PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00009093.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

Awi/ i
Following the resignation of John Dawkins as Treasurer and the election of Gary Johns to the
Ministry, I have decided to recommend to the Governor-General a number of changes to
ministerial and administrative arrangemuents.
A copy of the new ministry list is attached, showing the detail of the changes. I am pleased
to announce that Ralph Willis is to become Treasurer. He has made an outstanding
contribution to the Labor Government since it took office in 1983 and he comes to his new
position as a Minister of wide experience and demonstrated capacity.
Other changes to be made by the Governor-General will be the appointment of Kim Beazley
as Minister for Finance and Simon Crean as Minister for Employment, Education and
Training. Senator Collins will be Minister for Primary Industries and Energy and David
Beddall, Minister for Resources.
I will also be recommending to the Governor-General some adjustment of departmental
arrangements. The Department of Transport and Communications will be renamed as the
Department of Transport and a separate Department of Communications will be established.
Laurie Brereton will be Minister for Transport ( as well as remaining Minister for Industrial
Relations) and Michael Lee becomes Minister for Communications and remains Minister for
Tourism. The Secretary to the Department of Communications will be Mr Neville Stevens,
the former Secretary to the Department of Industry, Technology and Regional Development.
The rccord of achievement in Transport and Communications in recent years includes new
industry structures for aviation; the development of a third runway at Kingsford Smith
Airport; reform of the shipping and waterfront sectors; progress towards a national rail
freight system and uniformn national road regulation; new regulatory arrangements for
telecommunications, broadcasting and radio communications. and the introduction of
comperition in telecommunications; and sale of communications licences for more than a
billion dollars. The new arrangements will build on and enhance these achievements, which
are alrcady contributing substantially to Australia's improved international competitiveness.
The Department of Health. Housing, Local Government and Community Services is to be
renamed as the Department of Human Services and Health. and Brian Howe will become the
Minister for Housing, Local Government and Human Services.

Reflecting my commitment that there should be direct representation of women's issues in
the Cabinet, Ros Kelly will become the minister assisting me for the status of women. She
will be assisted in her normal portfolio duties by the appointment of Janice Crosio as a
parliamentary secretary in that portfolio. Con Sciacca will replace her as parliamentary
secretary in the Arts and Administrative Services portfolio.
I am very pleased to welcome Gary Johns to the Ministry. He will become Assistant
Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Public Service
Matters. Paul Elliott will replace Mr Johns as parliamentary secretary to the Treasurer.
There will be an Executive Council meeting and swearing-in ceremony at Government House
at 2.30 this afternoon.
23 December 1993

ommonwealth Government
7Vhu MROSME Rtejrsenauze to
other Chamber
Jrile Minister The Houe P J Keating, MP Senator Evans
Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait iWander Affairs The Hon Robert Tickner, MY Senator Collin
Special Minister of State The Hon Frank Walker, QC, MP Senator Evans
( Vice-ftesident of the Exeutive Council)
Parlamentary Secetary The Mont Andrew Theopha noms UP
Miister for Housing, Local Goverment and Human Servicesi The Bon Brian Howe, MP Senator Richardson
( Deputy Prime lvfiistcr)
Minister for Health Senator the Hon Graham Richardson Mr Howe
Minister for Family Services Senator the Han Rosemary Crowley Mr Howe
Minister for Veterans' A& ffairs Senator the lion John Faulkner Mr Howe
( Manalar of GoVeremtent Dahess In the Seate)
Parliamentary Secretary The Han Andrew Thwophwzou, MP?
Minister for Foreign Affhirs Senator the Han Gareth Evanis, QC Mr Bilney
( Leader of the Oovernient to the Seate)
Minister for Trade Senator the Hoe Peter Cook Mr Bilney
Minister for Development Co-operation and Pacific Island Affairs The Hon Gordon Biltiey, MEP Senator Evans
Minister for Defence Senator the Hon Robert Ray MY Beazley
( Deputy Lcader of The Government tn the Senate)
Minister for Defence Science and Personnel Senator the Hon John Faulkner Mr Beazicy
Parliamentary Secretary 2thi lion Gary Puanch, MP
Treasurer The Hon Ralph Willis, MP Senator McMullan
Assistant Treasure Tha Hon George Gear, MP Senator McMullan
Special Minister of Stae The lion Frank Walker, OC, M? Senator McMullan
Parliamentary SeCetay The Hon Paul Elliott, MP
Minister for Finance The Bon Kim C Bealey, MP Senator McMullan
( Leader of the Haoust)
Minister for the Environmient, S port and Territories The Hon Ros Kelly, M7 Senator Richardson
MmitrerAusiing the Prime Minister for the Statusr of Women Senator Crowley
Parliamentary Secretry ( Yerritorids) The Hon Warren Snqowdoau MP
Parliamentary Secretary The Mon Jankie Cras4a U89M Af?
Minister for Immigraton and Ethnic Affairs Senator the Hoo Nick Bolkus My Bramain
Minister Assising the Prime Minister for Multicultural Affairs
Minister for Employment, Euncation and Training The Hon Simon Crean, MP Senator Schacht
Minister for Schools, Vocational Education and Training Thle Han Ross Free MP Senator Schacht
Parliamentary Swretary The lion Warren Snowdon, MP
Minister for Industry, Technology and Regional Developmecnt The Hon Alan Grilfiths, MP Senator Schacht
Minister for Science and Small Business Senator the Hon Chris Schacht Mr Griffiths
in Ister Assisting th e Prime Min ister for Scien ce
Parliamentary Secretary ' The lion E) J Lindsay, MP
Minister for Primary Industries and Energy Senator the Hon Bob Collins Mr Beddall
Minister for Resource The Hon David Beddall, MP' Senator Collins
Parliamentary Secretary Senator the Mon Nick Sherry
Minister for Social Security The Han Peter Baldwin, MP Senator Crowley
Parliamentary Secretry Thje Hon Con Seiacca, Mp
Minister for the Arts and Administraive Services Senator the Hon Bob McMullan Mr Walker
Parliamentary Secretary The Hon Con Sciacca, MP
Minister forludaatdaiRelations . e-Han LAurie Brereton, MP Senator Ray
Assistant Minister for Industrial Relations The Hon Gary Johns, MP
Mimioter Assisting the Prime Minister for Public Service Matters Senator Ray
Minister for Transport The Hon Laurie Drereton, MP Senator Cook
Parliamentary Sea'etry T'he Hon Neil OlKeefte MP
Attorney-General The Hon Michael Lavarch, MP Senator Bolkus
Minister for Consumer Affairs The Hon Jeannette McHugh, MP Senator Boikus
Minister for Justice The HOD Duncan Kerr, MP Senator BolkUs
Parliamentary Secretary The lon Peter buncan, MP
Minister for Commounicatiofh The Hion Michael Le-e, MP Senator Cook
Minister for Tourism The Hen Michael Lee, MP Senator Ray
Each box represents a panfoio. Cabbat Mixistert ane shows as bold type. AsS a ner! ul dc them in one Department in ewA poxifollo. Except far the
Departmen of Human eryicu and Meath and the Department of Poreign Affairs nad Trade, the title of echb Department reflects that of the Portfoio Minister.
There isa & Wa Departmeht of Veterans Affairs is the iunmsa Services and Health psolo.