PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00008522.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

T2EL6:. May. 92 18:. ao No. 015 P. 01/ 02
I welcome Caucus ' s election of Jeannette McHuAg to the Ministry.
I am particularly pleased to welcome her as the third woman in the
LaborMnisry a significant achievement not only for Ms McHugh
but a signal, I hope, of greater representation by women at the
highest level of government in the future.
Following Ms McHugh's election I am recommending to the Governor-
General a number of changes to the Ministry.
The swearing-in is sch~ eduled for 10 a. m. tomorrow.
Senator Collins will be Minister for Transport and Communications.
Senator Cook, the Minister for Industrial Relations, will also
be'come _ Minister for Shipping and Aviatfon'giipdrt -in the Transport
and Communicationsportfolfd.
Mruphes the minister for veterans' Affairs will become a
member of the Cabinet and take over from Senator Collins as the
Minister assisting the Prime Minister for Northern Australia.
Ms McHugh will be appointed as Minister for Consumer Affairs
taking over this function from Senator Tate, who will assume added
responsibilities assisting the minister for immigration.
As Minister for Consumer Affairs, Ms McHugh will have particular
responsibility for focussing attention on the impact on families
of the Opposition's proposed consumption tax.
Mr Willis is to be appointed Vice-President of the Federal
Executive Council.
The Parliamentary Secretary to the minister for Transport and
Communications, Mr Snowdon, will become Parliamentary Secretary to
the Minister for Employment, Education and Training, Mr Beazley.
A revised Ministry list reflecting my recommendations to the
Governor-General will be released shortly.
CANBERRA 26 May 1992 TEL

TEL: 26. May. 92 18:, gO NO. Ul1o r. uzlve
COMMOSuwca3111 Oovernsnent
KEATING MINISTRY Prqond for 2 7May 1992
Thie ministr
Lut" MwooatrK The PAS 11 % eua
For aoelw Sec" rery ( 0 she Priftre Minimp The moo Laurie Oftepiu UP
Minister for Huhi, Havoig amd, Commuwnity service 11w BoU IlS jime WI
Miiser Aus # ing she Fdrote Min ister fur Socla I Jutic qewyP" M Ir
MMhiur Anlning doe M~ me ACrintrfor Cofe momwealib -$ wge Rcidoiu0p~ ie Nhe
MW9iCr fOr Veteai' Atfabn The lion Den lmphroy. my
Miniser AssistLi, st h Pf'im Mnisferfow Northen AwSPallaT HPM
Mialoter for Agd, e~ mily vAd Ilealth Mgrce. si O e S& 8IlUP
y o the Minie, jb, teak 1lnusing and INE menY GyryAI~
Minister fbr ladot~ ry, Teebooo and Corn m Smster tup Han jaw SUN"
Witfot 9de * ad Technolov I 4lion Rm Free, MP ~~ Sw
k~ nisterAjtA vs w e AMm nr
MAW"' e for Smallusintm, Conswtlon And Custom Ile Hon David Betida, MP
binlter for Tot dln Affidn and Trade 3Snator ohs Moou Gareth Evan%. Q
Ministry foe Trade and Overse& s Deivslapmet ~ 1IJFN h job Keit
P~ rlidmnauwy Secetry to t Minister for Fmsign 4ffulrjp ed rad Thefioft slfpA mdrd MP
Parhamewtoy Secrctary to the Treaurer t a the1 ub " ASM V11
( 1611089C o MnmU buwl.. in t 3601011)
Minster fbr Flsace The Has Ralph WOU16e NF?
( Viix-l'tpiam, d fto rzfteU Couum
Attorne-Generl Is10 ihdDfy
minis., for iuswce eao h o mkwaetm
Ml~ avriAsivinSt ( he Afinfefr forfImmiorafon, ltoca! Oowjrnmentaasd lrhn ( c Affairs
101MiCiTe fog Consiame Affair$ ' no lion IeAnis CUcLkuh 14
Phrhameuta& Secretary to thAtavny-Oentral 7hu Hanu Pe Dumasm, Mr
Minister for Fimplayrnent, Edricailco anid Truinhig The Boo Kits C. BCA$ Y, UP?
Minister for Higfr Pdueaioii and Employment Services 11i 10" MV
Miniert-daing the 7rcnsureronPtrBlw, 14
Mneley for Abouraal and Tomm Strait Islander Affalmh in oetTtieM
Kuliser Asiting the rime nser fqrAbori inat Reonciliatio rh o octTb~, M
ParllamentirY Secrerary to Se Ministrer fur Empoyment; P~ ca( h a and Tralmins The Hon Warren &, owdo UP
Wrtrfor A~ yS~ r IVe Boa David Simnmn M?
Piawieiwary Stcrtary to the Ministerki Social Security The HaOCNs ctacCa UP
Kitler fair Defence Secatoc the liN Robert R" y
Miitrfor Defence Science and Personsnel Th Hon Gotin* AN M
biniser for NwImmltlon1 Local Coeenm sW EF Atik Aflbiv The Ron Gerym 3 MI"
AKuIster Actuint die Prime Ai ser for Itksue f1r
Muuluet for Local ( lovenwuui no lion David Simmons, M?
Miniter for the Arts, Sport the Eainwrarmeifl ad Tenitortes Mwe Ran, Res Kelly MP
Minim& e fOr the Arto and 1' eurts Th Ilon Wendy Wa, NI
MinisterAsssting the Pr'ime Ministr/ for the Srugs of Wonmert
MIuiser ( hr Industrial Relations Smidor the Han Pooer Cook
Minister Assiaii: 8 die Prime Afutister for Puiblic Servce Matters
MWilester Wr Adnialistrut ive Set~ im Senator the Hao Nick Balhau
Ministew ftr Primmet Industries and Eoerg The He" n Sigson M?
in iver N otrs Rrcts ra a lmO~ hM
Miniuter for Tonurn The Hoc Alan GrIMUn, M?
Ministr for Taport wAd Commnrcations Ilenietor the Hoan b Colins
MWInit fix ShiIng and AviationSu. pport Sonator tb* Hop Peter Cook
Minixes for LAfi Tompn T o tBbBoWwIFn,
ptio ROkluNW, Q of whome ame In Ibw CWite atae shftm in bold lye. U, Hampimysis 11so* 4 Cohine Mhilum.
ALD awith aUdc NOif Te rti~ o mirdtesa tit( eai ls fntd by the inimtaes wuthn cub grp41~ wit o gzceptlm* w4" t Hgalt,
rilwnd oniSe uniyW pini lMt lw* adnsitts both the Trkwmawl Of ldth. Hous and Ciuwm* b Saevle and Os Depstint of
VCgaawu Affais; MI Staupcs admlnhtrrs t DcpatMeni of MC91hh, Bwdijaqnad nC omimnfy Sacvk and Mr Ilampbiuys aeulassr the Depwnmea of
Vesra.' Alahi.