PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00009140.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

TEL: 28. Feb. 94 16: 44 No. 021 P. 01/ 02
, I
Following the resignation of Ros Kelly as Minister for Environment, Sport and
Territories I advise that I will be recommending to the Governor-General the following
new Ministerial arrangcments:
Senator Graham Richardson to become Minister for the Environmcnt, Sport
and Territories
Senator John Faulkner to become Minister for Sport and Territories within the
above portfolio.
Mrs Kelly was Ministcr assisting the Prime Minister for the Status of Women. I will
now assume full responsibility for that part of my portfolio.
28 February 1994 Af
AA& 6

T2EL. F: eb. 94 16: 44 No. 021 P. 02/ 02
Commionwealth Governmient
mvaux 00m CHAumM
Prime Minister The lHan? J Keating, UP Senator Evans
MWinie, for Aboriginal wid Torrcs Stiait. Ulandor Aftain Thre Non Robert Tickner, MIP Suaor Collins
pecial Minister ot Stat. ( V~ tx-PfMd~ o1 of the t'xmitfvc Council) The lion Frank Walker. QC, Mp SenAtor fv
Parliamentary. Serretary The lion Andrew Zheophanoni4 Up
Minister for hlousing, Local Goycirnment aud Humnan Sen'ie The Han Brian flowe, ? AP % AUsio Richrda
( Dgeuty I'ru Miniuter)
Minister for hecalih Senator the Hion Grahant Ricmardson Mr I laws
Minist for Family Siec Senator the lion Itosemmay Crowley NIT I owa
Minister for Vseorans' Affairs, ( Miaiigct uf 0overencal Business to Seair the Hon John Faulkner Mr How*
A&$ seet )
Parliamentary Secretary The l1on Andrew Thoophano~ t MP
Minhter for Forcilo Affairs, ( Leadct of Tbe Cuovenicai in the Senate) Seator the Han Gareth E~ vans, QC Mr Bilhimy
MlbbLw ror Trade Senator the Uon Boh McMullan Mr licy
Minister for Dtvclopinevi Co-OPUration And Padic Wsand Affairs The lion Oordon 1ijincy, MP' Smnto Evans
Mtinistcr for Defence, ( Deputy Iader of the Governmeat to thc Senate) keator the Haon Robert Ray Mr Dlewiey
Minister fot Deene Science and PursonacI Senator the lion john rAulner Ma' Ileazcy
Parliazmentary Secretary The Hon oary Pwach, UP
Trtasurcr The lion Ralph Willi%, MP Senator cook
Amsaut Treauror The Man George Gear. MV' Senator cook
Special Minister of.% tAte Tne lion Frank Walker, 10C, M1' senator cook
Puriaumensary Secreta ry te lion Paul Ellicw, Am
Minister for kinance, ( 3c& i& r of t Wmu) The Ron Kim C Besley, MIP Seator Cook
Minister for the Environment, Sport and Territorhis Senator the Non Craharn lchnrdin M, L" e
Mknisicy tor spoa't and TwrTitorics Senator the Hon John Fasulkncr Mr Lee
Plarllemetital Serary ( Territories) the RON. Warren Snov4 or MP
Parliamenfory Secretary The lion Jaket Croio May, 4 MP
Minister for Industry, Technology and Regional Developmnent Senator the Ro. Peter Cook Mr La.
Minister far Scitnce and Small flusinars Senator the Han Chris Schacht Mr Lee
Miiter Auisting the Prime Mini Ibfr Sciene
Perliamentar Secretary t lon E Lindisay, M11
Minister for Immingratlnn and Ethnic Affairs Senator the lion Nick flolku4s Mr orertzon
Minister Assistin the Prime Minister for Multiculftral Affairs
Minister for Fusploymcut, Education and Triing The Hop Simton Creep, MP Senator Schacbt
Minister fur Schools, Vocational Education and '[ raining The Hon Ross Proti, MP Seamar Schucht
Parliamentary Secretary te Hom W4arreng Sowdon, Afp
Minlistr far Prituary Industrics and Energy Sentitor the huma Bob Collins Mr Beddall
Minister for Resources The lion David fledall, MP 8" maot Collns
Parlilamentary Secrtar Senatur the lon ffick Sherry
Minister for Social Security The Roo Peter Bold win, MP Seamar Crowley
Parliamentary Secretary T7e lion Con Sdruaca, MP
Minister for Admlinlstrativg $ mrice& Senator the Ron Dob McMullen Mr funnxy
Parliamentary SecretAry The lion C'on Sciacca, U~ P
Minister for Industrial Relations The Nion Laurie Brtrclon, MP Senator Ray
. Aastant Minister for Industrial Relations Tho lion Gary IOlrni, MP Senator Ray
Mmifser Assisting the Prime Minister for Public Service Matters
Minister fur Transport The Ilon Laurie Urereton, MP Senator McMullani
Parliamentary Secretary The lion Neil O'Kegfe, MP
Atiorncy-Generml Thei Ilea Michael IlAVarci, M? Senator BoikUs
Minktcr for Consumer Affair% Tbq lIIon lcallnete M4; tiugb, MP Senator HOlUa
Minifter for Justice Tle lion Duncan Kerr, MP Senator Hoilkus
l'urlianmniry Secretary The Yo( n Peter Duncan, MP
MiPister for Communicaions and the Arts The Hon Mital Lee, MIP Senaor McMuilao
Minister for Tourism T'he Ruon Michuel lee, MP Seatlor Ray
EA boa frueae It poctfollo. Cabinet ialiters * IT shown In bnld type. As a SenJ rule* there Is ow4 Depuimt.~ in each potulio. lt fag the
Department of the rue Minster and CAbiact. the Depastmest of huiunt Seoices and Hlealth and the Duaitaet of i'ozca~ a Allain and Tad@, th tk of cub~
Dquncnit eflects thiat of the Portfolio Mlinistcr, There Is albo a Depurt'unt of Vtetes Affairs in the Ilma" Services and lisaith portfoio.