PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Press Conference
Transcript ID:
00009342.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

31 AUGUST 1994
PM: I'll make this brief. Mr Downerhas gone out of his way to.. has gone
out in 1987 and associif-d himself with an organisation which is the
most notoriously racist and anti-Semitic in the country. In 1987 it
would have been impossible for any active person in politics not to
have known that he was addressing the League of Rights. Particularly
when all his colleagues knew about themaiid-had already in the
Hansard record and elsewhere reacted angrily to them. Sitting as he
was, I understand, next to Eric Butler and Jeremy Lee the person who
had escorted David Irving, a man who denies the Holocaust, around
the country. In speaking at a meeting organised by avowed racists
and anti-Semites, he has failed every principle of his political duty.
And by his failure today to explain his actions, he's failed again.
I can tell you I've never seen a leader of the Opposition in the House
display so little courage as Mr Downer did today being protected by
the likes of Wilson Tuckey, and Peter Reith and the leader of the
national party, when he stood up and made a personal explanation, or
ducking out of back doors from journalists after indicating that he
would in fact gave them an interview. When John Hewson said to
Alexander Downer, when he rang him and said that he was going to
run for the leadership of the Opposition, he said " You don't have what
it takes, Alexander", and the truth is he was dead right.
J: Do you think Mr Downer should resign, Mr Keating?...( inaudible)...
PM: Well, he has failed I think, the principle of political duty and he has
failed to explain his circumstances at the time. I mean, this is a
notorious organisation. When you look at some of the remarks which
have been made by... in April 1988, by Senator Peter Baume: " There
can be no doubt that the League of Rights espouses values

inconsistent with the Liberal-Democratic traditions to which so many of
us are committed. It's not surprising, indeed, it's almost inevitable that
serious political leaders should find the League of Rights message to
be anathema to them.", and it goes on with others. Senator Boswell:
" The League's public face is for God, Queen and country, and support
for States rights, free enterprise, the Constitution, the family farm and
small businesses. It's only natural that many decent men and women
are attracted to these objectives which are laudable and noble.
However, the more extreme side of the League is introduced
insidiously by degrees through its extensive network of organisations."
Now, if you are a member of Parliament, and you are an aspiring party
leader, you shouldn't be one of the gullible men and women who are
attracted to the objectives and yet not understand what the
organisation is.
J: So do you condemn with equal vigour the support from members of
your own party, like Graeme Campbell, for right wing groups?
PM: Graeme Campbell is not the leader of the Labor Party. That's the
J: But he is an ALP politician and he did address a League of Rights
meeting, will you seek to have him expelled?
PM: No. And I don't endorse his political views either... r his social views.
J: But do you condemn his views?
PM: Well, some I do. But most, of course, are consistent with the Labor
Party's objectives.
J: Do you really think that Alexander Downer has anti-Semitic views?
PM: Well, it's hard to explain that he has addressed a League of Rights
meeting. In the late eighties, the League of Rights was an active
organisation. I mean, any of us you in journalism, or any of us in
politics at that time knew this to be so. It shows very, at best,
exceptionally bad judgement to be in their company.
J: Is the crime that he addressed the meeting, or that he won't own up to
PM: Both. I think he shouldn't have addressed the meeting, and he
should've today said he did and what the circumstances are,
instead of ducking and weaving, and cowardly hiding behind people in
the House of Representatives when it was raised. And, of course,
having it defended in the Senate. What he should have done was
come out and said so said what the circumstances were, and at least
given the country some explanation of his position.

J: Have you, in your long political career, addressed or shared a platform
at a party or group of people, that you didn't share those views later
on? Perhaps you were embarrassed about later on?
PM: Not that I can remember. Not the League of Rights. You won't find me
with the League of Rights.
J: Have you seen the video, Mr Keating?
PM: No, I haven't.... which video?
J: The one of this event?
PM: No, I haven't seen it, no.
J: What of his explanation that he thought he was addressing a Christian
Youth Rally at the time?
PM: Well, Senator Boswell says this... that it goes through the established
fronts; " The most established front organisation would be the Institute
for Economic Democracy, Ladies in Line Against Communism, the
Christian Institute for Individual Freedom, the Australian Heritage
Society, and the Conservative Speakers Club". I mean, you've got to
be either incompetent, or a fool to turn up to a show like this and not
know what it is. And if you are that, you shouldn't be the leader of the
Opposition. Thank you.