PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00008951.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

Todays launching ceremony of the submarine COLLINS represents the
culmination of a commitment made by this Government in the mid-eighties not
only to Australia's defence, but also to Australia's defence industry.
The submarine project went much further than a decision we made to replace
the ageing Oberon class submarines: it is the first part of a determination to reestablish
Australia's shipbuilding industry.
The second part of that commitment was to build in Australia the ANZAC class of
ships for the Royal Australian Navy.
And I am pleased to say that that project is also proceeding on schedule. The
submarine project was ambitious, and not without significant risks.
COLLINS is the first submarine to be built in Australia.
A whole range of new and diverse technologies for Australia had to be set up
from scratch: the production of high-strength micro-alloy steel; high-technology
welding; new construction methods; micro-electronics; visual and electronic
optical equipment; and the manufacture of lenses and submarine periscopes.
The Australian Submarine CorporatiorrtASC) was awarded the prime contract in
1987. The decision to select an Australian prime contractor reflected the Government's
confidence in Australian capabilities and the Government's commitment to the
-polivyoft-a ~ tlr-i, ldiittju~ iJ~~ vndUstry.
The fulfilment of this vision has been a tall order for Australia's manufacturing
industry at a time of great change.
1344 I

It has been an enormous challenge for management, the workforce, and their
unions. I am pleased to say that the companies and people concerned have met that
challenge. The result is a new defence industry culture which is now looking for
opportunities elsewhere.
I pay tribute to the Australian Submarine Corporation's ability to so effectively
pull this very complex project together.
ASC has successfully ensured that the submarine construction is on schedule,
on cost, and meets or exceeds all performance criteria on quality, Australian
industry involvement, employment opportunities, and technology transfer.
ASC is exceeding its Australian industry involvement goal of 45% for the combat
system work and 70% for the balance of the contract.
Of the contract price of about $ 4 billion, more than $ 3 billion will be returned to
Australian industry.
Put simply, ASC has built the most advanced conventional ly-powered submarine
in the world, and a lot of people deserve credit and congratulations.
Among many other things the success of the project represents a major
industrial relations achievement. Before work commenced management and
unions negotiated a three-union on-site workforce.
And more recently, they have negotiated a two-year Enterprise Agreement
based on productivity improvements.
The workers, their unions and management are to be congratulated on their
example to Australian industry.
We should also credit the South Australiao government's foresight in. backing
the project.
It goes without saying that their initiative has brought great benefits to the people
of South Australia.
The Corporation's fabrication and assembly work, together with component
manufacture by South Australian industry, accounts for an injection of $ 1.6
billion into the South Australian economy over a period of 14 years. 13415

3 I b,
Over 1000 new jobs have been created at the Australian Submarine the
Corporation. m
And several thousand other Australians have gained work through sub-Th
contracts. oul inc
The ASC, of course, has not done this alone, as the presence of distinguished inc
representatives from Sweden and elsewhere testifies. Thi
The Australian Government has appreciated the strong support of the Swedish O
Government and the assistance provided by the Royal Swedish Navy to thece
project. Their support exemplifies the cooperation that can be achieved between two S
countries in a joint venture. Without this level of cooperation, I doubt that we
could have achieved todays success. pe
Minister Bjork, Au! to r
I would like to express to you Australia's most sincere appreciation for the strong
support provided by your government in ensuring the success of this project. Bul
I am sure that you are as proud of Kockums' performance as we are proud of theca
Australian Submarine Corporation. An(
We look forward to continued close cooperation as we both seek to reap the full
benefits in the international market place. It is
The construction of this submarine is an outstanding example of what can be
achieved when Australia embarks on truly international joint ventures. Thi
The multinational character of the project demonstrates that, in cooperation With n
other countries, Australia is able to develop major new high-technology industry Bot
capabilities. of i
I am pleased to see here today the Ambassadors, High Commissioners, military Sir
officers and officials of the many countries involved in the project. a
in t'
I am pleased also to see representatives of the East Asian region with which we i
seek closer defence ties. Sir
Australia wants to develop defence industry relations with our neighbours. A he Witt

I believe that such cooperation will assist the countries in our region to support
their own security and defence needs, as well as assisting Australia in
maintaining its industry skills.
The Collins class submarines increase our confidence in our ability to defend
ourselves, and illustrate how, through joint cooperation ventures Australian
industry can contribute to the security needs of our neighbours, and help
increase regional security and stability.
These shipbuilding projects, and other defence acquisition programs, such as
Over the Horizon Radar and high-technology communications programs, are
clear evidence that Australia's industry and technological base is diversifying.
Shipbuilding involves the entire spectrum of technology-based skills and
capabilities including project management, information and communication
systems, electronics, software, electro-optics, integrated logistics support and
perhaps most importantly, customer service.
Australia's defence industry may never be totally self-sufficient. It will continue
to rely to a certain extent on overseas technology.
But there is no question that Australia has developed specific skills and
capabilities that are world class and internationally competitive.
And I believe that these skills and experience will enable us to assist regional
countries in their defence needs.
It is fitting that the first submarine, and the class title, take their name from Vice
Admiral Sir John Collins.
This is the first time that Australian naval vessels have been named after officers
and sailors who have served their country and their navy with great distinction.
Both the submarines and the their namesakes represent the highest standards
of Australian professionalism.
Sir John Collins entered the Royal Australian Naval College in 1913 when he
was 14 years of age and from where he began a along and distinguished career
in the Royal Australian Navy.
Sir John Collins saw service in both the First and Second World Wars.
As Captain of HMAS SYDNEY in the Second World War in the Mediterranean,
he engaged two Italian light cruisers, sinking one and forcing the second to
withdraw damaged. 1347

During the Pacific War, Sir John Collins returned to help in the defence of
Australia. As Commander of the Australian Squadron, he attended the surrender of Japan
in September 1945.
He was later promoted to Vice Admiral, and created a Knight Commander of the
Order of the British Empire.
Sir John Collins served Australia marvellously well, and I am sure HMAS Collins Inpo
will too. not h
Australia can develop the most advanced technology and manufacture This:
technologically complex equipment, on time, within cost, and to world-class
standards for quality. Ther, unem,
The challenge of the future is to ensure that this new defence industry capability . exci
is maintained and further developed for the benefit of Australia and regionalBu
countries. . geari uneur
I congratulate the Australian Submarine Corporation and the people who built
HMAS Collins; the Swedish company, Kockums; Rockwell Systems Australia; all
other sub-contractors; suppliers and the Navy.
You have all done a superb job and I know all Australians would want me to
extend their warmest congratulations.
Thank you.
28 August 1993 Thes and howe, is t