PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00008370.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

FOR MEDIA 27 December 1991
I have today recommended to the Governor-General a number of
changes to the Ministry. The swearing-in is scheduled for
Details of the Ministry are attached.
It is a talen~ ted and experienced team which is well placed
to undertake the task of building confidence in Australia
and getting economic recovery underway.
The Governmnent's key tasks, will be jobs and economic growth.
As I said on becoming Prime Minister, I believe that we can
emerge from the recession with a much stronger economy than
ever before. The nineties hold very great promise for all
Australians. Mr Dawkins will be Treasurer.
Other key changes will be the appointment of Mr Willis as
Minister for Finance, Mr Beazley as Minister for Employment,
Education and Training, Dr Blewett as Minister for Social
Security and Senator Richardson as Minister for Transport
and Communications.
I am pleased to welcome two new members to Cabinet Mr
Griffiths and Senator Collins.
Mr Griffiths will be sworn in as Minister for Tourism in
charge of a new Department of Tourism, which is to operate
as a separate portfolio in recognition of the importance and
special needs~ of that industry to the economy and regional
Australia. tie will continue as Minister for Resources in
the Primary Industries and Energy portfolio.
Reflecting the importance of micro-economic reform, Senator
Collins, as Minister for Shipping and Aviation, will be a
second Cabinet Minister within the Transport and
Communications portfolio. 4079

Mr Kerin will become Minister for Trade and Overseas
Development within the Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio
reflecting the importance of trade matters to rural and
regional Australia. The portfolio will be represented in
Cabinet by the portfolio Minister, Senator Evans.
Other changes are: Mr Simmons will now be Minister for
Local Government and Minister for Family Support; Ms Fatin
will be appointed Minister for the Arts and Territories;
the Minister for Higher Education and Education Services, Mr
Baldwin, will in addition be Minister Assisting the
Treasurer; tho Minister for Science and Technology, Mr Free,
will now be Minister Assisting the Prime Minister generally
in addition to science matters.
The appointment of Parliamentary Secretaries provides a
means of assisting Ministers in the administration of their
departments and developing new talent. I have decided
therefore to appoint four additional Parliamentary
Secretaries: Mr Laurie Brereton, Mr Peter Duncan, Mr Gary
Johns and Stephen Martin. Details are included in the
attached Ministry list.
Public Services Changes
I have kept or ganisational changes to departments to a
minimum, the only changes recommended to the Administrative
Arrangements Order being the movement of responsibility for
Tourism, from the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and
Territories portfolio to a new separate portfolio.

* Commonwealth Government 27 December 1991
Title Minister
Prime Minister The Hon P J Keating, NIP
Minister for Health, Housing and Community Services The Hon Brian Howe. MOP
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Social Justice ( Deputy Prime Minister)
Minister Assisting the Prime Mitni ster for Commonwealth -State Relations
Minister for Aged. Family and Health Services The Hon Peter Staples, MP
Minister for Veterans' Affairs The Hon Ben Humphreys, MP
Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce Senator the Hon John Button
( Leadier of the Government in the Senate)
Minister for Science and Technology The Hon Ross Free, MP
Minister Assisting the Prime Min ister
Minister for Small Business. Constiruction and Customs The Hon David Beddall, MP
Minister for Foreign Affairs anid Trade Senator the Hon Gareth Evans, QC
( Deputy Leader of the Govarnmetit in the Sente)
Minister for Trade and Overseas Development The Hon John Kerin, NIP
Treasurer The Hon J S Dawklns, MEP
Minister for Finance The Hon Ralph Willis, NIP
Attorney-General The Hon Michael Duffy, MOP
Minister for Justice and Consumer Affairs Senator the Hon Michael Tate
Minister for Employment, Education and Training The Hon Kim C Beazley, MP
n ader of the House)
Minister for Higher Education and Employment Services fe Hon Peter Baldwin, MP
Minister Assisting the Treasurer
Minister for Aboriginal and Tories Strait Islander Affairs The Hon Robert Tickner, MY
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Aboriginal Reconciliation
Minister for Social Security The Hon Neal Blewett, NIP
Minister for Family Support The Hon David Simmons, MIP
Minister for Transport and Communications Senator the Hon Graham Richardson
toie-Presidoent of the Executive Counci)
Minister for Shipping and Aviation Senator the Hon Bob Collins
Minister Assisthigthe Prime Minister for Northern Australia
Minister for Land Tansport The Hon Bob Brown, MIP
Minister for Defence Senator the Hon Robert Ray
Minister for Defence Science amd Personnel The Hon Gordon Bilney, NIP
Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs The Hon Gerry Hand, NIP
Minister Assisting the Prune Minister for Multi cultural Affairs
Minister for Local Government The Hon David Simmons, NIP
Minister for the Arts, Sport, the Environment and Territories The Hon Ros Kelly, NMP
Minister for the Arts and Territories Thbe Hon Wendy Fatin, NIP
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Status of Women
Mi1nister for Industrial Relations Senator the Hon Peter Cook
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Public Servce Matters
Minister for Administlrative Services Senator the Hon Nick Bolkus
Minister for Primary Industri~ es and Energy The Hon Simon Crean, MP
Minister for Resources The Hon Alan Griffiths, MIP
Minister for Tourism The Hon Alan Griffths, MIP
Portfolio Ministers all of whotm am an tht: Cabinet ae shown in bold type. Senator Collins is also a Cabinet Mintister.
A Department with a title reflecting the pmxtfolio Minit~ er's title is administere by the Ministiers within each grouping, with one exception: within the Health,
Housing and Community Services portfol io. Mr Howe admbvisters both the Depatmenat of Health. Housing and Community Services and the Department of
Veterans Affairs; Mt Stsple. administers the Department of Health. Housing and Community Servce and Mr Humphreys administers the Departmet of
Veterans Affairs. Mr Griffiths athuinwsera the Department of Tourism,. as portfolio Stinister and both Mr Czet, as portfolio Minister, Ad Mr Griilithi
administer the Depuent of Prism y nckas and Energy. Mr Simmons a& difisu both the Deptmitn of Social Securfity, with Dr Blewto an ponjoiu)
Nitster, and the Department of lmmsigrmor. LWcal Govetwuet and Ethnic Af air with Mr Hand as portfolio Miniister. 4081.

0 0
Parliamentary Secretaries
Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health, Housing and
Community Services
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer
Parliamentary Secretary to the Artorney-General
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Security
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Transport and Communications
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence The Hon Laurie Brereton, MP
Mr Gary Johns, MP
Mr Stephen Martin, MP
Senator the Hon Bob McMulla
( Manager of Government Businmss
m the Senate)
The Hon Peter Duncan, MP
The Hon Con Sciacca, MP
The Hon Warren Snowdon, MP
The Hon Roger Price, MP

MINISTER Prime Minister
Minister for Health. Housing Community Services
Minister for Aged, Family and Health Services
Minister for Veterans' Affairs
Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce
Minister for Science and Technology
Minister for Small Business, Construction Customs
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
Minister for Trade and Overseas Development
Treasurer Minister for Finance
Minister for Justice and Consumer Affairs
Minister for Employment, Education and Training
Minister for Higher Education Employment Services
Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs
Minister for Social Security
Minister for Family Support
Minister for Transport and Communications
Minister for Shipping and Aviation
Minister for Land Transpori
Minister for Defence
Minister for Defence Science and Personnel
Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs
Minister for Local Governmtent
Minister for the Arts, Sport., the Environment and Territories
Minister for the Arts and Terri tories
Minister for Industrial Relations
Minister for Administrative Services
Minister for Primary Industries and Energy
Minister for Resources
Minister for Tourism REPRESENTED BY
Senator Button
Senator Tate
Senator Tate
Senator Tate
Mr Free
Senator Button
Senator Button
Mr Kerin
Senator Evans
Senator Button
Senator Button
Senator Tate
Mr Duffy
Senator Cook
Senator Cook
Senator Collins
Senator Richardson
Senator Richardson
Mr Beaziey
Mr Beazley
Senator Richardson
Mr Bilney
Senator Ray
Senator Bolkus
Senator Bolkus
Senator Richardson
Senator Richardson
Mr Willis
Mr Beddall
Senator Cook
Senator Cook
Senator Collins 4083