PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00000343.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

theh ~ iis 12" m 1th e R-t. don
SirYou GrcegChief Justioe, Your œ xaellency and laies and
I think this is orbeof thoe. occasions when,, as an ertirely
lofl-oontntiouls person ( Ldaughter-) devoted to nothing more dopl; 3y then
to a quiet life, I ought to make a few points about some of the
people who are sitting at Lho top table* ( I'll say something, about
or,, 4hite later on and I hasten to say entirely In his fa. votxr)
( Laughter) But I do want to tell you ws crts of~ the charnel-house
knowing that tiny won't io a" y Aurther. ( LaughterJ
dhe. I accepted my Invitation to cam ho: e the fish at
last A--4 you know I did so under the f'ir Impression1 that,, like
so mayof you I would wear . a nice soft shirt and black tie and be at
home & nd comfortable. Then Mr, President forzston niaid nio no,
Reialorcad concrete is the order of the day". ( Laughter)' I
protested und my secretary protested and the President ive all the
initation that a man of his typ~ e can of being the injured innocents
" kit xW dear fellow, Sir you kriov, we can't, you know.. 3o .1
devoted, or rather my wil. did, U l1a& theo r this a eraiuoa to
, dotting to o:. cased in ooncrete. Arid when I arived 4areo t~ on-ight and
met Yaorton 1 rapped hiu on z-hu chtilf and& I said 111? y dear bay you
are ieurinj a sami-stifi shirt". ( Laughter,, ajptfalse)
1Ito ofours. delighted I don't need to tell you to
arrive here tonight and see ' Uis 4ruce the Archibishop. kno there
is rjthing that urings sjah balm to he spirit of a man ohto is
occ; Asij! nally In trouable hiias& f ( Lau. ghter) Well I don't need to
finish my : sentence do 11 Therefore i want to ; a~ y to Aj ruce the
. irohisbop " Thank you, 3' 4r thank you fbe hauIin been 30 onfsiderate
to ai mere Presbytei-ian, M. brins the union of the Chirches closer
and closer and closer." W ( Lau ghter) ( Applause)
Mind you Sir this Is not as irrelevunt. as you rway think
beciano after all the ohject of this magnificent associ itI ~ ri Is unity,
bringing us topther. aid I tell you that I ifouldn't be a tit
O sP. raerpsbriybteedr iaanf teCrh urthchis , g ettoti nfg'i ndto atheeth e4rh urchI ' voer nAlon ldaozudb t untod tthtee enormous
advtaU;_ of the ? resbyterian Church. G'-auehter) Juit anyhow we shall
see0 Then, of course, i have a particular pleasure In seeing here
a nan whom I may almost regard by nov asi an old friend -the very
disting~ ished Chief Justice of the Uited 3tates. ( Applause) 11e and
I have you will be surprised to know a certain amount in comn
because some years back we rlew together from Washington to [ allas,
You tier. then, Sir* Joyornor of California, a tremndous dignitary and
you rers oin., to a 3over ors' OCPnfereiiao 4 art t ne~ t ca other
and you vw re :' rightftli kind to me. I was deli.; hted, of ( xtrseq to
aee At that tim you, hav; ing been u lawyor, had tjOMQo a
deplorable politician and I, havine. been. a lavyer had Inecam a
deplorable politician. You havre the advantae of we beaine having
beom* a deplorable politician you rnot long theroaftor revert od to
your leial character ( Laughter) & uid became u distingiisied Oxief
Justice something that thw e aJ profession in : tuzstr&. tAi is
delighted to know Al11 never hiappen to me. (.:. au,; hterJ
fou know I can't InuAine a happier conjunction of the
plansts tian that Chief Justice 4arra should be here In kw 4alia,
not only because there is a great legal ooiiVertian but bec use there
is this 25th birthday party of tie Australian-Arwerican ' ssociz tion.
I have had the great opportunity and pleasure, now,, year by year, of

eating at the expense of the Supreme Court of the United State s
havnA unch iith the Justices, may of them very great and lose
frinii ofmine and if i my say so Chief justice, nobody waud
axwoIfy in h Masell,* more than YOU do, all the qualities that we In
Australia think that w share with the United -ta tes of Amrica.
( Applause) As a matter of fact he oo4d pass ctf an an W~ stwellian.
rook at hsm6 dhat a wonderful leader of the Opposition he vould
make& ( Laughter) Sir, as couldn' t be more delighted taan ' in . re to
see you here. AmV I know that it is the fashion to make speIvas on these
occasions in which all Is sweetness and light. All we fL-Ai t-o do is
to have a jolly gpod dinner* reaffirm our belief that we are exactly
the same as each other and po awy in a slightly mellow ' inse of
sentlmnt. 1 don't tink that is quite true. I huve bermn reminded
b~ V -tz. Yorstcui that I1 have, on quit* a few occusiorks spok. on to the
Anoriokn.. Autrallan ;. 4so01dtiun in Nov Ytork first 01' all imder my
frind ktobinss as Chairmant and then und.. r œ he auspices of that
taciturn friend of ours, Floyd Mli. And the only tim T ever omild
get Wing eff.-ctively was when Danny Weay was kind enaugh to em. w
Fro the mo~ ont I stood up he Interjaoted and -is had a aonfliet in
ihich I was so tolerably suossst-iJ. that he offurad ne a pisos in his
troupe. ( Laughter) B3ut there is a disposition to believe that thie 3ritishq the
Ameriftnsp thte Aastralians, the &' ev4" ~ aandw-s vloever taey may be,
are bound to think the hae wy tweause they, uody speak then same
lan eaap. There are certaink dialectical difleranoes and certain
dl ftoiveces of dialect. Jut at; an rate, yes,, undersatand each
othar; we understand what the other mans is sain&. ier'iaps V~ at Is
one o5 our dangers. It is easier to quaarrel with one -ithor : in a
ooimn~* languaip thun It Is to quarrel through an intarpretaro
( Applause) I know th; at b*,-ause I had an hour a~ nd a quarter with
Khra4shchev lcsz Rovember In Saw York and we ha4 an Interpreter and
we v'! re almost Imater" at the end of the tim. kkat that was because
the Interpreter took the crackle out of It, kJt of course you am
quarrel readily with people in your own langua gi; and of cnirse wie
have differences. The grea test thing that any '. ustraiian--i-~ -rican
Association, or American-. Autralian Assoclation, or Azaglom'werican
Association, has to discover and to preach is that we have masses of
differenoes* Your job * and my job and the job of every other person
of Sood wll and intelligence, is to bridle the difforeaoes, to ake
t'Veu Intelligible on eaOh side*
It is quite foolish for people to saf as 1 have Ieard then
saY " at of course we are bound to be friends becaiuse oa have the
samae system of Jovernment, . e haven't. Oe have utterly different
systems of jovrret. They say we must be friends because we have
the sawe history. Well. up to a point, we had the same history; up
to thew late part of the 18th oentury we had the samte history4 hut It
then becme a little abruptly divided into two streams. it do we
have the system of' Jovornmentt
I rind that I have had an iwense experieonce aov r f these
things around the world, and I also find that so many peopies for
example in Oreat BrItain, don't understayid thut vhat a . oaretary of
in' tatthee mpasyr esasye et oo af tChoen gPrreessssi, o natsl nCootc mtoit tebee tuankdeenr acsr osths-ee xraiinnaal~ tviioenw
of the Governument of the United States. Weg don' t have this kind of
thing. w not suimoned beftre Cmittees. and put on oath d told to
explain to them bow y mind Is working. Dear me,, tha, vouild be a
tasks wouldn't itT That would be to explore the 4nknown with a
venommnee 46 wait, under our system, until im have had discussions
in & bine-t and then we announoe to some appropriate vehicle whiat the
polfi7 is.. But in the United States the whole business -I not
quarrelling about this; this is a system that thwy havre dovised and
that they understand -is to have these things thrashed outp to have
a man ao before a Comittee, to have him unsver, to have his, If you
likes think aloud about it*

Ultimately bF this process, vbhich, frm the point of viev
of ow AMrican friends Is a superlatively ceoratic onat of
thrashing out pol icy, the result emrips and that Is dootrine fr the
United States. And Indods v4hen It amerjes, hov many times it has
beena so wonderful for the world* But under our system things are
done diff) rently. that is why when~ I an in Angland and I meet some
man idhm I know, soas W& mit aed man, 9 he will soy to me * Did
you see what aoamidn utsh o r day In America? to. i kn o
can't trust those, fellovo. Heally that's too ridiculous old boy.
And Ttv to say " jut that is not his finalvword** I havebhad to
explain once or tvice Chief Justice, and I hope you will c, 3nfimu my
recollection on this, that If a 3earetary of State for exa--pl* is up
boebre a CnwItte. and somebody pruts a question and he says ' Wll,
perhapov I thin2k ythat might be the answer to thatst the
gontlemima from Vw Ndcahoma walumderbus' writes that doun and whIps
It outs that's In line vkh his policy. Ten mits later the man
b . fbrci the Comittee may be saying exoa tly the opposite -Is we all
do ewin we are thinking to oursolves and this produces in the other
parts of the & igiish. speaing world u~ sort of confusion bocause we
just don't understa-or most of us don't. that we are dealing with
a differe* nt system of ( Ioverninnto
Now I do beg of all Australians, and of all z; hgl sh-5Man to
understand that the diffrerences in syatms of ; Iovor o : t can sasil
give rise to hostiles. where none ne" edmr at uli. 4ocaiuse of
all this I have had friends in the United : 3tatesq In 1asAIlgtcn wo
having read the remarks judo by a prominent private somber of tVW
House of Commns say OAh, that is what they iire thinking'. Whereas
of course,, if I mziy speak as an export as a~ former Leado.-of the
Opposition, what a member of the Opposition Was isn't vht the people
are ti-inking at all. ( Laughter, applause)
$ up SIr really what I want to smy to you ins let -as
recolpise our & tfI~ erencs iet usovercome our diffe.-anose so that
the restating ste gill be al th grae. Jcauseunes
b,, tien the " Juited States and rho rest of our world, there ine
undarstariding, a knoviedse of differonces, a villingness to overom
them$ a ooncentration upon all the .; roat matters of unity, unless
this happens nobody will be atte. ading the 50th Anniversary of this
A" ssoo ition. Let us make no mistake about it. 4e are In a -mtld in which
all the forces that are hostile to our way of living are on the march,
They will never be not and defeated bF disunited peoplu. Jo. imr was
ever , on by disuni~ ted foroes, it Is our groat moral respxisibllity,,
not to be too clover, but to be unilted, to Ot topther, to say ' We
most ' 11u-e unity we must undorstand our areat urmoe". -And our
peat puarpose, sir, Is not one of ag rndsoment ( Jod kcnows it has
nothing to do with agprandisoemt our groat pirpose is to be
allowied to live as vs now live , as you now live In your country, freely,
happily* or unhappily, but to live ourz own lives. This is t great
Ii* In the wrd. And 1 would abandon proposition afteropasition,
myself I would concede point after point In ai disssion,
so Ion~ as I felt œ hat at the ultimate point we, and the inited
3ta tere# all the L'Oaflishmspoaking free, people around the 4orld, were
at ,~.( Applaue Sir$ the last thinj I want to say is this. This
Ass~ iation was established 25 years a~ p by m~ y Wrend itog a
man of enormous integrity of character and driving ability and
enthusiasm* ( Applause) I an perfeatly certain that when it bopn in
thoe days before the ~ ar, wen the United States didn't irnov so much
about us mid., to tell the truth we didn't know so nuch about the
United States -when it belan in 1936 1 am sure, that -9 hite was
sustained by his enthusiasm rather than by any cocrete -opeo He
has seen It pro-imr, during the war, something that made sich an
enormus difference to our relationships with the United -J1tates
postwar* where we find ourselves almost an favourite, neplawso I thiz*

that is true in the Amerioan ind. And as you look baoN' omr
years of this I am sure that you, liko se, wiii & Lv. immnee credit
to the man whose imagination foundbd it, and whose ability -zid iriwo
urougbt It on into its zatarity. ( A1ppla-Ase)
You are now 1going to here Mr. ",: mbassador !* bald and Ohn you
have liard him tw Is ur man tell vorth listening to, thioni rith his
peraission I ; WtI stand up a second time and ive you the toast of
the Issoci4tion. ( Applause)