PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007023.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

The Prime m4inister today presented the Australian Peace Awards to
14 recipients to mark the International Year of Peace.
The awards, presented at a ceremony at the Lodge, are in
recognition of outstandinig contributions to the cause of peace by
Australian individuals and organisations.
The Australian Peace Awards, created by the Government, consist
of silver nedallions inscribed with the United Nations
International Year of Peace symbol and the Australian Coat of
Arms. Those who zaceived awards today are:
Dr Ian Mewman, for his contribution to the peace movement in
Tasmania and as a representative of the valuable work of
Scientists Against Nuclear Arms.
Dr Keith Suter, for services to peace in many areas as the
former President of the United Nations Association of
Austraia, and as a scholar and public speaker on peace
Mrs Elsie Gare and also on behalf of Mr Cyril Gare
( posthumously), for their dedicated work over many years in
the peace movement in Western Australia and in particular for
their outstanding work among the Aboriginal community.
Dr Ian Maddocks ( president), on behalf of The medical
Association for Prevention of War for utilisation of their
professional skills in encouraging public awareness of the
urgent need for disarmament and the prevention of nuclear
Miss Ellie Barry, for her outstanding work as a Red Cross
nursing sister in a number of fields including with the
Aboriginal people in Queensland, in the Kampuchean Relief
program and in setting up public health programs in Mekele
and Axtxn in Ethiopia.
Mrs Carol Durnian ( wife), on behalf of Mr Kevin Durnian in
recognition of the role of the trade union movement in
promoting peace issues and particularly the work of the
Seamen's Union over the years in this area.

Mr Guilford Summy ( son), on behalf of Mr Ralph Sumny for his
services to peace education and specifically his'work on the
theory and dynamics of non-violent political action.
Ms Barbara Lord, on'behalf of Peace Publications Co-operative
for its contribution to public awareness and education
through extensive and original coverage of peace issues in
the national magazine " Peace Studies".
Mr Jeff Kildea ( chairman), on behalf of the Catholic
Commission for Justice and Peace for work in matters relating
to human development and social justice in Australia and
abroad. Rev. Dorothy McMahon, for her work in the field of human
rights and particularly in representing women's viewpoints on
the need for disarmament and the prevention of nuclear war.
Mr David Worth, on behalf of The Peace Bus ( People for
Nuclear Disarmament, NSW) for work in raising public
awareness of peace and disarmament issues in a number of
States, including within rural communities..
fMr Bill mo, bray, Deputy Lord Elayor, on behalf of Wollongong
City Counci l in recognition of its program of activities to
raise comrmunity awareness of peace issues within the city of
Wollongong, thus representing the constructive role which can
be play2d by local government throughout Australia.
Mr Williar Gollan, for his outstanding contribution over many
years to the work of the peace novement in New South Wales.
Ms Jennifer 3urnley, for outstanding services to peace
education, particularly through the foundation of the Peace
Studies Curriculum Group.
In all, 20 awards were made, but six recipients were unable to
attend the ceremony.
The recipients were selected by a committee of prominent
Australians consisting of:
Melbourne fashion designer, Ms Prue Acton
Tasmanian businessman, Mr Claudio Alcorso
Visiting Fellow, ANU ( former Governor, Reserve Bank)
Dr H. C. Coombs
Assistant Secretary, Furnishing Trade Union of South
Australia, Mr Paul Dunstan
Auxiliary Catholic Bishop of Brisbane, The Most Rev.
J. J. Gerry
Actress, Ms Tessa Mallos
Judge, Supreme Court of Western Australia, Mr Justice
H. W. Olney