PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00008842.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

TEL: S P06---
WELL this is the * weetebt victory of All
-this is thes~ weret. This is a victory for
the true believers, the people who in
difficult times. have ke'pt the faith and to
the Austr-4lian people going throucih hard
time. It makebs tileir Ac-t Of faith All that
much greater.
It will be a long time before an
Opposition party' tries to divide this
Country again. 11 w~ ill be is lont time beforc
somebodyv tries~ to put one 970UP Of
Australians over here and another group
over there.
The public of Atustralia are tooo decent
and they awe too consacientious and the.%
are too interested in their country to wear
those sorts of things.
This I think has been very much a
victory of Australian values, because It
was Australian values on the line and the
Liberiii Party wanted to change Austria
from the coup try I is become, a coaperatie,
decent. nice place to live where
people have regard for ovie another.
Anid could I just say that this has been a
hard campaign and I can assure every
member of the public out there, when
they think we don't know In the political
system how tough it is. I can assure you I
can tell you how tough It was in those last
few weeks.
But can I say to you that I wanted to win
iigain, to be there in the 19905 to see
Australia prosper as it will.
The thing is. I said to the Australian
people ~ we've tu-nea the corner'. Can I say
now, after the election, let me repeat it:
we have turned the corner. The growth is
coming through. We will see ourselves as
a sophisticated trading country in Asia
and we've got to do It in a way where
everybody's got a part in it, where
everyone's In It.
There's always cause for concern but
never pessimism and Australia, wherein
for the first time in our history, located in
the region o( the fastest growth in the
world, and we've been set up now, we are
set up now as~ we've never been set up
before to be in It, to exploit. It, to be part of
IIt offers tremendous opportunities for
Autralans and now we have to do it. and
we havi. to do it comspas. sionately.
I give an assurance to the people that
this victory won't go to the heads of the Victory from
true believers
Government of the Labur Party. Well
take~ it seriously, we'll Wike it thankfully,
and well do a great deal with it.
The people of Austraia, have t" en us
on trurt. and we'll return that trust and
we'll care about those people out there,
particularly the unemployed we want to
get them back to work.
If we can't get them back to work
Immredilately. sune as hell we are going
to took after them. We are not going to
leave them in the lurch. We are not going
to leave them In the lurch and we are
going put our hand out and we are going
to pull them up behind u&.
And we are going to move along, this
country is going to move along together.
We have such enormous opportunity. This
world recession is now starting to
dissipate, we've made the break out of It,
This is the text of the victory
speech by the Prime Minister,
Mr Keoting
America's starting to turn, it won't be that
long before the Japanese economy 5tarts
to turn, and hopefully well be away and
running In the 90s in a low inflationary
period of prosperity.
I can assure you the Government will
now be redoubling its efforts to be as good
a government iia you hope and expect we
can be. To be as Conscientious with this
mandate as we possibly Can be. to give It
our every ef fort our every shot, to see
that we recover quickly and we get going
and we put t'his recessionary period
behind us and we Set this country Of
opportunity off and running.
But keeping the opporteuity for
everybody keeping those preat
keeping those great..,. keeping those
great nostrumb of access and equity.
Getting people into the game. The
poliies~ of inclusion. The policies of One Nation. And that's what it,-g ot to be
about. So can I say Again. this is a tremendous
victory. It's a tremendous victory for all
those who have got imagination and faith.
The people who believe in things. who are
not going to let orood beliefs be put aside
for e. sentially miserable ideas to divide
the place up.
I mean. I think the Australian people
have always had such remarkable sense to
spot the value and to cut their way
through It.
Now part of this victory is our part of
it is them spotting what they think were
the dangers In the Liberal Party's policies,
What I hope in that the next election the
victory is 100 per cent due to the good
governiment of Labor.
Now. I'd like to start thanking tiome
people and the first person I'd like to start
with is my wife, Aurtita, who has helped
me right through the campaign. Thank
yout. Arid can I also say, can I give an extras
special note of thanks to the women of
Australia. who voted for us believing in
the policies of this Government.
I want to pay a paticular thanks also to
good on you mate I want to pay at
particular thanks to the architects of this
victory, my personal staff. Don Russell,
Mark Ryab. Don Watson. my press
sertaries and the rest.
And most partcularly to those people In
the Labor Party w-ho've never lost faith,
never iost heart. and are there at the
polling booths to work and to fight for
good things. Thank you. The people who
never give up but always keep on believing
and are always there no matter how heavy
the travails may be. to You I * Ay thank you
very, very much Indeed.
Thank You again and thank you for
believing. But could I most particularly, " nd again
finally, thank the Austrlan people
without whose faith and decency and
commitment to what's fair and what's
reasonable and what is decent in this
coUntr, without thoue conscientious
judgments this victory could not have
been consummated and put together.
Thank YOu.
And I concludle on this. note, to say we
thank you. we appreciate it. we won't let
you down. Thank you.
TE1L6: . Jul. 93 10: 45 No. 001 P. 01