWO
J44 Slim Is se. f the &" at isa of owt ti ( Applause) sl
Me WS Qe mG of ostuulia. 1 11ve In a state of
odateat terro of bin ( Isaghter) boosupe he Is a teable
-ane Thse of you wh ko-Mp kno that to p Into his
4~ bPaI sM tMotM MU(" aaku"" e ) a Uttlo Isa; n sda mI iws as Mqour~ e, A kWigA da lbltleobis h
( Apan se) h s Mrriamn, an old hm-lunw Moa
Appaus) bon being a great fwie e in aI emd--A
being a pot lod of everybodyr in Antralis. ( Applao wh
dWieIn Autai* I s pru and delighted to tbink that
Alisc& Dmresail should be hem. today. ( Applause)
Now, Sitp the emly ether thing that I vent to
tyes and to row & eat * M* Wa Is tkis. It's a cuious~~ g
isn' t It abm e opl of the Owts Mle" that tbe have a
pritde wtalk suestains any tvurW and suwvie atn UsoSWt Ats
I don't use the worid In Iti tohnisl seose -nt the root of
the Wl. IC eas s fee about that beomse, I an ham
to syy tapt. to outto Austsolia after tisasp tatiom
had mAse8 ( au trI. h the great thisP about the soou,
werve they may be In the world and there a" e br no" e
of tbom outsid MOU" Atln than LUIns i etiand a great thing
abot the Seets is tht they retain their pride. % hWay
a ALogthaeu r den' t talk about old gpev! ee 2Mnaly
griovene that they knwanything about is that in the am
* 0Mt7 inwhisk tbay lila, the other people bav the giiewuuse
ma other werde, the peat quality or the scot is
not Billy self.. mnei, whisk is alwje * f-4ofeatagg
WtV;~ a4 I M a -~ oa as Lef to hav lesbodInx
wMiMA. ( Laughter) 1W. wif who wsa a Leekie Yan theroft
beongepd to a sept of the N~~ esis as Wood as tacifor
and yea" s a 0.0dam in OWe Muls oo~ mty she had a Panml
42er one se the el" Als were * ranevder y tnthey
Ited to a blastedo na ak ) kI jujsde ~ the~ weor~ d I n Its iteral sMeD
thy'dm " And that's where we
laughter) e hlsid( Oe 1toe took a ather pows view
of thisp a rather scor V1411# until oe0 OW, at the weeAW
we wlked aroud t6 01i StrOWyar at If~ s and ina the kirk
at OW" there they were. Tbere Vol Na41ots, 3de( QePrs
and 1 voumh hato to put welds intO 2W vwfts nmuth I -n em
she was sayins to herseLf, * I wusn't the first to got baok on
the XIngle. W ( Ughter)

I do
air# IaIs ol ething about Prdmost * gñ sh
word talatde ovesto isintewpvetation, and If you tat
James oow or Robertson vas a po" man it Is easy tf art
" e8l be mat hae a goode OmIen of hlaself." Tnt#$ IV
., mw. L as t havoe zw ofocseelt. The Seats pride
Is mUtbin Ilk, that at all. Pu14e of osaset toea Soot or
to a dewIvatiwe Bsot Ubke mself fellow a owtain * ws of
I P-1001 ipityv of pesonal autwitro and that's right.
Assims thing weg with that in this wurld and, God knm,
that a Prime Nlalster v~ has been a Prine Minister for uixteen
, Vems as I have* needs It tram tine to time, 9 t an top of all
that, of erse, the other eemtates of pftL. to a pes, of
loop MObLity -a yor14Adi this# your aeestmr did this,
you mt aevr la4' thm 4om Yen soc this is the bme
ofths neall pride WA& yew bead WjelL. -kzm that
you bay* a sons of we~ uibiltyb that you can moew lot your
elan# your , meh atw It Na , a Leum.
ftese are the tm facets of pride* Whe I found that
this tine I " a to oe to IUlubmAv to receie thisI to mo,
0Ktirly unexpected hemour of the Tistle, this thing so ll1ar
to amt Naloaty, to ber SIM tivo, I ws vry rmt
think that tbis m" bld en i 4n-hbeau" s t sh~ It p
mand all mW family ! f ing my hestyswe who Is ber for Ito
an immmm feeling ofjoyit a se* e a& sm er to all
or us that ve have Imem bspailttes and that wbtever
mes or gm, vs mst awr lot Low * Itbw Bdinhawh 1~ A
W Iemla or Bootland Is general* It's a proudhin to be of
Soboos od Its apru ting to have been boae tefty;
itts a promd fO Wna nlo f no to hame been received 1Wou
to beer youspa vith mnob SwUstle, ezeept abt tha 112 Hie
( 1ghtor aA o be able to lp hieand in the ease ofC
older of as to says " Wels own nor. hamo bee= In Ould Reokie.
We hewe bea n i land of our forefthers and ve shall rember
It for' the " ast of our liviso