PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00008840.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

John Howard admitted on ABC's AM this morning that he is
prepared to ride roughshod over workers covered by State,,
awards by using the Corporations power of the Constitton.
State awards cover 57.3% of the Queensland workforCe 48.8% in
NSW, 47.8% in SA, 57.3% in WA and 45.6% in Tasman~ ia.
Being covered by a State award offers no security for workers
in these States. Il
All these workers are under threat by' 4he John Howard system
of individual work contracts.
Some 40% of workers in Victoria hve had their awards
abolished already under JeffzKennett. This experience will
spread across the nation if" 3ohn Howard is in control.
If the States don't agreie to accept his policy, Mr Howard
admitted this morning/-that the Opposition is prepared to act
without the co-oper tion of the States to implement his
policy. He said:
" even if e had to act unilaterally in defiance of the
States; ( our legislation) would reach about 70% of
priva sector employees in Australia."
Mr Howar s admission came in the face of criticism of the
Opposit on's industrial relations policy by Sir Richard Kirby,
forme head of the Industrial Relations Commission who
con d h Opstion's policy as a recipe for the
exp oitation of workers.
Sir Richard on ABC's AM this morning said:
" Let's assume for the moment that the employer, a
particular employer, relying on the fact that there are
thousands of people, million people out of employment,
could say I'm leaving those provisions out and if you
don't sign the contract you're sacked because I can get
many out those million people to come in and take your
place.... That I think would be a very deplorable
Contact: Don Mackay 06 27732043/ 93 11 March 1993
" 7 1 A ( I a
' MTe economy grew by 2 1/ 2 per ccnt over the past year, the highest in the OECD.
n growth is set to accelerate and sec. unemployment decline. Consensus Economics, a
London-based firm that surveys prominent economists around the world, predicts that the
Australian economy will grow by 3.2 per cent this year and 3.7 per cent in 1994. Access
Economics forecast growth of 4% in 1993-94 under existing policies. They forecast the
unemploymient rate to fall to 10% next year and down to around 8% within three years.
* There are increasing signs that growth is accelerating. Retail trade is up. private investment
grew strongly in the December quarter. Building commencements are 15% higher than a year
* Moreover, there are increasing signs that the labour-marke is set to expand. ABS, ANZ, CES
and DEFT vacancies are all increasing, some quite quickly. Overtime is up. The DEFT
leading indicator of employment again rose strongly in January. Unemployment tends to lag
these indicators and thus will improve in the next few months.
* In addition, conditions are right for a strong, sustained lift in investment and jobs.
* Inflation over the past year is 0.3% the lowest in the world.
Interest rates have fallen by over 12% and are now at their lowest levels for two decades.
Productivity has increased by almost 3% over the past year.
Our international competitiveness has improved by 25% since 1983.
There are now 735 enterprise agreements covering almost 1/ 3 of all employees under federal
* Industrial disputes have fallen by 60% undcr the Labor govemnment and now are below the
OECD average, a feat never achievcd under past Liberal governments.

Australia has the third lowest ratio of tax revenue to GDP among all OECD countries, down
from sixth lowest in 1985.
We have one of the lowes -t Government debt levels in the world. Our gross government debt
as a ratio of GDP is below chat of every other OECD country, and is less than half chat of the
G7 major economies and the OECD average.
ving standards, as measured by real household disposable income, have risen by 28.3%
since the March quarter 1983.
* Australia's foreign-debt is entirely due to the private sector, State Governments and
Government Business Enterprises. The Commonwealth Government has borrowed S18
billion overseas but has more than $ 20 billion in foreign reserve assets in other words, we
are a net lender to the rest of the world.
The Research Effort
As a nation we are devoting many more~ tcsources to research and development. Australian
businesses have more than doubled their research and development over the past decade in
real terms.
The Government has increased its funding by 39% and is encouraging a further change in
culture through measures such as the 150% tax concession and the funding of the 52
cooperative research centres. with 10 more in prospect.
As a result. over the past decade we've had the fastest growth in the OECD in both business
research and development expenditure and external patent applications.
tndustr and ExoRts
* Australian export occupy about one third of the world fast ferry market. Government will
extend the shipbuilding bounty whilst the Coalition will end it.
* Cochlear holds nearly 90% of the world's bionic ear implant market.
* Uncle Toby's is the number one name in health food snacks in Singapore.
* We're exporting over Si 1.2 billion in cars and automotive components. Australian firms
supply catalytic converters for Rover in the UKC, leather seating upholstery to BMW and
springs to Mercedes Benz cars. An Australian firm is designing, developing and
manufacturing instrument clusters for Mercedes.
* Exports of IT and Telecommunications equipment are around $ 2 billion. Digital Equipment
Corporation is exporting S240 million and $ 72 million into research and development.
* Exports of pharmaceuticals have risen from almost zero from five years ago to over $ 1/ 2
billion this year and probably S2 billion bi' the end of the decade. ( Peter Roberts, APR
11/ 3/ 1993)
7142 * in aerospace, Lockhart and Preston are winning major contracts for overseas airports.
* Transfield and SN{ EC have landed a S1 billion contract to build and operate a hydro-electric
power station in Laos.
* Quality and productivity performance of Australian industry have improved dramatically in
the last four years. Australian cars have reduced the number of faults per vehicle by 40% anc
many now rival the best in the world. A 1992 survey of Japanese manufacturing investment
in Australia concluded that " within these companies... the concept of quality control has
begun to take root firmly in the minds of factory workers.'
* Of 29 Japanese firms surveyed on their operations in Australia. only one rated labour force
problems as its most important problem in 1992. This compares with eight of 26 Japanese
manufacturing firms in 1988 saying that labour force problems were their major problem.
Stimnml Rfor
* Productivity has more than doubled on the waterfront.
* Crews on Australian ships have been reduced from 28 to below 21, and will fall to 16 over thnext
stage of the reform process.
* A record of over 18 million passengers flew in Australia in 1992 as a result of airfares falling
in nominal terms over the past three years.
Education * In 1982, only three out of every 10 young people finished high school; now. 8 in 10 do.
* The chances now that any young person will finish school and go onto university are Q=
. hizber than when the Liberals were last in office.
* There are actually fewer young people unemployed now than in 1983 110,000 compared
with 158,000. Most young people are in education or training. This is the right response to
the increase in skill level required for entry to employment.
* Under Labor, the number of Australian students attending university has increased by 211,00(
to 530,000. This increase is equivalent to 20 new universities.
* Australia now has one of the world's highest rates of university graduation for young people.
Vocational Training
* Labor has undertaken a fundamental reform of vocational education and training, and
established the Australian National Training Authority, with increased funding of $ 720
* There are 73,100 more TAFE places in 1993 than in 1991.

* Labor has provided special incentives for employers to recruit and train apprentices and
trainees apprentice intakes increased by 54% in the December quarter of 1992, over 8,100
commencements. Trainee intakes have increased by 146% over the 7 months since June
1992 compared with the same period a year before.
LAbour market promrris
* There were 170,000 job vacancies notified to the CES, in the December quarter of 1992, the
highest for any quarter since March 1990.
* 136,000 people were placed in jobs by the CES in the December quarter 1992, the highest
number placed since the June quarter of 1990.-
* Seasonally adjusted CES job vacancies and placements in the month of December 1992 were
the highest for any month since June 1990
upward trends in both indicators have been established for 12 months.
* Job placements for the long-term unemployed rose substantially in the December quarter of
1992 up 175% on the same period in 1991;
37,000 long-term unemployed people were placed in jobs.
* T'here has been a turnaround in the success of labour market programs
in December 1992 the percentage of people in labour market programs who found
a job or entered further education or training was the highest since December 1990
44% of people who participated in a labour market program in 1992 gained
employment or went on to further education.
11 MARCH 1993