27th July, 1962.
My dear Prime Minister,
I refer to your letter of 27th July and to our
conversation this afternoon.
It is clear that I have formed an opinion of
the nature of our interests in the negotiations for
British entry into the Common Market which differs in
significant respects from that of my senior colleagues
in the Cabinet. I appreciate the points you make and
tender my resignation accordingly.
In doing so I should like to emphasise that the
difference is essentially one of perspective and emphasis,
and that I support fully the efforts which you and Mr.
McE'en have been and are making to safeguard the interests
of those of our industries most likely to be directly
affected. This episode in no way diminishes my high personal
regard and feelings of friendship for you and our colleagues.
You may rely confidently upon my support for yourself and
the team as in the past.
With kindest regards, Yours sincerely,
Leslie Bury.
( L. H. Eo Bury)
The Right Honourable RoG. Menzies,
C. Ho, MoPo,
Prime Minister,