PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00008773.pdf 28 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

The third and final selection round for the Cooperative
Research Cgptres. Program was completed today, with the
selection of a further seventeen Centres, the expansion of
two CRCs established in 1991, and the establishment of a
Research Data Network CRC ( RDN-CRC).
The Prime Minister, Mr Keating, and the Minister Assisting
the Prime Minister, Mr Free, said that the Centres
announced today will make a substantial contribution to
the international competitiveness of our industries and
will provide strong support for the sustainable
development of Australia's resources.
A list of the Centres announced today, together with the
existing 34 CRCs is attached. Details of each new Centre
are also attached.
The new Centres and the extensions to two existing CRCs
will enhance Australia'~ s R& D capabilities in a broad range
of areas, including manufacturing technologies;
information and communications technology; exploration,
mining and energy generation; sustainable production and
processing of agricultural products; environmental
management; and vaccine technology.
All States and Territories, together with important
regions such as North Queensland, are represented.
Total resources available to the new and extended Centres
will amount to S872 million over the initial contract
period. The CRC Program will provide some $ 254 million
dollars. The remaining S618 million will be contributed by
business enterprises ($ 170 million), universities ($ 183
million), Commonwealth departments ayid agencies including
CSIRO ($ 178 million), State departments and agencies
million) and medical research institutes million). 4901

The Government is pleased with the substantial involvement
by all participants. In particular it is delighted at the
further Increase in industrial commitment to the program.
Some 284 of participant funding is from business
enterprises, up froM 17% in Round 1 and 21% in Round 2.
The industry commitment is unique in the international
context. Even the German Fraunhofer Institutes, often
cited as the example of good industry/ public sector
collaboration in research and development, cannot match
the Australian CRCs regarding the long term nature and
relative size of industry's commitment.
As announced in the Government' s recent White Paper on
. Science and Technology, " Develop# in-AustralianIdeas", a
Research Data Network CRC i s . to be estab; lished. f-rYwill
conduct research into telecommunications and computing
technologies and-services, and have access to
experimental broadband facilities essential for the
development of the next generation communications
networks. The Centre's research nodes are located in Brisbane,
Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide. The CRC for
Broadband Telecommunications and Networking announced
today is also expected to collaborate in these
developments, thus adding a node in Perth to the network.
The Research Data Network CRC will also provide $ 3.4
million for the immediate upgrade of the existing
research data network, which links up researchers
( including universities) throughout Australia.
This initiative will address one of the major needs for
r esearch -* infrastructure identified by the Australian
Science and Technology Council in its report on national
research facilities. The importance of the establishment
of a high speed data network-for innovative R& D in
advanced systems -engineering, computing software and
telecommunications, for use by researchers, was
recommended by an expert group to the Prime minister's
Science and Engineering Council earlier this year.
The Prime Minister and Mr Free thanked * Professor Slatyer,
Chair of the Cooperative Research Centres Committee, and
all members of that Committee and the two Expert Panels
for the competent and objective advice provided to them
since the establishment of the Program.
Contact: Phillip Tardif Dr Andreas Dubs
Minister Free's Office Office of the Chief Scientist
( 06) 277 7280 ( 06) 271 5953 ( W)
( 06) 254 7383 ( 06) 251 3329 ( H)

Successful CRC Applications ( in bold print) together with
the 34 established Cooperative Research Centres
( by six broad fields of research)
Name of Cooperative Research CentreLocation of Core
Manufacturing Technology i
CRC for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and Technologies VIC/ NSW/ SA A
CRC for Alloy and Solidification Technology VIC/ QLD B
CRC for Aerospace Structures VIC/ NSW
Australian Maritime Engineering CRC TAS/ VIC/ WA/ NSW
CRC for Materials Welding and Joining NSW/ SA
CRC for Polymer Blends VIC
CRC for Molecular Engineering and Technology: Sensing and NSW
Diagnostic Technologies
CRC for Industrial Plant Biopolymers VICINSW
Information and Communications Technology
CRC for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking WA/ VIC/ NSW C
CRC for Advanced Computational Systems ( ACSys) ACT/ NSW D
Research Data Network CRC QLD/ ACT/ NSW E
CRC for Intelligent Decision Systems VIC
CRC for Robust and Adaptive Systems ACT/ NSW/ SA
CRC for Distributed Systems Technology QLD/ SA/ SA/ VIC/ NSW
Australian Photonics CRC NSW/ VIC/ ACT
CRC for Sensor Signal and Information Processing SA/ VIC/ QLD
Mining and Energy
CRC for New Technologies for Power Generation from Lowrank
Australian Petroleum CRC ( Extension)
CRC for Mining Technology and Equipment ( Extension)
Australian Geodynamics CRC
CRC for Mining Technology and Equipment
G K Williams CRC for Extractive Metallurgy
A J Parker CRC for Hydrometallurgy
Australian Petroleum CRC
CRC for Australian Mineral Exploration Technologies
Details on each successful application are provided in the relevant attachment SA/ VIC/ NSW
NSW/ WA Attachment ( a)

Name of Cooperative Research CentreLocation of Core
Agriculture and Rural Based Manufacturing
CRC for Premium Quality Wool
CRC for the Cattle and Beef Industry ( Meat Quality)
CRC for Aquaculture
CRC for Sustainable Cotton Production
CRC for International Floriculture
CRC for Food Industry Innovation
CRC for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture
CRC for Plant Science
CRC for Tropical Plant Pathology
CRC for Tropical Pest Management
CRC for Temperate Hardwood Forestry
CRC for Hardwood Fibre and Paper Science
CRC for Viticulture WA/ VIC/ NSW
Environment CRC for Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Great QLD P
Barrier Reef
CRC for Freshwater Ecology VIC/ NSW/ ACT Q
CRC for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology VIC R
CRC for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management QLD S
CRC for Waste Management and Pollution Control NSW/ VIC/ WA
CRC for Soil and Land Management SA
CRC for Catchment Hydrology VIC/ ACT
CRC for Biological Control of Vertebrate Pest Populations ACT/ WA
CRC for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Environment TAS
Medical Science and Technology
CRC for Vaccine Technology
CRC for Tissue Growth and Repair
CRC for Cellular Growth Factors
CRC for Biopharmnaceutical Research
CRC for Eye Research and Technology
CRC for Cochlear Implant, Speech and Hearing Research
CRC for Cardiac Technology
Details on each successful application are provided in the relevant attachment. VIC/ NSW/ QLD
4904 Attachment ( a)

Successful CRC Applications: Level of Funding and Length of Initial Contract Offered
Name of Cooperative Research CentreLocation of Core
Participants Funding in 2nd and
subsequent years ( a)
CRC for Intelligcnt Manufacturing Systems and Technologies
CRC for Alloy and Solidification Technology
CRC for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking
CRC for Advanced Computational Systems ( ACSys)
Research Data Network CRC
CRC for New Technologies for Power Generation from Low-rank
Coal Australian Petroleum CRC ( Extension)
CRC for Mining Technology and Equipment ( Extension)
Australian Gcodynamics CRC
CRC for Premium Quality Wool
CRC for the Cattle and Beef Industry ( Meat Quality)
CRC for Aquaculture
CRC for Sustainable Cotton Production
CRC for International Floriculture
CRC for Food Industry Innovation
CRC for Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Great Barrier
Reef CRC for Freshwater Ecology
CRC for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology
CRC for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management
CRC for Vaccine Technology VIC/ NSW/ SA
OLD VICtNSW/ QLD $ 2,000,000 p. a.
$ 2,000,000 p. a.
$ 1,800,000 p. a.
$ 2,000,000 p. a.
( b)
$ 2,000,000 p. a.
700,000 p. a.
$ 1,000,000 p. a.
$ 2,400,000 p. a.
$ 2,000,000 p. a.
$ 2,800,000 p. a.
$ 2,200,000 p. a.
$ 2,000,000 p. a.
$ 1,300,000 p. a.
$ 1,700,000 p. a.
$ 2,000,000 p. a.
$ 2,000,000 p. a.
$ 1,500,000 p. a.
$ 2,000,000 p. a.
$ 2,000,000 p. a.
Funding in the first year will be approximately half the amount indicated in this column.
A total of $ 13 million will be made available over 5 years; funding details are provided in Attachment E.
0D Length of
initial offer Attachment
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
5 years
7 years
5 years
5 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years

List of Attachments
Name of Cooperative Research Centre Attachment
CRC for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and Technologies A
CRC for Alloy and. Solidification Technology B
CRC for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking C
CRC for Advanced Computational Systems ( ACSys) D
Research Data Network CRC E
CRC for New Technologies for Power Generation from L-ow-rank F
Coal Australian Petroleum CRC ( Extension) G
CRC for Mining Technology and Equipment ( Extension) H
Australian Geodynamics CRCI
CRC for Premium Quality Wool i
CRC for the Cattle and Beef Industry ( Meat Quality) K
CRC for Aquaculture L
CRC for Sustainable Cotton Production M
CRC for International Floriculture N
CRC for Food Industry Innovation 0
CRC for Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Great Barrier P
CRC for Freshwater Ecology Q
CRC for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology R
CRC for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management S
CRC for Vaccine Technology T

Attachment A
CRC for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and Technologies
Core Participants:
ANCA Pty Ltd; Farley Cutting Systems Australia Pty Ltd; Kirby Engineering Pty Ltd;
Laser Lab Ltd; Moldflow Pty Ltd; Hoover ( Australia) Pty Ltd; Sunbeam Corporation
Ltd; Tyree Holdings ( Technical Components Pty Ltd); Convex Computers; ' Me Cadds
Man Lid; CSIRO, Division of Manufacturing Technology; RMIT; Swinburne University
of Technology; University of NSW; University of Wollongong; Strategic Research
Foundation. Research Focus
The mission of the Centre is to research and develop manufacturing systems and
technologies that will assist Australian industry in its pursuit of international
competitiveness. The Centre has three research programs: Enterprise Integration; ( ii) System
Component Technologies; ( iii) Shaping and Finishing and Engineering Components.
The focus of the enterprise integration program will be on the integration of
manufacturing operations, human resources and information technology at all levels
within Australian manufacturing organisations through developments in machine
messaging protocols, concurrent engineering, design for manufacture and work cells.
The System Component Technologies program seeks to achieve improvements in the
productivity, design, flexibility of machine tools and systems utilising studies in
simulation, control, sensors, networking and signal processing. The Shaping and
Finishing program is aimed at the development of a new generation of precision fine
finishing equipment together with support technologies such as rapid prototyping to
achieve lower cost and higher quality manufactured products.
Area of Research Expertise
Manufacturing message protocols, enterprise integration architecture, concurrent
engineering, design for manufacture, production simulation and control, sensors,
networking, signal processing, cutting and polishing, numerical modelling, rapid
prototyping. Contact Person: Dr R H Brown
Address: Carlisle PO Box
Tel: ( 057) 962 522 Fax: ( 057) 962 522 4907
TM n, -W RM Now

Attachment B
CRC for Alloy and Solidification Technology ( CAST)
Core Participants:
The University of Queensland; CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Technology; Cornalco
Research Centre; Cornalco Foundry Products; Australian Automative Technology
Centre; Australian Magnesium Research and Development Project.
Research Focus
CAST will develop technology for light alloy cast engineering components that will help
provide a world competitive position for Australian manufacturing industry in this area.
The research of the Centre will primarily be concerned with four key areas: ( i)
solidification, casting integrity and performance; ( ii) process technology for casting; ( iii)
tooling and prototyping technology; and ( iv) alloy development. Within this research
program, computer design tools will be developed to improve the design and
performance of complex castings as well as continuously cast products, new and cheaper
methods for tooling and prototyping will be developed to suit Australian production
conditions, improved mean for control of casting processes will be developed, new
casting processes will be introduced to Australian manufacturers, and improved
aluminium and magnesium alloys will be developed. Companies within the autornative
sector and casting industry will be encouraged to participate in research projects to be
conducted by the Centre. CAST will develop education and training programs to
upgrade the technical and managerial skills available to Australian industry in this area.
Area of Research Expertise
Physical metallurgy of solidification, computer modelling of solidification, process
technology for casting, tooling design, phase transformations in metals, alloy design.
Contact Person: Professor G L Dunlop
Address: Department of Mining Metallurgical Engineering
The University of Queensland
Tel: ( 07) 365 3641 Fax: ( 07) 365 3888

Attachment C
CRC in Broadband Telecommunications and Networking
Core Participants:
Australian Telecommunications Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology;
QPSX Communications Ltd; ERG Electronics lid; Department of Computer
Engineering, Edith Cowan University.
Research Focus
The CRC has the mission to provide research and development support that will assist
the creation of an Australian design infrastructure in broadband telecommunications
and networking. Besides pursuing generic research it will perform design in
commercially leading technology of a range of technical solutions as basis for early
technology development. It will also engage in continuing education and research
training programmes with the aim of creating and maintaining a specialised skill base
in telecommunications and network design.
For the immediate the CRC has the dual focus of broadband integrated services digital
networks for customer premises and limited distance wireless communications,
particularly applicable to confined spaces, notably underground mines. In relation to
broadband networking the Centre is creating concepts and systems models, developing
technology and studying performance issues. The near term aim is to develop a
customer backbone network based on forthcoming public telecommunications network
standards. In relation to wireless the aim is to develop appropriate transmitter, receiver
and antenna systems and protocols.
Areas of Research Expertise
Networking Architectures, access protocols, protocol implemnrtation, signal
processing, transmission systems, system dimensioning analysis and control, network
management, signalling and network control, electronic design, application specific
chip design, communications software design.
Contact Person: Professor A Cantoni
Address: Australian Telecommunications Research Institute
Curt in University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Tel: ( 09) 351 3239 Fax: ( 09) 351 3244 4909 Wf'TZ

Attachment D
CRC for Advanced Computational Systems
Core Participants:
Centre for Information Science Research, Australian National University; CSIRO,
Division of Information Technology; Computer Power Group Lid; Digital Equipment
Corporation Australia; Fujitsu Australia lid; Sun Microsystems Australia.
Research Focus
The Centre's mission is to establish an internationally competitive research capability in
high-performance advanced computational systems for the benefit of Australian
industry. The Centre will strengthen strategic alliances with industry, -government and
research organisat ions through focussed demonstrator systems in three initial areas:
Visualisation of complex data, Hypermedia for large scale multi-media databases, and
Command Support.
In the area of information services, powerful new hypermedia systems will be prototyped
to provide high-speed analysis and navigation of large, multi-media information bases
in areas such as parliamentary reporting, census data, newspapers, governent reports and
corporate and research information. The visualisation demonstrator project will
prototype systems for use in the mining industry and for environmental management.
Benefits will include faster and more effective processing of geophysical and
environmental data, faster and more effective modelling tools, and more flexible and
powerful interactive interpretation facilities. The command support demonstrator project
will explore the analysis and presentation of information in an interactive terrain-based
environment, together with support for decision-making through spatial reasoning,
planning and scheduling.
Areas of Research Expertise
High performance parallel computing, advanced systems engineering, humnan-computer
interaction and visualisation, information and knowledge management, algorthms and
computation. Contact Person: Professor M McRobbie
Address: Centre for Information Science Research
Australian National University
Tel: ( 06) 249 2035 Fax: ( 06) 249 0747

Attachment E
Research Data Network CRC
The Research Data Network ( RDN) CRC will conduct research and education
programs in areas relating to communications network technologies, applications and
services. It will also support network infratructure development, including the
upgrade of the Australian Academic and Research Network, AARNet.
The CRC will be established as a network of nodes, some of which are associated with
other CRCs, with a Management Committee to foster cooperation between the
different groups, to oversee the funding and reporting requirements of the CRC, and to
manage access and connections to experimental broadband network capacity.
The participants in the research programs include: the CRC for Advanced
Computational Systems; the CRC for Distributed Systems Technology; CSIRO
Macquarie Joint Research Centre for Advanced Systems Engineering; the Department
of Parliamentary Reporting Staff; the South Australian Centre for Parallel Computing;
Microsoft Institute; Thinking Machines Corporation; Australian Supercomputing
Technology; Softway; Film Australia; CSIRO Division of Information Technology;
Fujitsu Australia; AOTC; Siemens; and the Australian Computing and
Communications Institute ( ACCI). ( Not all participants are involved in every research
program). In addition, the Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee and AOTC are expected to
participate in the Management Committee in connection with their role as network
service providers.
Research Activities
There are four research programs:
The Distributed Interactive Multimedia Information Services program and the
Distributed High Performance Computing program will be established as
Demonstration Projects of the CRC for Advanced Computational Systems. The
Multimedia program will focus on systems architecture, tools and techniques for
interactive multimedia access and navigation. This is an area which is of major
importance for future broadband networks. The High Performance Computing
program will integrate the high performance computing resources of Australia through
broadband connections ( as seen in the embryonic national cooperative supercomputer
facility), and the management of data on the distributed computer network.
The Resource Discovery program will be established as an * additional program of the
CRC for Distributed Systems Technology. The program aims to develop resource
discovery prototypes that enable users to access the vast amounts of information
scattered in repositories throughout Australia and the rest of the world. 4191,

The Nenwrk Performance program will involve research and development into the
utilisation and performance of high speed telecommunications network technologies
such as frame relay, DQDB and AI. This will assist in the design of the future
AARNet. These four programs will enable an integrated approach to the solving of some
important problems, as networks are faced with increasing demands in relation to
capacity and services.
Network Inbrastructure Development
Funding will be provided for an immediate upgrade of the existing research data
network, AAR1~ et, and to assist meeting the projected cost of providing upgraded
services over the next few years.
Funding will also be provided to the RDN CRC to fund access to broadband facilities
such as the proposed AOTC Experimental Broadband Network, at some 10 sites. This
reflects the fact that each of the recommended proposals will investigate technologies
and applications which will require access to broadband testbed facilities beyond those
available at present. ' This will make a significant contribution to the development of
the next generation of network applications and services.
The funding provided is as follows ( all figures are five year totals):
Proposal Funding recommended
year total)
Multimedia program $ 1.5 million
Distributed igh Performance $ 1.5 million
Computing program
Resource Discovery program $ 2.0 million
High Speed Network Applications $ 1.6 million
program Funding for AARNet $ 3.4 million
development Provision for broadband network $ 3.0 million
access to CRC nodes___
TOTAL $ 13.0 million
Contact Multimedia. and Distributed High Performance
Computing program Professor Michael McRobbie
Centre for Information Science Research
Australian National University
ph ( 06) 249 2035, fax ( 06) 249 0747

Resource Discovery program
Network Applications program
AARNet Mr Rob Cook
CRC for Distributed Systems Tednology
University of Oueensland
OLD 4072
ph ( 07) 365 4321, fax ( 07) 365 4399
Professor F J W Symons
Department of Elcic and Computer Systems
Engineering Monash University
ph ( 03) 565 3481, fax ( 03) 565 5757
Mr John Mullarvey
Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee
Oeils Court
ph ( 06) 285 8200, fax ( 06) 285 8211 4913

Attachment F
CRC for New Technologies for Power Generation
from Low-Rank Coal
Core Participants:
Monash University, Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Chemistry;
University of Adelaide, Chemical Engineering Department; SECY, Research and
Development Department; ETSA, Environment and Technology Department; CSIRO,
Division of ineral and Process Engineering; ICAL Ltd; Luirgi ( Australia) Pty Ltd.;
Strategic Research Foundation.
Research Focus
The Centre has three research programs aimed at the development of the science and
engineering required to underpin the development of new power generation technologies:
Process Design and Optimisation, ( ii) Coal Beneficiation and Combustion, and ( iii)
Fluid Bed Processes.
Process Design and Optimisation studies will be conducted on the most prospective
generation systems, with the objective of identifying optimal process and component
integration for efficiency, environmental impact and cost-ecffeciveness. This will provide
guidance and targets for the other programs and assist in the development of applications.
Coal Beneficiation and Combustion research will be undertaken to achieve high coal ( and
energy) loading in a slurry and minimum fouling and corrosion from combustion.
I the Fluid Bed program research will be undertaken on gasification, combustion and
drying processes.
Areas or Expertise
The properties and characteristics of low-rank coals; ash formation; the chemistry and
physics of coal processing particularly coal drying; slurry production; combustion and
gasification; mathematical modelling, technology development and scale-up for
conventional and fluid bed processes.
Contact Person: Mr R S Higgins
Address: Herman Research Laboratory
State Electricity Commission of Victoria
677 Springvale Road
Mulgravc Vic 3170
Telephone: ( 03) 565 9805 Fax: ( 03) 565 9808

Attachment G
Australian Petroleum CRC ( Extension)
Core Participants:
CSIRO, Divisions of Geomechanics and Exploration Geoscience; Centre for Petroleum
Engineering, University of New South Wales; National Centre for Petroleum Geology and
Geophysics in Adelaide; Departments of Exploration Geophysics and Petroleum
Geochemistry, Curtin University.
Research Focus
The Australian Petroleum CRC ( APCRC) was one of the first CRM to be created in July
1991. It focuses on research into major exploration and production issues which face
Australia's upstream oil and gas industry through research programs concerning ( i)
techniques to predict oil and gas accumulation, including the timescale of basin evolution,
and predictive fluid flow modelling; ( ii) reservoir properties and characterisation,
characterising heterogeneity in reservoirs, including quantification of geology; ( iii)
improved oil and gas recovery, including pore scale processes responsible for oil recovery
in miscible and immiscible gas displacements, and stimulation of tight reservoirs; ( iv)
basin analysis, including tectonic and depositional history of sub-basins, and type
reference sections based on detailed well studies; coalbed methane, covering the
targeting and evaluation of potential projects, stimulation and well completion
technology, and reservoir simulation recognising description and multiphase flow
mechanisms in coal; and ( vi) drilling and wellbore engineering including stability of
deviated and horizontal wellbores and formation damage.
The APCRC has had a very successful first year and has exceeded its targets. It has now
been extended in response to the demand for a presence in Western Australia, which is the
industry's greatest growth area, for seismic geophysics research and for an expansion of
geochemnistry research. Curtin University has joined the original APCRC and a new
Petroleum Geophysics program has been created.
Areas of Research Expertise
Organic geochemistry and petrology, reservoir diagenesis, fluid flow modelling,
petroleum geology and geophysics, rock mechanics, reservoir simulation, numerical
modelling, multiphase. pore space physics, wellbore engineering, evaluation and
stimulation of tight reservoirs, seismic geophysics.
Contact Person: Dr A Williams
Address: CSIRO Division of Geomnechanics
Kinnoull Grove
Syndal, Vic, 3149
Tel: ( 03) 881 1289 Fax ( 03) 803 2052 4915

Attachment H
CRC for Mining Technology and Equipment Coal Extension
Core Participants:
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre; University of Queensland; CS[ RO, Divisions
of Geoniechanics, Mineral and Processing Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, Coal
and Energy Technology; Australian Mineral Industries Research Association Lid.
Research Focus
The mission of the extended Centre is to expand the current work in mining and mineral
processing and associated equipment development into the same areas in the coal
industry. The Coal Extension will build on the successful work of the CRC for Mining
Technology Equipment ( CTMfE) in the fundamental areas of fracture and rock
characterisation. The CMTE already has a commitment of S1 million per year for 5 years
from BHIP Australia Coal and the new Commonwealth support will significantly increase
the amount of basic coal research of the CUM.
The objectives of the Centre are to: understand the geological and engineering
properties of rocks and coal, which are important in mining and processing; ( ii) develop
mining and mineral and coal beneficiation processes and procedures to solve the technical
problems which the Australian mineral industries will encounter during the next 15 years;
( iii) identify and provide new and improved technologies for the equipment used in the
mining process, including characterisation breakage, transport and processing of rock and
coal leading to a mining equipment manufacturing industry in Australia; and ( iv) train
industry professionals and graduate students at advanced levels to handle the new
technologies. Area of Research Expertise
Fracture and damage mechanics, rock characterisation, continuum and discontinuum
mechanics, fragmientation, mining software, comminution, selective liberation of ores,
instrumentation, monitoring, mining equipment.
Contact Person: Dr D J McKee
Acting Director
Addres: 2643 Moggill Road
Pinjanra Hfills
Queensland 4069
Tel: ( 07) 212 4444 Fax: ( 07) 212 4455
' L16

Attachment I
Australian Geodynamics CRC
Core Participants:
CSFRo, Division of Geomechanics and Exploration Geoscience; Victorian Institute of
Earth and Planetary Sciences ( Department of Earth Sciences, Monash University;
Department of Geology, La Trobe University; School of Earth Sciences, University of
Melbourne); The Australian Geological Survey Organisation; Digital Equipment
Corporation, Australia.
Research Focus
The Centre will focus on the structural and dynamic processes ( the geodynamics) within
the Earth's crust, particularly on the tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins and
crystalline terrains within Australia. It will involve integration of continental-scale
structural geology, geochronology, reflection seismology and 3D tomography as tools for
determining the structural architecture of the crust, the timing of major tectonic events
and the processes involved in the accumulation of ' world class' mineral end energ
deposits. It will also involve the application of non-linear dynamics to geological
processes and advanced computing systems for 3D visualisation and geological
modelling. The outcome of this research will be a vastly enhanced capacity for
Australia's exploration and mining companies to explore for orebodies and energy
deposits. It will also aid in differentiating between areas of high~ and low economic
potential as a basis for rational decision making in regard to multiple land use.
Area of Research Expertise
Structural geology, geochronology, seismology and 3D tomography, non-linear
dynamics, computer visualisation and geology modelling.
Contact Person: Dr G Price
Address: CSIRO Division of Geomechanics
39 Fairway
Tel: ( 09) 389 8421 Fax: ( 09) 389 1906 4917

Attachment J
CRC for Premium Quality Wool
Core Participants:
Department of Animal Science, University of New England; CSIRQ Divisions of Animal
Production and Wool Technology; Western Australian Department of Agriculture;
Department of Animal Science, University of Western Australia; School of Fibre Science
and Technology, University of New South Wales; Wool Research and Development
Corporation. Research Focus
The goal of the CRC is to improve the quality and competitive position of Australian wool
in the world textile fibre market. The programs are: Genetic Technologies to Improve
Wool and Fabric Quality; ( ii) Reducing Wool Tenderness; ( iii) Fibre Structure and
Follicle Function; and ( iv) Education.
The Wool and Fabric Quality program will develop genetic technologies which enable
manipulation of important determninants of textile fibre quality, especially fibre diameter
and at the same time maintain or enhance other economically important aspects of
productivity. The Wool Tenderness program will develop new technologies that increase
tensile strength of wool especially in mediterranean environments where there are
dramatic seasonal variations in feed quality and quantity. The Fibre Structure and Follicle
Function program is comprised of strategic research projects concerned with modifying
follicle function by genetic engineering, with monitoring effects of fibre growth changes
on the composition and structure of the fibre and with determining effects of variation in
these traits on processing performance. Underpinning the three research programs is a
highly innovative education and technology transfer program designed to meet the
requirements of all sectors of the wool industry.
Area of Research Expertise
Genetic engineering, molecular and quantitative genetics, wool metrology, wool biology,
wool processing, wool production, textile fibre science.
Contact Person: Dr L R Piper
Address: CSIRO Division of Animal Production
Pastoral Research Laboratory
Tel: ( 067) 78 4000 Fax: ( 067) 78 4358
' I t' -L L

Attachment K
CRC for the Cattle and Beef Industry ( Meat Quality)
Core Participants:
The U. niversity of New England-Armidale; CSIRO Divisions of Animal Production,
Animal Health, Food Processing, and Tropical Animal Production; NSW Agriculture;
Queensland Department of Primary Industries.
Research Focus
The CRC will develop research ( and education) programs to address the major issues of
meat quality that hold the key to the beef industry's future. The integrated resch
program has four objectives: identify and resolve the key meat science issues that
constrain Australia's ability to meet domestic and export market specifications for meat
quality, at least cost; ( ii) develop molecular and quantitative genetic technologies to breed
cattle suited to new markets; ( iii) design novel feeding and management strategies to
meet meat quality objectives in Australia's difficult environments; and ( iv) address and
resolve major constraints to intensive beef production by eliminating health and welfare
concerns and reducing environmental pollution.
The program will address both the northern and temperate beef industry sectors and the
grass and grain fed production systems. The Centre will establish Australia's first Chair of
Meat Science and will develop postgraduate, diploma and certificate education programs.
The Centre will incorporate major research chiller and boner facilities in commercial
abattoirs and large numbers of pedigree cattle for a multidisciplinary research program.
The CRC will create a minimum of forty new positions for research and technical support
staff. Areas of Research Expertise
Meat science, molecular and quantitative genetics, growth and ruminant nutrition, muscle,
fat and connective tissue biochemistry and receptor physiology, animal health and welfare
including vaccine technology, stress physiology, animal behaviour waste management,
resource engineering for water, soil and air pollution abatement and ecosystem
management, econometic modelling and major meat industry issues.
Contact Person: Dr B Bindon
Address: CSIRO Division of Animal Production
Chiswick Research Station
Tel: ( 067) 78 6221 Fax: ( 067) 78 4358 4919

Attachment L
CRC for Aquaculture
Core Participants:
University of Tasmania; CSIRO Division of Fisheries; Department of Primary Industry,
Queensland; Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Energy, Tasmania; NSW
Department of Fisheries; James Cook University; University of Technology, Sydney;
Australian Institute of Marine Science; SALTAS, Tasmania; Department of Industry and
Fisheries, Northern Territory; Darwin Pearl Shell Hatchery; Mossman Central Mill;
University of Central Queensland; Northern Territory University; South Australian
Research and Development Institute.
Research Focus
This Centre will provide the focus for a coordinated national research strategy for
Australian aquaculture and the technological basis for a sustainable industry which is
internationally competitive and environmentally accptable.
The research will be carried out in five related programs: health protection and
maintenance, investigating the alternatives to chemically dependent disease control and a
better understanding of the physiology of Australian aquaculture species; ( ii) nutrition
and feed development, examining the nutritional needs of each species and methods of
meeting those requirements from existing and novel sources; ( iii) propagation ad
genetics developing techniques for the control of reproduction and improved product
~ quality through genetic selection; ( iv) production efficiency and environmental
management, optimising stocking densities and obtaining a better understanding of the
environental impact of culture techniques; and product technology, determining the
aspects of nutrition, harvesting and handling which optimise the quality and
marketability of the farmed product.
Area of Research Expertise
Nutrition, feed development, hatchery technology, genetics, reproduction, environmental
management, vaccine development, immunology, fish physiology, disease diagnosis,
health maintenance, food technology, growout technology.
Contact Person: Professor N Forteath
Address: Department of Applied Science
University of Tasmania
Newnham Drive
Tel: ( 002) 202 762 Fax: ( 008) 202 765

Attachment M
CRC for Sustainable Cotton Production
Core Participants:
CSIRO Divisions of Plant Industry, and Entomology; The University of New England,
Department of Agronomy and Soil Science; The University of Sydney, School of
Biological Sciences, Departments of Agricultural Chemistry, Soil Science, Microbiology
and Agricultural Economics; Queensland Department of Primary Industries; NSW
Agriculture; Cotton Research and Development Corporation.
Research Focus
The aim of the Centre is to develop and implement sustainable cropping systems for the
Australian Cotton industry through four programs: Resource protection; ( ii) Crop
protection; ( iii) Product development; and ( iv) Education.
The program protecting the resource base and environment aims to determine the fate of
pesticides and develop strategies to minimise contamination of soil and water. Additional
research to improve soil structure, soil fertility and water use efficiency will be done. Thie
crop protection program aims to reduce dependence on chemical pesticides by utilising
host plant resistance, biological control and biological pesticides. Ecological studies of
insects, weeds and diseases will also aid in the derivation of alternative crop protection
measures. The product development program will continue to improve yield and crop
adaptability through traditional breeding along with an increasing emphasis on genetic
engineering for disease and pest tolerance. Increased attention will be directed towards
ensuring that the fibre quality of Australian cottons meet market demands. The education
program aims to transfer new management strategies to growers through demonstration
experiments on farm, through decision support packages and through new courses at
University on crop management, particularly for accreditation of private crop consultants.
All core partners will supervise post graduate students.
Areas of Research Expertise
Fate of chemical residues, clay soil structure and fertility, pest management, host plant
resistance, Heliothis ecology, crop breeding, genetic engineering decision support
packages. Contact Person: Dr G A Constable
Address: CSIRO Cotton Research Unit
P0 Box 59
Narrabri NSW 2390
Tel: ( 067) 931105 Fax: ( 067) 93 1186 4921

Attachment N
CRC for International Floriculture
Core Participants:
Calgene Pacific Pty Lid; Department of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Monash
University; Department of Botany, University of Melbourne; David Syme Faculty of
Business, Monash University; Victorian Department of Agriculture/ Strategic Research
Foundation; Horticulture R& D Corporation.
Research Focus
Ile objective of the Centre is to establish a world class, industry-led R& D facility for
creating proprietary genetic engineering technology for the floriculture industry. This
technology will be used to develop new and proprietary plant products possessing ' market
driven' characteristics unattainable, or difficult to attain, by conventional breeding.
The research programs will focus on the genetic manipulation of traits that are known to
affect consumer choice. These include colour, fragrance, form and post-harvest
longevity. The Centre will also develop improved gene transfer methodology and
technology for effective containment of the modified germplasm.
Market Research programs will ensure that currently fragmnented market information is
consolidated and extended to provide an accurate basis for the Centre's product
development programs and allow formulation of strategic marketing plans for the
A key aspect of the Centre's strategy will be the promotion of training programs to ensure
that the Australian floriculture industry is able to fully exploit the commercial potential of
the Centre's technology.
Areas of Research Expertise
Plant secondary metabolism, flower development, molecular genetics of pigment
biosynthesis and senescence, pollination biology, post-harvest physiology, plant
transformation, agribusiness/ international marketing.
Contact Person: Dr M Dalling
Address: Calgene Pacific Pty LUd
16 Gipps Street
Collingwood Vic 3066
Tel: ( 03) 419 9844 Fax: ( 03) 416 1761
4 jI'--

Attachment 0
CRC for Food Industry Innovation
Core Participants:
University of New South Wales, Departments of Food Science and Technology and
Biotechnology and Schools of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
and Immunology; CSIRO, Divisions of Food Processing and Human Nutrition; Arnott's;
Burns Philp and Mauri Laboratories; and Goodman Fielder Wattie.
Research Focus
The major objective is to provide a coordinated research and educational base to generate
improved and novel natural food ingredients, principally through~ the use of traditional
food micro organisms. Natural ingredients which will be produced will improve food
flavour and texture, provide substitutes for fats, give natural colours and will improve the
quality and nutritional value of stored foods. Certain ingredients, when formulated into
foods will have beneficial effects on health and well-being. Development of ingredients
will involve a detailed understanding of the molecular and kinetic basis of ingredient
production, improvement of productivity using both genetic and physiological procedures,
bio process development at laboratory and pilot scale level, ingredient recovery, food
formulation, nutrient evaluation and efficacy trials. This program will lead to export
growth by Australian food industries, of both ingredients and value-added food products
which contain the natural ingredients.
Areas of Research Expertise
Molecular genetics and genetic engineering of food grade micro organisms; cellular
physiology and biochemistry, gut microbiology and microbial ecology; laboratory and
pilot scale bioprocess engineering; ingredient recovery and purification; ingredient
efficacy in food formulation and nutritional evaluation.
Contact Person: Professor G M Wilson
Address: Department of Food Science Technology
University of New South Wales
P0 Box 1
Telephone: ( 02) 697 5350 Fax: ( 02) 313 6635 4923

7 Attachment P
CRC for Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Great
Barrier Reef
Core Participants:
Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators, Australian Institute of Marine Science,
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, James Cook University, Queensland
Depazrment of Primary Industries.
Research Focus
The CRC will work with industry and environmental managers to address strategic and
tactical issues relating to the ecologically sustainable development and multiple use of
the Great Barrier Reef region. The research programs will investigate the status of the
Great Barrier Reef environment and its relationship to a wide range of regional and local,
external and internal stresses. The CRC also aims to find positive solutions to
environmental, social and engineering problems associated with the increasing use of the
region by tourist operators and recreational fishermen and to develop models to predict
the consequences of various development scenarios. The research outcomes will be
transformed into practical improvements via the extension program which will also act as
a two way interface with industry. The education program will ensure that the benefits of
the collaborative research conducted by the CRC are spread through relevant professional
communities. Area of Research Expertise
Marine ecology, marine chemistry, engineering design, tourism and its socioecological
context, hydrodynamic and numerical modelling.
Contact Person: Dr D Kinsey
Address: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
PO Box 1379
Tel: ( 077) 81 8704 Fax: ( 077) 72 6093

Attachment 0
CRC for Freshwater Ecology
Core Participants:
University of Canberra; ACT' Government; Albury-Wodonga Development Corporation;
CSLRO Institute of Natural Resources; Melbourne Water, Murray Darling Basin
Commission; NSW Fisheries.
Research Focus
The Centre aims to provide the ecological basis for sustainable management of
Australian temperate region surface waters. There will be six major program areas within
the Centre. These are Flowing Waters, Standing Waters and Eutrophication, Floodplain
and Wetland Ecology, Water Quality and Ecological Assessment, Urban Stormwater
Management and Fish Ecology and Management. Each program will have elements of
short-term applied research and longer term more fundamental research.
The effective resolution of the many applied problems facing water managers in
Australia demands a basic understanding of the major processes and organisms involved.
Australian water bodies are fundamentally different from many better studied overseas
systems. They differ in turbidity, salinity and variability of flow. Australian work is
essential if we are to understand these systems and develop appropriate management
guidelines. Areas of Research Expertise
Freshwater ecology, computer modelling, statistics, environmental chemistry, water
quality, fish biology, riparian vegetation, microbial ecology, analytical instrumentation.
Contact Person: Professor P Cullen
Address: Water Research Centre
University of Canberra
Kirinani Street
Tel: ( 06) 201 5047 Fax: ( 06) 201 5168 4925

Attachment R
CRC for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology
Core Participants:
Centre for Dynamical Meteorology, Monash University; Bureau of Meteorology Research
Centre; CSIRO, Division of Atmospheric Research; Cray Research ( Australia) Pty Lid.
Research Focus
The Centre will create, for the first time in Australia, a major world-class university
centre for meteorological research and graduate training. The Centre has three research
programs: Ozone; ( ii) Global Transport Modelling; and ( iii) Southern Hemisphere
Climate Dynamics.
The Ozone program will investigate the mechanisms that control stratospheric ozone,
especially in the Australian region; will develop and improved model for long-termi
( multi-year) ozone modelling and assessment of the impact of stratospheric pollution, and
will investigate the effects of ozone depletion on climate change and vice-versa. The
Global Transport Modelling program will use modelling and mathematical techniques to
infer sources of important atmospheric constituents such as carbon dioxide and methane
from observed concentrations, and will develop a new global atmospheric transport model
to study global atmospheric pollution. The third research program involves investigation
of Southern Hemisphere Climate Dynamics, and is aimed at the delineation of the
fundamental mechanisms controlling the general circulation of the southern hemisphere
atmosphere and its variability.
An important aspect of the Centre is the creation of a comprehensive graduate program in
Meteorology at Monash University, which is possible only through the involvement of all
the participants.
Areas of Research Expertise
Dynamical meteorology, atmospheric chemistry and physics, numerical weather and
climate modelling, atmospheric general circulation, stratospheric dynamics, data analysis
and inverse methods.
Contact Person: Dr D J Karoly
Address: Centre for Dynamical Meteorology
Monash University
Wellington Road
Tel: ( 03) 565 4413 Fax: ( 03) 565 4403

Attachment S
CRC for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management
Core Participants:
James Cook University of North Queensland; The University of Queensland; Griffith
University; CSIRO Tropical Forest Research Centre; Wet Tropics Management
Authority. Research Focus
The objective of this CRC is to establish a National Centre for Tropical Rainforest
Ecology and Management. The Centre will focus on the elucidation of tropical rainforest
biodiversity and enhance the world heritage values of Australia's wet tropics; study
dynamic processes of rainforest ecosystems and disturbance in order to develop systems
for sound and comprehensive management of rainforest heritage; conduct research
necessary for rehabilitating degraded land and for ensuring ecologically sustainable uses
of rainforest resources in commercial and recreational areas; train students in tropical
forest ecology for future research and management; and communicate with rainforest
resource managers and local communities.
Area of Research Expertise
Biodiversity, resource dynamics, forest rehabilitation and management, rainforest
tourism, education, research support.
Contact Person: Professor I Kikkawa
Address: Deparnment of Zoology
The University of Queensland
Tel: ( 07) 365 2966 Fax: ( 07) 365 1655 4927

Attachment T
CRC for Vaccine Technology
Core Participants:
Queensland Institute of Medical Research; CSIRO Division of Animal Health, Animal
Production, and Tropical Animal Production; University of Melbourne, Department of
Microbiology; The Water and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research; CSL lid; Biotech
Australia Pty Ltd.
Research Focus
The Centre will bring together the Australian vaccine industry with basic and applied
research organisations to develop generic technologies for the design and development of
future vaccines; assist industry in the application of these strategies to specific medical
and veterinary vaccines; and train the scientists and technologists required to strengthen
Australia's vaccine industry.
Vaccines are among the most cost-effective measures to protect the health of man and
animals. However, while antigens from a number of organisms for which vaccines are
sough~ t have been defined, it has proved difficult to induce protective immune responses
using these antigens. Industry has defined specific problems which are impeding vaccine
development, and to address these problems a strategic research plan containing three
programs was developed. These programs are: antigen processing; ( ii) delivering and
directing the immune response; and ( iii) responsiveness and maintenance of the immune
response. In these programs specific vaccines will be targeted in both the human and
animal fields. However, the benefits of the strategic research plan will flow to many
different vaccine programs.
Area of Research Expertise
Molecular and cellular immunology, peptide and protein chemistry, vector biology.
Contact Person: Dr M F Good
Address: Queensland Institute of Medical Research
The Bancroft Centre
300 Herston Road
Tel: ( 07) 362 0400 Fax: ( 07) 362 0104