PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00000288.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

YorpuIIa 14 W SMAOLG-~" fd AI2) 6
I ' hyas a ~ wi* cay * w ibRvya õ ray* oue a~ toM t
' that ~ Oiw -Wwo Ueds sw bUM IA a eod-p3AW no 0A1poUix.. W* VM
theefr 1, Vcwhapal, abW. r~ t do= m at oe9, -beewie hrave
hfa~& p tedp~$ Uc ivsig ht w~ d totirtno WVnOBrv_ t1wgyt
ionagisoI hvo. ha tmo iop e made zoi~ t as W aW I
MAI '" IXOSa1 1 = euor~ k , t hav MV rveort iT a NW twA
b* nr Ibere It's tm thuitlar .194i 1 e up hoetoc SW
Autta& a pI0y EIZ1md at. fla= 1zgW. It G'tVsup ftat -M VJW~ t
oaalon sV eye me ;= od f~ or the firct tim witb the -bZ~ e1
beaat ~~ clty Ran]; and Vhat Oen I * am back~ yq aWWNAV
a1ftevwcm 1 maid cue -I 1me tbatv we~ o~ bul,~ zr
t tb b th" ift Isa t411 bU&. an Jit fa
Ihaviii a O* dopic mo d iWtek a lot iot OX" 1Pe) ae, j .1-dn.' m
tbat ft ; w* atloatm s atdi 41al af Ur aU# dt hen to
Rteap It to-ehr Y2ou never~ itflOm Wiht ' W11. bAppten Uihmi you vash
Soethtzs oWm'. Biut. he om that ot~ ccaI i
ttiorougby 4z1W~ 4a03.901 vely oin, i1y I z
the tcb-: tt v-a u nUket rb W wcmu goat unipeetod-
Zy. TMi then Icrd'&~ m yw cf Le{ e vwa a-1ttng # tt the
final ftyo, an4 I . O~ d-at une iuth fockord aiiboef ta vlm
t* iuco WO CAM to win. W ttio final day bu 1 sld to hiw
* you AM wtr'aL~ * Ml WUi UW* An h@ kd tM O
the next W hou cm tr ñ In the 1ueal 8--eth, I tzau nCat. Mt
I imamt we vo= 4 We~ Just emk vei to. jx-= e Ztbtt beftu~ o
we icc' t. oiWaO8. -Ar % hAA V-421 tapn tuia ymrp' .1 doie~ t kmii
almc e hve bee a f1ven a* pn'ttyr caem~ shook ft Ans'aUl .0118
your br. the ~ IIa
Ila on VOn * Ileasion# a few yewu ago* I: rWade ea P" a
ofthe Cit~ y of~ Loinicz aultha l the erxomQnios w-ftch attend. such+
az evento And 21ke cvewr n idioV, pa'over, 73~ it~ tO42
ma hing having Uer Arlven a2onZ the, 13tvanW In an Q Km
* cmb wi th evWe o m the coh wao'e evi down u thep
ecwbo ( Ift may hlivc Ibe5 the Giiezlt) IVaid+ i n di + XouM Aia
Vee~ at the kwpialta timeo; * The pfit tha-ia nnVw-T
dowzv I+ tb 03i I ? Iavoxu' t axwaugea thla* P~ erhaps tun. 10 robevo
It an-and$*; Am4 up'vt the Vuati Or thO CIOUh WIeM, OW
clo~ mke 0h; 4~ O ba 4 v1ai' Nit
a ook: 4 I who cmi~ ot t sawr a butmr I) wl don zhubbily
InoaOom I 3: 4~~ h t have a CefulA u WIfr wute tzvmh
Wrilk ' of clotbuorkar'A I t I -feovreed from t a As 4ñ did im i94
theyada m~ a cotomer.; -beciuo ' it t a -qp~ endt
appmpriate thinsI that there shcaML be -one mLrebX' V100 I4~ s
bitvuny eoin~ U 7 d your'g~ e Industry uAn ymp oocintv.
Aw~ n~ U thma thl~ ia, Thi to a qmz~ ad tW the vorldo
hIIt0Vin vwIh It bam-ma 2sablemleto be beetile,* EZV0J)
In tho. 3s oan + 4 va love 03OXIede that. It b ea
fas~-nala t -exa-ina * i iat bther# p uole+ a re deftic to rigbake
a docade two dw -c cz hadtIULtW# of the prot1mb~ on of
tiltte, almwy tatk4m onw frIl-ndW~ djs for~ gatW~; and*
tan#' wt take thOLFI tor 8r~ a! t64
R 2he Tyx* noess Acyal

iVO am Muitte recent one or . tw 04 frtonCbip3
wu rcintu came; rW6 Will svdntaa cnM some Cat cation
Tvlds* cemnn trterws air4 ccnrcu ' fat wz1 iUt ool i
' dtskaif then tvten~ tsips efAMthen ntwUin e to tlmflae
cnt vuvfltg Giw IMnOrledge of amitt athor keepi en retvt2
oU centcete wit h ech Oter. Itt my be the ran on 4et~ i
0a -mnwho hat; 1tve' 91 1wOn 1ooz Una In csiable c-aigt
-tt I believes. sttfl, that thea ttma st nai hcpe, th~ e s'eutst
ios" z'AtiUCnM hope f, if Iw lal -ue tbhst nord,* the woz'd vrMas
! AX. t wfl Oi) VIMai Stiarm12 4y Cet 1bte to ItsI~ SU, we ge-swov
tireda t* it Wft Crow rO ti" 31 of nuthoxity WAn the
Najxb~ biitOtat tboy & am. y With twa; Ut we with'dnw Into
oueileto; it we any: ': 1a24, U-it; It wot U21 re 1Uh bo
detwivlnz the0 Vw~ of,~ wozth$ 4# luthto. tsvht ifhWe Wovli Anz=
-na s~ jeTv, ew a n " OnouI~ q ints Pnalca.~ tn oavs*
attn C rrt OM MWa1 cntW~ mA1v1, 14,. Ve. y sja to s
reczv& h-jra; * vsjd-Ua i to, lave the fl~ t= Mwzit We tz44win 3 tz
pwape 00I~ han Qcao Lnati'ra1 &-tame tt naeh MMxar
eIara with ua. It lo ci doarMh to be ableo to zr4rcfr
V~ revae In WOi za, I tapa~ MA~ tea4o ge on and pvoaIM: rS,
3 heOTQ that as00Y= eaX MO ~ bvy MA afl OD 0 4W~ EMo iA
etzVca~ th. Hiowa1er etvong VO grew, to cannt boe* at " 0b Stnks
toa be as swcng-In vtcrainl te0-to .3Z ene or two cothw ez nztoS
Or. 4gcat gratl o of eotrtrios. Tht dowiv t mfttSp. hat ft
kweO t& te 0f3 1nay V In eif In eeozra: y, In~ e= CxbattM
vie wOliA2 So tWa V, 4t24nuit Q. afl ty, In theI p~ wauit of
ec~ ecs~ in # knter we do* Ant lU4 u cmay ruit
= iestg, ts' so oan' t do It, whw anflt Theres a 1 t rifdo
ts Al4 tiuw thinga* ( Favo~ r weft lv& to & Vy tlat to a YcVrbztU-e
auOnce) ziw g01et eo " w-30e wttb ill the '-fldoze tQ " 4 IOt
to beomxe 5cpcate; tn* o sv not to iozaow* n awne i fljl I
cne vwet -oc w-noct & nvonttzag It : Von yfour pwunao A , ow
wrte aGO&-t tbo Itwpot-neM of Wzrncw In
vbmt I Wat vonmrci to~ call. the; hYewatbie ot t~ i
wwupvtiea, tUllpmt verbal iextev~ tks thaut one oees. Olaztm'c,
Wut, ta. t fie ethsswkl at Is tint c W ' firee iMas i t 1A
the atczch, Oade It~ Vhtt I M1tC benulxzu It LO en~ taa4. Ur thin
rich snue 00i f\ p! this fmVOIXASs & madtvev Cor hcstflig And
ttsn thie ! aoefl~ ty ie W1owU ~ v~ n tso t
at~~ r~ c~ tiettV~~ T~ ohzoi n' h hi~ a% t hr ae to -p
YOU havwUtk w vow M1 aot the 1-atet t'Ustoew at themr
In~ thwg 101WAjg* u And so Io11Z as Z litre 1 hose VoD atflk a q
tamw for tA& I cawflIn M~ wvM ifl0Mor In r-Ay oun, comstry.