PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Press Conference
Transcript ID:
00008072.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

1 AUGUST 1990
JOURNALIST: Is there agreement on JACADS?
PM: No, that hasn't been decided yet. They're still
considering the various positions and we'll come back to
that after lunch.
JOURNALIST: been any formal discussion on JACADS Mr
Hawke? PM: There's been formal discussion. It's been discussed
in the Forum. But there are differences of emphasis.
They're trying to get some resolution together which may
bring the different points of view together. That's
going to be resumed
JOURNALIST: What is the sticking point in
PM: No specific sticking point. There's just a
difference of approach on the issue. Now there's
discussions going on over lunch and that will be resumed
after lunch. I mean, that's the way
JOURNALIST: Did you forward the reports?
PM: Yes, they were given the full reports, full reports.
JOURNALIST: What was the response to those?
PM: Well they haven't specifically, you know, addressed
the reports in the comments that have been made.
JOURNALIST: Have you put forward the suggestion of
sending over the scientific mission?
PM: Yes, I suggested that would be a good idea.
JOURNALIST: What response did you get?
PM: I don't know how many I mean this is getting
boring. I'm telling you that the matter is not resolved.
There have been initial discussions. There are now
informal meetings going on over lunch. We'll resume it

after lunch. I mean so don't let's go back over it four
times. JOURNALIST: To change the subject then Ratu Mara.
Will you be seeing him today over lunch or after lunch?
PM: No he won't be at lunch. I may be seeing him after
lunch. I don't know yet.
JOURNALIST: Is the fact that he's not going to come to
the lunch any form of snubbing?
PM: I don't know. He didn't come to the New Zealand
lunch and he's not going to be at our lunch. So I may
see him afterwards. I really haven't got anything to add
to that.
JOURNALIST: How would you describe that sort of
behaviour? PM: I've got no comment about it.
JOURNALIST: Prime Minister, has the issue of observor
status for the FLNKS come up?
PM: Yes, just before lunch and that's another matter
that will be dealt with after lunch. So you're not doing
too well are you?
JOURNALIST: What can you tell us?
PM: Well I can tell you that the timing of the press
conference is inopportune. It would be much better to
have it after lunch.
JOURNALIST: Can we have it after lunch?
PM: Yes of course you can have one after
JOURNALIST: back to Ratu Mara then. Are you
regretful at this stage at all about the comments the
Australian Government has made on the Fijian
constitution? Did we go in too hard?
PM: No, I think the comments that were made by
spokespersons for the Foreign Affairs Department were
comments that in the light of Australia's historical
position were justified. There's more to be said. I hope
I'll have the opporunity of discussing this with the
Prime Minister of Fiji. That's up to him.
JOURNALIST: Are you disappointed that he's not coming to
your lunch today?
PM: I'd rather he was there, yes.