PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00008407.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

The Economic Statement will be delivered by the Prime
Minister in Parliament at 7.30pm, Wednesday, February 26.
Lock-up arrangements will revert to the old Budget-style
There will be three lock-ups one in Parliament House,
Canberra and one each in Sydney and Melbourne. These will
commence from 2.00pm on February 26.
All venues will be ' media only' lock-ups.
The Parliament House venue will centre around the Main
Committee Room. One committee room will be set aside for the
PM's press conference to be held during the lock-up,
probably about 5.00pm
Access arrangements to the Parliament House Committee Rooms
( including for installation and testing of equipment etc.)
will be the responsibility of individual attendees and/ or
organisations. Access will generally be available from
Tuesday, February 25, 1992.
Access to Sydney and Melbourne lock-ups will be similar.
Media are reminded of the terms and conditions for entry to
the lock-up. A sample Form of Undertaking is attached for
information. Any breach of the undertaking may result in the
journalist and/ or organisation being banned from future
A note will be posted on the Press Gallery notice board.
Organisations should nominate those seeking access to the
lock-ups, which venue they wish to attend. This note will
be collected every few days.

Those unable to advise in this manner can contact Peter
Jackson on ( 06) 271 5328. All names of those intending to
attend the lock-up must be received by February
Normal telephone equipment for use at the end of the lock-up
will be arranged locally if requested. Specialised equipment
will need to be initiated by individuals/ organisations
direct with Telecom ( after details have been cleared through
the relevant Government official).
Further to this note, I have written directly to major media
organisations about more technical details.
For the Canberra venue, a plan of the Committee Rooms with
designated space allocation will be displayed in the press
gallery as soon as possible.
Attendees should make their own arrangements for
refreshments. For any gencal information about lock-up arrangements
contact Peter Jackson ( Department of Prime Minister and
Cabinet) on ( 06). 271 5328.
For information about the Canbrra lock-up contact Ralf
Bandte ( 06) 263 2794
The Melbourne lock-up will be at the World Congress Centre.
For details about the Melbourne lock-up contact Julie Toms
( 03) 641 885! 5.
The Sydney lock-up will be on the 1st Floor, Palsonic House,
4-16 Yurong Street, East Sydney. For details about the
Sydney lock-up contact Paul Collins ( 02) 361 9602.
Please note that only bona-fide media representatives will
be granted access to the lock-ups. No provision can be made
for other groups or individuals.
Copies of the Statement will be on sale at all Government
Book Shops at 7.30pm ( EST) on February 26.
Mark Ryan
Senior Media Adviser
Prime Minister's Office
February 13 1.992

FORM OF UNDERTAKING as an accredited
and deriving the main component of my earned income in the
media industry, accept the courtesies extended to me in
relation to early perusal of the Prime Minister's Economic
Statement and other related documents in full understanding
of the conditions under which they are offered.
These are that I will not:
allow the documents or their content or any part
thereof made available to me to find their way into
hands other than those of my principals and my
immediate assistants before 7.3Opm AEST on Wednesday
26 February 1992;
make or permit any publication, written or by other
means, of any facts, statements, opinions or the like
contained in the Statement or related documents prior
to the Prime Minister completing the delivery of that
Statement on the night of Wednesday 26 February 1992
with the exception that radio and television stations
may broadcast progress news bulletins ( as distinct from
commentary), provided that none of the contents of the
Statement is revealed until the Prime Minister himself
has conveyed it to the Parliament or otherwise
disseminated its contents; and
brinqj into the lock-up any equipment capable of
transmission of information to outside the lock-up
other than that specifically approved in writing by the
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. or its
authorised agents.
I have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that my
principals are Imade fully aware of these conditions.