PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00000149.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Messages from a range of countries

P. M. No, 3Z1960
The following messages were received by the Commonwealth
on the occasion of Australia Day 1960. The messages to the
Australian people were directed hrough the Governor-General,
Sir William Slim and the Prime Minister, Mr. Menzies.
From the President of the United States:
" I am happy to extend to your Excellency and to the people
of Australia on Australia Day, felicitations and sincere
good wishes from the people of the United States as well
as from myself."
From the Prime Minister of India:
" On the happy occasion of the anniversory of Australia Day,
the Government and the people of India join mc in sending
to you, Mr. Prime Minister, and to the Government and the
people of Australia, our most cordial greetings together
with our best wishes for the welfare and prosperity of
the people of your country."
From the President of France:
" On the occasion of Australia Day I address to your
Excellency with my warm felicita~ ions my sincere wishes
for the happy future of the Australian people."
From the First Minister of the Republic of Indonesia:
" On the auspicious occasion of the National Day of Australia
I have much pleasure in extending to your Excellency also
on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
most sincere congratulations and best wishes."
From the Rt. Hon. Viscount Dunrossil:
" Very best wishes and grootings to you on Australia Day.
Looking forward to our meeting 2nd February."
From His Excellency the High Cormissioner for Canada:
" On Australia Day, 1960, it is my privilege and pleasure
to convey to you, and to the Governmuent and people of the
Commonwealth of Australia, warmest greetings and best
wishes from the Government aind people of Canada.
All Canadians would wish to extend their congratulations
and sincere wishes for continued peace and prosperity on
your National Anniversary."
From the Wost German Governmient:
" On the occasion of Australia's National Day, I offer my
sincere wishes for the , ood fortune and prosperity of our
friends, the Australian people, and equally for the personal
health and happiness of your Excellency."
From His Majesty. King of Cambodia:
" On the occasion of the National Day of Australia I am
happy to address your Excellency in the name of the Khmer
Nation and in my oxin name the wvmest wishes that I
entertain for the full success of your high mission, for
your personal welfare and for the prosperity of the
Australian people."

From the Vice-President and Prime Minister of the Republic of
" On tho auspicious occasion of Australia Day I take groat
pleasure in extending to you my sincerest felicitations
and best wishes for the continuing prosperity of your
country and your porsonal well-being."
From the Prime Minister of Ceylon:
" On the happy occasion of the anniversary of Australia Day,
the Goernment and people of Ceylon join mae in sending
you and through you to the Government and people of
Ausiralia, our sincere felicitations and good wishes for
the coming year.
From His Excellency the Governor of Malta:
" On anniversary of Australia Day I send warmest greetings
on behalf of the Governme. int and people of Malta and Gozo
to you and to all Australians.
We rejoice that this celebration, in which so many
Australians from Malta participate, coincides with the
departure from Malta of the 25, OO0th migrant under the
Australia-Malta Passage Assistance Agreement, and I wish
to take this opportunity to express our pro fouhd gratitude
for your help to Malta." 1
From the President of the Union of Burma:
" On this anniversary of Australia Day, I am happy to
extend to your Excellency and to the Government and
people of Australia, on behalf of the Government and people
of the Union of Burma and on ray own behalf, warmi congratulations
and sincere good wishes for the progress and
continued prosperity of Australia."
From the President of Pakistan:
" On behalf of the Governent and the people of Pakistan and
on my own behalf, I offer to your Excellency, the Government
and the friendly people of Australia, heartiest
greetings and sincere best wishes on the happy occasion of
the National Day of Australia. We wish your Excellency
health and happiness and the people of Alistralia continued
peace and progress."
From the President of the Republic of Viet Nam,
" On the occasion of the National Day of Australia I am
happy to extend to your Excellency and through you to the
Australian people, rmy most sincere congratulations together
with my warmest wishes for your Excellency's personal
happiness and for the prosperity of Australia."

To Dr. Nehru Mr. Menzies reaiprocated with this message:
" On the occasion of India's Republic Day may I extend to
you and your people the sincere good wishes of the
Government and people of Australia.
I recall with very great pleasure my brief visit last
July to your great country, which, in the years since it
achieved independence, has won the respect and admiration
of all countries for its achievements both at home and
abroad. I wish you every success in the ventures which you are
planning and I fervently hope that the friendly ties which
exist between our two countries will, in the years to come,
be still further strengthened." 1
Sir William Slim replied to the President of the Republic of
I Viet Nam: " I much appreciate your Australia Day message and, on
behalf of the people of Australia, I send your Excellency
I am leaving Australia today and one of the happiest
memories of my term of office will be your visit to this
couhtry. My wife joins rae in sending ovary good wish for your
personal well being."
Mr. Menzies has replied to all the messages. To Dr. Djuanda
First Minister of the Republic of Indonesia he said:
" I am delighted to receive your message stop It confirms the
happy feeling I have about our political and personal relations."
CANBERRA, 26th January, 1960.