PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Chifley, Ben

Period of Service: 13/07/1945 - 19/12/1949
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00000008.pdf 21 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Chifley, Joseph Benedict (Ben)

I No. 128.
JUNE, 11947, TO 31sT JULY, 11) 47.
By Authority:
L F. JOHNSTOCNo. mmonwealth Government Printer. Canbam,
( Printed in Australia.)

On 5th June, 1947, the Minister for the Navy ( Mr. Riordan)
announced that exercises in which two aircraft carriers and two
destroyers of the British Pacific Fleet and ships of the Australian and
New Zealand squadrons would take part, would be carried out off the
Australian coast in July, 1947. The British carriers were H. M. S.
Theseus and H. M. S. Glory, accompanied by the destroyers Contest and
Cockade. Theseus would visit Melbourne from 11th July to 20th July.
Glory would visit Adelaide from 4th July to 9th July. The carriers and
destroyers would stay in Sydney from 24th July to 6th August, and
would then go to Brisbane where they would remain from 8th August
to 18th August. JUDICIARY.
On 9th June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
Mr. Justice H. B. Piper has, owing to ill health, resigned his office
as Chief Judge of the Commonwealth Arbitration Court as from 16th
June, 1947, and Mr. Justice E. A. Drake-Brockman is being appointed
Chief Judge in his stead." INDUSTRIAL.
On 20th June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifly) said-
I met the president ( Mr. P. J. Clarey, and the secretary
( Mr. A. Monk) of the Australasian Council of Trades Unions to-day.
They conveyed to me a resolution of the council supporting the
continuance of Empire preference.
The officers put to me certain aspects of the 40 hours week and also
discussed National Security ( Economic Organization) Regulations
covering wage-pegging.
The decision of the Council regarding the explediting of food for
Britain was conveyed to me.
The officers informed me that the council was opposed to any proposed
ban on the construction of . the guided projectile range but asked
that further investigations be made to ensure the welfare of aborigines
and their land. War and defence were touched on by the officers who
asked that the Commonwealth Government should use its influence
at the United Nations in support of a policy of progressive disarnianment
' and control of atomic bombs.
The continuance of price control and the position arising in Victoria
and other States because of the attitude of the Legislative Councils
was mentioned to me and an intimation given that the Commonwealth
Government should take measures to assure control of prices and rents.
" I gave the deputation my views on all the subjects and added that
their representations would be considered by Cabinet." J

On 15th July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
The conference of representatives of the Associated Chambers of
Manufactures and the Australasian Council of Trades Unions will be
held on 2nd August and 3rd August, 1947."
On 16th July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
At the request of the general secretary of the Australian Labour
Party ( Mr. P. J. Kennelly, I have agreed to meet the Industrial
Committee of the Australian Labour Party on 5th August, 1947."
( The Industrial Committee of the Australian Labour Party comprises:
Messrs, A. S.-McAlpine ( New South Wales), P. J. Kennelly, M. L. C. ( Victoria),
S. J. Bryan ( Queensland). and E. Brooker. M. L. A. ( Tasnmnia).)
On 9th June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
Cabinet decided to-day that a second Board of Review be established
under the Income Tax Assessment Act by appointing the present
War-time ( Company) Tax Board of Referees as the board. The existing
board of review will be given the powers of the War-time ( Company)
Tax Board of Referees. For the time being the present board
will determine cases arising in New South Wales and Queensland, and
the second board will determine cases arising in the other four States.
The functions of the Board of Review, although primarily associated
with income tax, have been extended to matters arising out of sales
tax, pay-roll tax, . war-time ( company) tax, entertainments tax and
estate and gift duties.
At a later date, the second board will be reconstituted with a permanent
chairman and two permanent members."
Personnel of the present Board of Review: Messrs. It. E . Gibson ( chairman).
Hannan, E. F. Hamilton.
Personnel of War-tinme ( Company) Tax Hoard of H-tefrfccince: Messrs. II.
MIcGee ( chairman). John Spence, A. Barton.
On 13th June, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
" Regulations under the Income Tax Assessment Act and the Social
Services Contribution Assessment Act have been gazetted to-day.
These regulations prescribe reduced scales of instalment deductions
to be made by employers from the weekly salary or wages paid to
employees on and after the 1st July, 1947. The reduced scales give
effect to the reductions in income tax and social services contribution
rcnntly paced by Parliament.

As in the past, one scale has been printed by the Taxation Dleparl.-
ment to cover instalments for both income tax and social services contributions.
Copies of this scale will be available to employers before
1st July, 1947.
Some variation has been made in the form of the printed scale to
be used. In cases of employees with dependants, the scale at present in
operation provides for instalments according to the number and class
of. dependants maintained. In the new scale, the instalments for such
empl. yees are varied according to the total amount on which rebate may
be claimed by the employee in respect of dependants. This alteration
will simplify the application of the scale by employers. A copy of the
scale is attached.
The regulations contain provisions which will enable farmers,
businessmen and other taxpayers from whose income instalment deductions
are not made, to obtain the benefit of the reduced incomne tax and
, ocial services contribution rates in the provisional amounts payable by
them in respect of the income of the year ending 30th June, 1948.
" Normally, the provisional tax and contribution payable by such a
taxpayer would be equal to the income tax and social services contribution,
respectively, assessed for the financial year 1946-47. However, in
view of the fact that the rates of income tax and social services contribution
for the financial year 1947-48 will be lower than those for the
financial year 1946-47, the regulations provide for a reduction in the
provisional tax and contribution otherwise payable for the financial
year 1947-48. Broadly, in cases where the taxpayer will be liable to
both income tax and social services contribution, the reduction will le Is.
in the œ 1 for each œ 1 of the taxable income derived by him during the
year ending 30th June, 1947. In other cases, the reduction will be
graduated up to a maximum of Is. in the œ 1 for each œ 1 of the taxable
inconie derived by the taxpayer during the year ending 30th June, 1947.
The regulations also prescribe the metals to which section 23 ( p)
the Act shall apply. Section 23 exempts income derived by a
bona fide prospector from the sale, transfer or assignment by him of his
rights to mine for gold and for such metals and minerals as arc prescribed.
The metals prescribed for the purpose of this provision are
antimony, arsenic, beryllium, bismuth, cobalt, copper, mercury, molybdenuin,
nickel, tin and vanadium."
( For earlier references, please see No. 125, page 28; No. 126, page 29.)
On 9th June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
" On 20th November, 1945, Cabinet approved of proposals for Australian
participation for whaling in the Southern Hemisphere. Since
then an officer of the Fisheries Division of the Department of
Post-war Reconstruction has attended an International Whaling

Conference. An inter-departmental conunittee, representing the
Departments of the Treasury, Labour, Commerce, Supply and
Shipping, Post-war Reconstruction and Repatriation has considered
the general prospects of the industry. and particularly
in the light of information received from Britain that the delivery
of a factory ship would not ' be made until 1950 at the earliest.
It was considered that Australia's initial entry into the industry
should be through land stations and that, when they had been
established and personnel trained, consideration could be given to
pelagic operations.
The Minister for Commerce ( Mr. Pollard) informed Cabinet to-
( lay that the present position was that the building of a factory ship
could not he completed until 1950 and that the proposal to secure a
factory ship as part of Japanese reparations was being investigated by
the Department of External Affairs but, even if aproved, there would
he delay in delivery. It appeared that the Australian industry should
be developed on shore-based operations from the New South Wales and
Western Australian coasti and by pelagic operations based on Hobartthe
latter being subject to personnel being trained at the land stations
and prospects carefully checked.
Cabinet decided to conmmence negotiations for the cingagcllent of
a whaling expert."
( For earlier references, please see No. 108, page 8; No. 110, page 14.)
On llth June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
" A credit of œ stg. 500,000 has been granted to the Government of
Czechoslovakia through the Commonwealth Bank of Australia for the
purchase of Australian wool. The period of the credit is one year.
Repayment has been guaranteed by the Government of Czechoslovakia.
. It is ! a condition of the agreement that Czechoslovakia will make cash
purchases of Australian wool to a value at least equal to the amount of
the guaranteed credit.
" Before the war, Czechoslovakia was becoming an increasingly
important buyer of Australian wool. It is considered that the credit
will assist in the early re-establishment of the woollen industry in
that country." DEFENCE.
On 11th June, 1947, the Minister for External Affairs ( Dr. Evatt)
and the United States Ambassador ( Mr. Butler) said-
The Commander-in-Chief of the United States Navy, Army and
Air Forces in the Pacific area ( Admiral L. E. Denfeld) has had discussions
with the Australian Government and service authorities on

matters of mutual interest in the Pacific. The purpose of his visit was
to ensure the continuance of the close co-operation between the United
States and Australian services which existed through the war period
and which contributed so much to victory in the Pacific.
There is a practical identity of Pacific interests and excellent relationships
existing between the United States and Australia. The discussions
Admiral Denfeld has had with the Prime Minister ( Mr.
Chifley), the MAinister for External Affairs, the Minister for the Navy
( Mr. Riordan), and service authorities have covered mutual interests
of the two countries in the Pacific, and it is natural that such discussions
should be repeated from time to time. They are the natural
outcome of the close association between the two Governments which
characterized the war period and, being purely defensive in character,
are completely in accord with the principles and purposes of the
United Nations. The discussions during the last few days in Australia
have been entirely successful from ail points of view."
On 31st July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
Following the recent appointment of Mr. A. P. Rowe as defence
scientific advisor and cha. irman of the Defence Scientific Advisory
Committee, members of the committee have been appointed as follows:-
The Executive Officer of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
( Dr. F. W. G. White), the Professur of Physics at Melbourne University ( Professor
L. H. M; xrtin), the Professor of C emistry at Melbourne University
( Professor E. Hartung), the Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at Sydney
University ( Professor A. V. Stephens), the Director of the Walter and Eliza
Hall Institute of Research in Pathology and Medicine ( Professor F. R. Burnet).
( For earlier references, please see No. 109, page 42; No. 113, page
On 31st July, 1947. the Acting Minister for Post-war Reconstruction
( Mr. Pollard) announced National Security ( Munitions) Regulations
to set up within the Department of Munitions a Long Range
Weapons Board of Administration. The board would be responsible
for the conduct of factories engaged in the production of long-range
weapons; for the setting up of ranges and testing establishments, and
for testing operations; for all matters relating to scientific research
and the technical development and design of long-range weapons and
equipment. The board would consist of two representatives of the
Department of Munitions, three representatives of the British Ministry
of Supply and a representative of each of the Departments of Defence,
Navy, Army, Air and Works and Housing. JI

On 12th June, 1947, the Governor-General announced the following
awards:-Air Force Cross.-Squadron-leader J. R. French, C. C. Henry,
J. G. Hoskins, J. R. Lavers, J. T. O'Brien, Flight-lieutenants R. W.
Adsett, E. M. Allison, M. W. Baker, M. C. Clifford, C. R. Gallwey,
E. T. W. Holt, P. J. Love, A. W. P. Malcolm, C. R. McNichol, J.
Rankin, E. B. Stacy, Flying-officers A. Burns, H. A. Kirkhouse, N. J.
Properjohn. Air Force Meda/.-Flight-sergeant D. W. Hosking.
On 7th July, 1947, the Minister for Air ( Mr. Drakeford)
anounced that the Chief of the Air Staff ( Air Marshal G. Jones)
would visit Britain and the United States of \ A. merica during
August, 1947. He would attend a conference called by the British
Chief of the Air Staff ( Lord Tedder) of the comianders-in-chief of
Royal Air Force commands at home and overseas, and to which
Dominions Chiefs of Air Staff had been invited. In the United Statoft
America, Air Marshal Jones would attend talks with General Spaatz
and General Kenny , f the United States of America Air Force.
On 9th July, 1947, Mr. Drakeford announced that Air Commodore
P. J. McCauley, who had been appointed Chief of Staff to the
Commander-in-Chief of the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces
. in Japan, had been promoted to the acting rank of air vice-marshal.
On 25th July, 1947, Mr. Drakeford announced tha. t Air Commodore
F. R. W. Seherger had been appointed deputy-chief of the Air Staff.
On 23rd July, 1947, Mr. Drakeford ' announced that commencement
would be made on 1st August, 1947, to establish the Royal Australian
Air Force Cadet College at Point Cook for the training as officers of boys
between the ages of 16 and 1S years. Annual courses would commence
in 1948 and would be of. four years' duration. Annual intake of cadets
would be about 24 pupilS.
On 30th July, 1947, Mr. Drakeford announced that five Royal Australian
Air Force crews would be sent to Britain to become members of
the No. 24 ( Commonwealth) Squadron on an exchange basis with the
Royal Air Force.

On 12th . June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
The policy of the British Government on foodstuffs so far . as Austr:
lia is concerned is to import the maximum quantities of basic foodtruffs.
such as dairy products and meat, from us. Britain wants many
othpr product. in addition to these basic lines including-
IT! onlto pur chutney. apple butter, vilegar, bonox, vegemite, fruit juices,
e mined meat and vegetables, canned steak and vegetables, canned rabbit, canned
poultry, fricassee of poultry, fri,;-' nec of rabbit, fricassee of mutton, steak and
kidney pudding. and irish stexx.
: Britain do( s nor want certain foodstuffs in a processed form
Ilc-ausicf sli prefers tine raw iaterials. She does not want plum pudlings,
for instacce, from Australia, if she can obtain the flour, dried
fruits and fats in bulk and use these items to the best advantage.
Australia has been cognizant of the British Government's decision
lto irstrict rlth import of certain processed and semi-luxury foodstuffs.
It li; s beli tl.. policy of the British Ministry of Food to import food
stiifs in pIarticnlar formns so that the Ministry may implement its rationig
seljiinm. Kiinoing the position of Britain, the Australian Governmient
hi,-nei'. and will continue to do, everything possible to shift
the maxirinunl foodstuffs to Britain. The British import policy on food
is the concern of tihe British Government.
Australin has serious problems for tinned plate supplies and does
not always desire to send goods in cans which can be exported in bulk.
Australian exports to Britain of goods which are subject to import
restrictionLs are not appreciable and make very little impression on the
iquantity of foodstuffs required by the British Ministry."
On 2nd July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
The Australian Dairy Produce Board was set up in October, 1924,
, nil consists of seventeen members appointed under the Dairy Produce
Export Control Act. The members comprise-
Four producers. iine representatives of butter and cheese factories, two
representatives of prdprietary and privately-owned butter and cheese factories,
inc representative of the Australian Council of the Australian Institute of Dairy
Factory Managers and Secretaries, and one representative of the Commonwealth
Government. During the war, the board's activities were curtailed and under
National Security Act regulations, control of . the industry was taken
over in November, 1939, by a small committee vested with wide powers.
Cabinet decided to-day that legislation be prepared to amend the
Dairy Produce Control Act to provide for a board of twelve members,
with a ' Government nominee as chairman; to be vested with such additional
powers and functions as might be necessary in the light of circumstances
now obtaining in the industry. It is proposed that, when
the new legislation operates, National Security Act regulations will be

On 18th July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
" A decision as to the future control of milk will be made by the
Commonwealth Government in September, 1947. The decision to be
made is whether the Commonwealth should take any further interest
and step out, or whether control should be handed to a State or local
authority. If subsidies are discontinued by the Commonwealth, that
will mean substantial increases in milk prices to consumers. One of the
Commonwealth's difficulties is that at places such as Hobart and Launceston
there is no authority to which the Commonwealth can hand
On 3rd July, 1947, the Minister for Agriculture ( Mr. Pollard)
announced that controls would be exercised over the export of essential
agricultural machinery to ensure that the greatest possible volume
would be available in Australia. Types involved were--
Tractors, grain and fertilizer cu! tivator drills, and seed drills for cereal crops,
header harvesters. rezaper threshers, reapers and hinders, hay balers, side delivery
rakes, mowers and spare parts.
Token overseas shipments would be permitted as the nucleus of trade
must be preserved.
On S1st Jily, 1947, Mr. Pollard said that a meeting of Anstralian
Agricultural Council had been held. Decisions were-
3IARKETING O I-I; GS.-At its last meeting. cotincil adopted recotniimei( ldtioiis
embracing the formation of the Australian Egg E. qualization Conmmittee Limited
for the marketing of eggs. The Standing Conmnittee on Agriculture now
reported that unless the neces-iry legislation could be passed in New South
Wales and Victoria to enable the company to operate as from It January,
1S! 48, there would he disorganization in marketing and a fall in prices. Dealing
with the question of surplus funds from Commonwealth egg control, Council
expressed the view that the Commonwealth Government should be informed that
some portion of the fund should be distributed as working capital of tile Australian
Egg Equalization Committee Limited.
BABLEY.--Proposals for the future marketing of barley, previously agreed to
by representatives of Victorian and South Australian Governments and growers,
and trading interests in those States, were adopted by council. The proposals
provide for marketing barley under a pool system operating under State legislation
without any guaraniitee of price: growers in effect receiving the average
return obtained by the pool. Council decided that draft legislation prepared by
the South Australian Government be considered by a conference of Commonwealth.
Victorian and South Australian legal officers and that the draft bill
then be submitted to the Commonwealth Government for approval and preparation
as a Commonwealth Bill. The measure is to cover marketing of barley in
Victoria and South Australia and any other States prepared to participate.
ToBAcco.-Council adopted a tentative outline of Commonwealth and State
legislation embodying principles considered necessary for a tobacco marketing
scheme. The proposals envisaged a central authority charged with appraising
tobacco leaf submitted to it under complementary State legislation. It would be
necessary for the States to invest the central authority with necessary powers to

appraise Australian tobacco leaf and allocate leaf to manufacturers. The legislation
would provide for a table of limits which would be used to appraise leaf
and should prohibit transactions except in accordance with the requirements of
State Acts.
POTArOEs.-Council noted that the Commonwealth had decided to continue
the contract system with potatoes to cover the 1947-48 crop. The area desired
was 185,000 acres calculated to give production sufficient to supply the population
of Australia with 2j lb. of potatoes a week throughout the year with a margin
of safety. It was proposed to allocate the area for 1947-48 as follows:-New
South Wales-31,533 acres; Victoria-66,347 acres; Queeneland-17,735 acres;
South Australia-7,880 acres; Western Australia-7,823 acres; Tasmania-
54,149 acres; Total-185,467 acres.
Basic price for best varieties of No. 1 grade was being raised from œ 12
to œ 13 10s. a ton to cover increased costs arising from the removal of the subsidy
on cornsacks and other increases. Council was informed that the existing
scheme would not be extended after the season ending 1948 and stressed the
necessity for all State legislation to be ready for operation before that date.
SOIL CONSERVATION.-Council decided that, recognizing the importance of rye
corn in soil conservation in Australia, immediate steps should be taken to build
up in the Commonwealth a comprehensive collection of the world's rye corn
varieties. Council recommended that a duly stubble mulch farm machine set be
imported and made available to the New South Wales Conservation Service for
testing as to efficiency.
FERTITIzaER.-Council adopted recommendations from the conference of Commonwealth
and State fertilizer officers as follows:-
Sulphate for 1947-48 would be allocated to each State in the same proportion
as in 1946-47.
Nitrate of soda for 1947-48 would be allotted as follows:-New South Wales-
1,100 tons; Victoria-1,100' tons; Queensland-2,000 tons: South Australia-
450 tons: Western Australia-1,000 tons; Tasmania-350 tons; Total--6,000
tons. Superphosphate supplies would be similar to the 1946-47 period-1,250,000
tons. Potash supplies would be ample through commercial channels. Accordingly
, upplies would not be allocated between the States for 1947-48.
INSECT PEST CONTROL.-Council agreed to recommendations by the Standing
Committee on Agriculture that a trial plan against plague locusts be undertaken
in New South Wales.
STocK DlsEASEs.-Recommentdations to council . by a conference of Commonwealth
and State veterinary officers on control of stock diseases were approved
as follows:-In view of the serious position developing in connexion. with ayian tuberculosis,
poultry slaughtering should be subject to inspection under
veterinary control in all States.
Tuberculosis-free herd schemes should be uniform. Schemes in operation
in New South Wales and Victoria, with agreed amendments to be accepted
as a guide.
Disease of Poultry.-Pullorum-free flock schemes were desirable in each
State and those in operation should be used as a basis by States preparing
echemes. An organized investigation into Birdsville and other related diseases of
horses be conducted by the Council for Scientific and Iudustrial Research in
conjunction with the Departments of Agriculture of Queensland, South
Australia and Western Australia and the Northern Territory Administration.
In the event of private institutions preparing living canine distemper
virus vaccine, it should be controlled by requiring it to be issued only to
veterinary surgeons.
As penicillin was widely required for the treatment of bovine mastitis
and other diseases, any restrictions on the issue of penicillin for veterinary
use should be abolished.

VEGETABLE OIL PLA. NTS.-Council was informed by the Standing Committee onl
Agriculture that it had considered the report of the Commonwealth mission
which visited the United States in 1946 to inquire into the soybean industry:
The committee informed council that it had accepted recommendations as
fnllows:-Commonwealth and State Governments should take energetic action to
promote the economic production of vegetable oil plants in Australia.
The Commonwealth and States should set up a Vegetable Oils Committee
to recommend broad policy on vegetable oil production to the council. Funds
should be made available to undertake an intensive programme of plant
breeding and selection and testing of soybeans and the vegetable oil producing
plants appropriate to their environment.
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research should undertake investigation
into the industrial uses of vegetable oils. To allow manufacturers to
exploit the possibilities of soybean oil, permits be issued for the importation
of soybeans. MIGRATION.
On 12th June, 1947, the Minister for Immigration ( Mr. Calwell)
announced that nine new Australian immigration offices would be
opened as soon as arrangements could be completed at Oslo, The Hague.
Paris, Berlin, San Francisco and New York, Shanghai, New Delhi and
Cairo. The offices would deal with all migration matters, including
official migration schemes, and the handling of landing permits, passports
and the like. Duties of the offices at San Francisco and New
York would include reception of applications and selection for the
Government's new assisted passage scheme for United States ex-service-
On 13th June, 1947, the Attorney-Genera! ( Dr. Evatt) announced
that Judge Kirby, of the New South Wales District Court, had been
appointed a Royal Commissioner to inquire into and report on certain
matters arising out of the administration of land sales control. Terms
of reference were-
Whether there was misconduct or wrulg-doig on the part of any person in
or in coninexion with the handling of or dealing with any of the following transactions
by the Sydney Land Sales Control office of the Department of the
Treasury, or the Canberra Land Sales Control office of that department:-
The transactions submitted for the Treasurer's consent by or on behalf
of Stanley Evan Parry, Edward Richard Courtney McCormac, Sub
. division Estates and Land Pty. Ltd., Burke Naughton Pty. Ltd., and
Australian Securities Ltd.; and
The transactions specified by Frederick Alan Lush in his letter of 23rd
May, 1947, to the Prime Minister.
If you are of opinion that there was any such misconduct or wrong-doing
what person or persons were guilty of it and in what did it consist.

On 13th June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
The Executive Council has approved a further re-organization of
the wage-pegging provisions of National Security ( Economic Organization)
Regulations. The amendment now made will permit action to . be
taken under the 40-hour week legislation recently passed in New South
Wales without danger of conflict with the wage-pegging provisions of
the regulations. The amendment will, however, apply also to any similar measures
that may be passed in other States. Its effect is to permit the payment
of remuneration at an altered rate where the alteration is consequential
on a reduction in working hours made under any State Act coming into
force after to-day."
( For earlier references, please see No. 122, page 22; No. 125, page
On 15th June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said*-
The Labour party is the greatest political party to-day that Australia
has ever known and the only political party that proved, in the
years of war, capable of governing this country. The Labour party at
. uch conferences as this voices its views and discusses not only internal
problems but also gives some thought to international problems associated
with the life of this nation.
I feel that the work of the Labour movement in New South Wales
and in the federal sphere during the past six years is not a story I need
reiterate. .1 do not say that there have not been some shortcomings.
am one, privileged as I have been to lead the Federal Parliamentary
Labour party, who realizes that in the life of a government there are
some things that call for criticism. Criticism is not a bad thing, but I
rhink criticism should be based on facts and should be directed, not
towards individuals particularly, but. generally towards the methods
used. " Now, after six years in which the people have trusted the Labour
party in the federal sphere and in a majority of States, we are faced
with an equally grave responsibility, although not in the atmosphere of
danger and war nor with the same difficulties. But we face a re-orientation
of some of the views on some of the problems. We can fact our
internal problems in an atmosphere of full employment and a better
standard of living than in most countries to-day. We live in a very
troubled world. Grent economic problems face other countries to-day.
Europe is in a very bad way and many persons feel frustrated and disappointed
that leading men of the world cannot find solutions to great
At the inn! conferuce of trhe New S uth W le brh: inich tih A.\ Istrahm;
.; iahour p; ir y.

problems which beset the world and set a road of guidance for the
future. That is because countries hold such widely diverse views of
what should be the methods and what guidance should ' be given.
Australia can look at the problems very clearly. Great opportunities
and the fulfilment or the achievement of the matters that those
opportunities offer rests with the people in Australia-the Government
can legislate and provide machinery.
In the Pacific, Australia is an isolated island continent, but it
c: an no longer stay out of the affairs of the world or for protection in
defence depend on Britain. The economic problems which beset Britain
to-day have left her in a position in which she must look to the
Dominions to play a great part in maintaining stability and security.
' This country, which is young and a country I hope which will grow
to greater proportions offered opportunities and the Labour party is the
only political party capable of governing the people and giving effect
to their wishes.
Those opportunities must not be lost. First, we must face the
problem of bringing here hundreds of thousands of people from other
countries. If British people are available so much the better, hut manpower
in Britain is much needed to-day, so we must turn to Europe
for hundreds to build up this country. We must determine the best
methods to build Australia and fulfil our destiny. Because of isolation.
we are far from the stress and strife in Europe. We ' have sonime reasonable
stability. The efforts of the Government have been able not only
to . meet the effects of war, but also the transition to peace. Some persons
believe that because there is prosperity-because there are more
jobs than people to fill them, because there are high prices from overseas
exports-that that particular state of affairs, particularly in
regard to prices, might last for ever. We must be prepared, in giving
consideration to our economic affairs, for a reduction in those prices. It
is possible that some measure of decline will come in the market before
many years are passed. We must, in planning the economy of this
country, realize that there is . likely to be some recession in the money
coming to this country from our exports.
In the world of interna. tional affairs, Australia has played a great
part. It has participated in all the councils of the nations of the world.
The Minister for External Affairs ( Dr. Evatt), the Australian High
Commissioner in the United Kingdom ( Mr. Beasley), the Australian
Minister at Washington ( Mr. Makin) and the Australian High Commissioner
to Canada ( Mr. Forde)-all representatives of the Labour
movement-have played their part in seeing that Australia has been
heard. We cannot any longer depend on Britain for the defence of this
country. There may be a feeling of frustration that so little has been
achieved so far towards a lasting peace, but there can be no mistake in
the minds of people that there shall be an improved living standard
and their objective is to achieve by some means or other some peace for
the workers of the world.

" Internally, we are living in a period of full employment. That
has been one of the ideals of the Labour movement, but for the first time
in my association with the Labour movement we have achieved that
object. There must be no faltering in the Federal or . State Labour
parties to ensure that that condition of affairs is maintained and, of
course, to maintain the standard of living of the people. That does not
rest with politicians and it does not rest with parliaments; it rests
with the trade unions and the workers of this country. Unless they
are prepared to play their part and give to the nation and to the
community the very best that they can give, those objectives cannot be
achieved. " I say that the trade union movement owes not only a duty to their
own organizations, but a duty to the community in which they live and
the nation to which they belong. I hope that leaders in the trade union
movement will be inspired in their efforts to see that some of the
industrial troubles which arise will be reduced. I understand that
strikes prove a corrective for many injustices. I can understand an
industrial stoppage on principle, but there have been a. number of
stoppages during recent years not connected with such matters. There
have been stoppages in connexion with demarcation disputes-not disputes
with Governments but dispute among the workers. It" is shocking
that trade unions in a matter of demarcation are not prepared
to take it to a judicial authority. They are like a comic opera and
persons working together who create these situations are not working
for the common good.
" I make it very clear that you should take from these conferences
through the country the realization that this is not a movement
organized for the glorification of its leaders or trade union leaders, but
for the benefit of the people and workers of the country. Personal animosities
cannot be avoided, but whatever they are they have to be subjugated
to the great masses of the people. I ask you to infuse the fire
and spirit which characterized the pioneers of the Labour movement
into the hundreds and thousands throughout the country and see that
Labour is returned to power.
There are persoins who try to cling to the coat-tails of the Labour
movement to espouse philosophies which are not philosophies of the
Labour movement. I say that this is a country of freedom of expression
and freedom to establish any political philosophy, but let those persons
preach their philosophy from their own platform. The Labour movement
lives and achieves the ideals and aspirations of the great working
class persons of this country. The working class consists of men
and women who work, whether manually or otherwise, for the country
and give of their best in their daily toil, whatever that may be.
The Labour party is unique among political parties because in
six States it has its organizations. Men come from 4,000 miles apart
who bring to that Federal Parliamentary Labour party many diverse
views. It is no easy matter to cater for the many parts of Australia
in federal policy, and that is done by federal conference and translated

into action by the Federal Labour party. It is a great achievement for
a party to create such solidarity as that. There is only one way to
achieve such things, whatever personal feelings we have, and that is by
solidarity. The history of this and every country shows that the people
will not trust parties who are not able to govern themselves and trust
only parties who have ways and methods of achieving their objective.
T think it does no harm to the Labour party or trade union movement
( which forms the foundation of the Labour party) when criticism is
levelled from time to time provided the criticism is based on facts. We
do not wish to live in a mutual admiration society. I have in my party
over 70 federal members drawn from all parts of Australia. It is not
to be expected that they will agree on every proposal or be able to
: gree with one another always. They always agree on objectives, but
sometimes nor on the methods to achieve those objectives. That doe.
not harm the Labour movement. No party can live unless it is progressive
and pressing forward. It must go onwards or die. The con-
: servative parties of this country, because of the diverse interests and
animositie. which exist between persons opposed to Labour methods,
are not able to survive. The solidarity of this movement, particularly
in the war period, was the solidarity necessary for the welfare and preservation
of this country.
In regard to international affairs, our relations with other countries,
our defence policy and the building up of industries are some
, f the great problems only Labour governments are capable of solving.
Relations with other nations of the world must go through the Federal
Government. The Federal Labour party should know the feelings and
v. iews of the people we represent. Out of these conferences you will
give an indication to the Federal Labour party of your outlook on the
questions of the future. I do not think that some persons in Australia
fully realize the changed order in the world to-day. We have a proud
history, but we must not live in the past. The methods of 20 years
ngo are no good to-day. We live in a troubled world. We must be
prepared to keep to the fundamentals of the Labour party, but always
be prepared to modify the general outlook of our views on the affairs
of the world and, in turn, on our own affairs as the affairs of the world
affect us. We have to prepare to build a stronger nation in the Pacific
than to-day, and try to look into the future. Many think just of to-day
or just a year or two ahead. They feel that some particular features
affect them personally and that they are the only ones that matter.
I ask those persons to give some thought to overseas affairs and the
future of this country. We must keep ourselves in close contact with
the affairs of the world and in close contact with other nations. I
believe that only by close co-operation with the people of Great
Britain and the people of America-indeed, with the English-speaking
peoples of the world-can -we keep world peace in the future.
" It may be that the Australian Government has had differences
with Great Britain on administrative matters. Whatever those differences
and however justifiable, one fact is completely clear-we in the

Pacific must maintain a close co-operation not only with America but
with Great Britain. Regarding Great Britain, apart from sentimental
reasons, a great material factor applies. Great Britain has been the
greatest market for Australian primary product exports, and if only for
material reasons close co-oppration with Great Britain for trade is
essential. " It is a great thing in the Labour movement to feel that we take
in thousands of unions and branches. Men and women are working
for no reward to themselves ' but to give effect to the wishes of the Labour
movement. It is a great thing and a great comfort for any one leading
a party or associated in some task of leadership of a party to know
that these men and women support them. I know that in Australia
hundred. of thousands have been in the Labour movement for 30 or
years without seeking any reward for themselves but for the Labour
movement to be placed in power. The future of this country and the
future of the Labour movement rest with the people themselves. Every
oC e must bhe prepared, whatever be his calling, whatever his duty, in
this timc. of opportunities, to give of his very best. There is only one
way of achieving success and that way is hard work. I ask nothing
more of the movement but to stick solidly together. It has been trusted
lby the peophl to perform the great tasks connected with the problems
of the war and to carry on the tasks associated with the transition into
peace and plan for the years ahead. That is the great trust the people
have placed in us. and I ask the Labour movement to give to those
chosen to lead all the help that cun be given for the needs of the community
and the needs of the nation. By that means can the Labour
movement remain great. If that is done, I have no fear that the
Labour movement will go on growing stronger, and greater, in the
interests of Australia."
On 20th June, 1947, Mr. Chiflcy said--
The Minister for Munitions ( Senator Armstrong) will act as
Minister for Immigration and Minister for Information during the
absence overseas of Mr. Calwell from 19th June. 1947. until his
On Srh July, 1947, the Minister for External Affairs ( Dr. Evatt)
said that he would leave Sydney on 11th July, 1947, for Japan, where
he would be the guest of the Supreme Commander, Allied Powers
( General MacArthur). While in Japan, he would visit the. Australian
forces at Kure and consult with General MacArthur and the Australian
representatives to ascertain at first hand facts essential to the consideration
of the peace settlement with Japan.

On 14th July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said
The Minister for Health ( Senator McKenna) will act as Attorney-
General from 11th July, 1947, and I will act as Minister for External
Affairs during the temporary absence overseas of Dr. Evatt."
On 15th June, 1947, the Prime 11inister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
A Commonwealth loan has been issued in New York for 38,000,000
dollars to pay off a Commonwealth 5 per cent. loan that matures in
1957, but over which an option of redemption is being exercised.
The terms of the new loan provide for a coupon rate of 31 per
cent. for ten years as to 19,000,000 dollars and -a coupon rate of 31 per
cent. for 20 years as to 19,000,000 dollars, the issue price to the public
in both cases being 974 per cent. The yield to the investor in the case
of the 31 per cent. bonds will be œ 3 11s. 1d. and for the 3 per cent.
bonds œ 3 13s. 7d.
The new loan will result in a ; aving of interest to the Commonwealth
and to the Governments of Victoria, Queensland, South Australia,
Western Australia and Tasmania."
On 14th July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
In July, 1946, Australia commenced to refinance American loans
for which there was an option of redemption before maturity dates.
Total loans raised by the Commonwealth and the States in respect of
which amounts were outstanding at 30th June, 1946, amounted to
200,000,000 dollars, of which there was an option of redemption by
September, 1947, of 128,000,000 dollars. The summary of operations
since July, 1946, is:-
Date M06eœ lAmnIt R a te. Period. I Pric r Prie~. t Loan R
Ruised. to Price.
Million Per
dollars. cent. Years.
August, 1946 20 3-10 100 984 New Soutit \ Vales, 5 pcr
December, 1946.. 25 3k 20 981 9819 New South \ a¾ leR, 5 per
cent. 18M. dollars;
Queensland, 6 per cent.
-7M. dollars
February, 1947 45 31 15 99 96 CommonweAlth, 4j per
July, 1947 19 31 10 971 Commonwealth, 5 per
19 3j 20 97j cent.
" The first three operations were highly successful, the amount
underwritten being promptly absorbed by investors.

" The last operation has not sold as promptly as the previous issues,
due to a variety of reasons, the factors chiefly responsible being the
disturbed international situation. Whereas honds were underwritten
for the full amount, the underwriters were left with 2,000,000 dollars
of the short term and 6,500,000 dollars of the long term when the loan
closed on 8-th July, 1947. Sales of these securities in large parcels
resulted in a heavy fall on the market. At the close of business on 11th
July, 1947. only -2,( iOO, 000 dollars of the long term issue was
unplaced, the whole of the short term having been sold. The short
term arc selling at approximately 96 dollars and the long term at
94 dollars. Total interest saving over aill operations for the abovementioned
loans is about' 2,000.000 dollars a year.
" There will be no further operations by the Commonwealth on
the New York miarket before 1952."
On 19th June, 1947, the Minister for Agriculture ( Mr. Pollard),
said that representatives of the Australian Wheat Growers Federation
from New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia had placed
proposals before him for amendments to the Government's five years
wheat stabilization plan. The federation asked that the guaranteed
floor price for wheat be based on the cost of the production, which would
include a remunerative wage for the grower and interest on capital
involved. It asked that the price of wheat for local consumption
as flour should be based on a cost plus principle, subject to immediate
and periodic review and adjustment in accordance with fluctuations in
cost. TJhe federation's request that the plan should not begin until the
marketing of the crop subsequent to its proposed amended plan coming
into effect would mean that the present plan as it affected 1945-46
and 1946-47 crops would be abandoned. It might also require the
abandonment of the stabilization plan in respect of the 1947-48 harvest,
because it was likely that time would not permit the Commonwealth
and the States to pass legislation through the respective Parliaments in
time to make it apply to that harvest.
He had told the deputation that if the Government was to go on
with stabilization it could be expected that when prices for wheat were
high growers should provide some reserves for periods when prices were
low. If they did so. the Government was prepared to back the plan's
operation. It could not exclude from the operation of the plan the
harvest marketed when prices, as at present, were abnormally high.
The Government would be prepared, however, to consider an extension
of the plan be-' yond the 1949-50 harvest. The present Act would enable
that to, be donne provided State Governments were agreeable. He would

consider recommending to the Government that the present plan. be
extended for two years with provision that a review be made during
the period to determine whether it should be extended for a further
three years, making ten years in all.
On 4th July, 1947, Mr. Pollard said-
" The chairman of the Wheat Costs of Production Committee
informs me that over 3,000 questionaires were issued at random to
wheat farmers and that only 250 have been completed and returned.
I have informed the committee that I would not ask it to make a
report if it were of the opinion that the facts before it were not sufficient
to give a true picture of the industry. I ask wheat-growers to fill. in
the questionnaires and return them without delay."
( For earlier references, please see No. 116, page 30; No. 123, page 28.)
On 29th July, 1947, Mr. Pollard said that Australian wheat sowings,
which had declined heavily during the war, had now appreciated, and
for 1947-48 the acreage sown would be 15,500,000 acres, compared with
: in average of 13,303,000 acres during the 10 years prior to the war.
On 21st June, 1947, the Minister for Labour ( Mr. Holloway) said
that at 23rd May, 1947, 135,648 ex-service personnel had either begun
training, completed training, or had been placed in employment as
per cent. efficient and were completing their training on the job, or
were still carrying on their training in the training centres under the
Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme.
Oni 2nd July, 1047, the Prime Ministf-r ( Mr. Chitley) said-
" National Security ( War Service Moratorium) Regulations give
l> ecial rights and protection in tenancy matters to protected persons'
The most important protection is a provision that a tenant who is a
' protected person cannot be evicted unless the lessor can show that
suitable alternative accommodation Ls or has been available to the tenant.
discharged member of the forces is a protected person
SCabinet decided to-day that the period of p: ruotrion muder the
regulations to dis:: harged members of the force.; tlhir ld: ne'ila nts b"
extended from two years to three years.
The Re-establishment and Employment Act providis that land
owned . by a member of the forces shall not be acquired compulsorily
without the consent of the Attorney-General. Cabinet decided to-day
that the period of protection to discharged member. of the forces he
ixtended from one year to two years."

On 17th July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
" When the badge was introduced in 1941 it \ was laid down
that it would be issued at the time of discharge or, in the cast,
of the Royal Australian Navy, at the cessation of hostilities:
Recently it has been represented that eligible serving members
of the forces who may be permitted to wear civilian clothes were at
a disadvantage by comparison with discharged members because they
were not in possession of the appropriate emblem denoting their having
participated in active service. It has been decided that the authority
under which eligible personnel who are still serving in the Royal
Australian Navy may be issued with the ' Returned from Active
Service' badge shall be extended to apply to eligible serving members
of the Australian Military Forces and the Royal Australian Air Force."
On 2sird June, 1947, the Minister for External Affairs ( Dr. Evatt
said-On 7th August, 1946, the Japanese Government was authorized
by S. C. A. P. to undertake a whaling expedition to the Antarctic during
the 1946-47 season. Principal reasons given for the authorization were
. hortage of food in Japan and world shortage of oils and fats. There
was no prior consultation with interested Allied Governments, such as
\ nstralia, Britain, New Zealand and Norway.
The Australian Government immediately made strong representations
to the United States on grounds of past prejudicial action by
Japanese ships to Australian security, on earlier violations by the
Japanese cf international whaling regulations, and on the inefficiency
and wastefulness of Japanese methods. It was a matter for special
concern to Australia that decisions of this kind should be made while
the occupation of Japan was still proceeding and in advance of the
peace settlement, and without reference to the overall question of
reparations. The Australian prntest was supported by Norway, Britain
aind New Zealand.
After the Australian representations, it was agreed that an Australian
observer should accompany the expedition; furthermore, that
an international flag should be substituted for Japanese insignia; that
the routes to be taken by the expedition to and from the Antarctic
should be notified to interested governments and that the oil obtained
as a result of the expedition should be subject to allocation by the International
Emergency Food Council. Authorization of the expedition
became operative only for the 1946-47 season, the United States undertalking
that other interested governments would be fully consulted should

: ny further Japanese activities outside Japanese wa. ters be contemplated.
The United States agreed that the future of the Japanese whaling
industry and the disposal of Japanese whaling equipment was a
matter for decision by the Allies.
" The Australian Government is opposed to the re-establishment
of the Japanese whaling industry in Antarctic waters. Such re-establishment,
which in effect means the creation again of naval potential, is
ipposed to a just settlement with Japan and should be strenuously
resisted by every Allied country which contributed to victory in the
Pacific war. When it became apparent recently that, notwithstanding
the undertaking regarding consultation and the adverse report by the
Australian observer with . the first expedition, it was proposed to send a
second Japanese expedition to the Antarctic, the Australian Government
made the positive and practical suggestion to the United States
that a unit of the Japanese whaling fleet be operated by Australia, with
the aid of Britain, New Zealand and Norway. Food, fats and oils
from the expedition would be at the disposal of S. C. A. P. for distribution.
The Australian offer was communicated to the United States
State Department, and while under consideration the announcement of
a second expedition was made.
The decision of 22nd June, 1947, to approve of a second Japanese
whaling expedition for 1947-48, thereby by-passing . the Far Eastern
Commission, which alone is supposed to determine questions of policy
and which actually has this matter on its business sheet for 26th June,
is opposed to the best long-term Allied interests. The Australian
Government intends to press this question in the Far Eastern Commission
to secure a review of the present proposal.
" The ultimate disposition of Japanese whaling facilities and equipmnent,
as well as the question of the future of the Japanese whaling
industry, must be a matter for Allied consultation and decision. The
appropriate place for any decision that may be taken is the peace
On 23rd June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
The . preliminary conference of British Commonwealth countries
to discuss the peace treaty with Japan will meet in Canberra on 26th
On 8th July, 1947, Dr. Evatt said that he was establishing an
ndvisory committee to examine questions related to the Japanese peace
settlement. The committee would meet under the chairmanship of Sir
Frederic Eggleston, formerly Australian Minister to China and later

to the United States. Sir Frederic had been working on problems
related to the Japanese settlement in conjunction with departmental
officers both at Canberra and abroad. The committee would include
members of Parliament in addition to a representative group of Australians
versed in one aspect or another of the subject.
On 17th July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
Australia is always prepared to take part in any discussions that
will expedite the Pacific peace settlement and ' appreciates the present
proposal of the United States Government to hold a conference of eleven
nations on 19th August, 1947. But the date is entirely unsuitable to
Australia in view of the British Commonwealth conference on 26th
August, 1947."
On 18th July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
Australia will attend the coliference convened by the United
States Government on the Japanese peace settlement, but on the date
will depend which Minister will attend, and whether the Minister for
External Affairs ( Dr. Evatt) can fit in his engagements with the
conference." NATIONAL THEATRE.
On 23rd June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chiflcy) saidpropose
to appoint a committee soon after Parliament reassembles
in September, 1947, to examine the possibility of establishing
a national theatre at Canberra. Some persons believe that the theatre
is for educational purposes but I think it should also have an entertainment
value as well. I believe that it would be possible to have a small
theatre to which leading players in companies from the States could be
hrought to give performances."
.( For earlier references, please see No. 98, page 13.)
On 24th June, 1947, the Minister for Customs ( Senator Courtice)
; nlnounced that imports of pressed metal body panels, not fabricated
beyond trimming of the edges, would be permitted for use in the manufacture
in Australia of bodies for car and truck chassis, provided the
pane! s were shlipped from the country of origin to Australia on or
before 31st December, 1947. The imports were permitted because of the
present shortage of steel sheets suitable for motor vehicle body manufacture
and to assist in making the maximum number of motor vehicles
available to Australian essential users in the shortest possible time.

On 26th June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
The control authorities in Japan have fixed 15th August, 1947, as
the date on which the resumption of private international commercial
relations with Japan will be authorized. Because of accommodation
difficulties, only 400 private trade representatives will be allowed entry
into Japan in the initial stages and the length of their stay will be
limited to 21 days unless arrangements are made by the Governments
concerned with the control authorities for an extension of this period.
:\ ustralia has been provisionially allotted a quota of 24 representatives.
" An inter-departmental committee is engaged in considering the
priority to be accorded to private traders who desire to visit Japan and
interested persons are invited to submit applications before 5th July,
1947. Traders who desire to arrange for the purchase of Japanese
goods should submit full particulars to the Department of Trade and
C: ustoms, while those interested in selling goods to Japan should furnish
, letails to the Department of Commerce and Agriculture.
" In the early stages private trade will not reach substantial proportions.
Because of prior commitments, the control authorities have
indicated that cotton textiles, raw silk and tea will not be available
immediately for s-ale to private traders. The Commonwealth Government
has arranged for the purchase of 12,000,000 yards of cotton textiles
and quantities of raw silk and will continue these purchases until
private traders are permitted to operate. Purchases on private account
will be governed -by the range and quantity of goods available and the
limitations imposed by the Australian import licensing system.
Australian exports to Japan are likely to be restricted to wool and
a; few minor commodities not subject to international control nor
covered by long-term contracts with other countries."
On 16th July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
" A number of applications have been received from businessmen
who desire to send representatives to Japan. A selection has been made
by an inter-departmental committee to determine the limited number
who will comprise the first party to visit Japan. The interests concerned
will be notified of the selections at -an early date.
Priority has been accorded to firms which ' had extensive pre-war
interests in Japanese trade and representatives of associations and
manufacturers who are anxious to obtain supplies of essential commodities
for use in Australian industry.
" An overall consideration has been the class of goods in which it
is desired to trade. In this connexion, when private trade with Japan
is resumed, raw silk and cotton textiles will not be available for purchase
by private traders immediately. Merchant-to-merchant trading will be
permitted in other goods, but imports to Australia will be subject to
licensing control on the basis at present accorded to imports from hard

currency areas. Import licences will be granted only for essential goods
which are not available in adequate quantities from local or sterling
sources of supply. Licences will not be granted for importation of fancy
goods, toys, crockery and other less essential goods that featured in prewar
trade with Japan.
As each party will be allowed to stay in Japan for only a limited
ipriod, further opportunities will occur for visits by Australian business
representatives. Commercial interests not included in the first party
will receive consideration in subsequent parties."
On l2nd July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
Following negotiations . between the Comnimonwealth Government
and the Supreme Command Allied Powers in Japan, 7,481 bales of particular
types of low grade wool were shipped to Japan in May, 1947.
Arrangements were made for payment in dollars in New York as a
set-off against the purchase price of raw silk obtained in Japan by the
Commonwealth Government.
Following representations by Cabinet decided . to-day that
further negotiations be instituted for the sale of somewhat better types
of wool. The Minister for Commerce ( Mr. Pollard) has been authorized
to take up the negotiations and, if successful, . the Australian Wool
Realization Commission will larrange for the purchase and shipment bf
the wool to Japan."
( For earlier references, please see No. 123, page 36; No. 124, page 22;
No. 125, page 29.)
On 30th June, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chlifley) said-
" I have to-day received the following message from the Director-
General of U. N. R. R. A. at Washington ( Major-General Lowell W.
Rooks):-" To-day U. N. R. R. A.' s operations substantially come to an end in
Europe. In a public statement I have referred to the results achieved
by this international organization and to the pro. blems which still
confront the world in restoring its economy.
I should like to take this opportunity of extending to the Commonwealth
Government and to the people of Australia the great appreciation
for the generous and effective contribution they have made to the
work of this organization. Those contributions, with similar assistance
from other uninvaded members of the United Nations, have provided
the means of saving the lives of endless millions of people in the war
devastated countries. From its experience, U. N. R. R. A. knows how
much that assistance h'as been appreciated, and there exists to-day in

the hearts of millions of people throughout the world a very real
gratitude to the people of Australia for the supplies and services they
have received through the organization of U. N. R. R. A.
I should like to thank you also for the provision of so many fine and
experienced meu and women to serve with U. N. R. R. A. in many parts
of the world. They have served with distinction and success and have
dlone much to enhance the reputation of their country.
U. N. R. R. A. has done its best to carry out the instructions of the
United Nations in commencing the work of economic recovery in many
parts of the world. U. N. R. R. A. trusts that this work will be carried on
quickly and effectively, realizing that one of the essentials of world
peace is thatr rea. onable economic conditions shall exist in all countries."
On 30th June, 1947, the Minister for Air ( Mr. Drakeford) said
that the Women's Auxiliary Australian Air Force, which had a peak
strength of 26.245, had ceased to function that day.
On 1st July, 1947, the Minister for Customs ( Senator Courtice)
announced that it had been decided to lift growers' ceilings on bananas.
Retail margins on bananas would continue to be fixed. Wholesale prices
would be kept under notice and control would be re-imposed if there
was any suggestion of exploitation of the market.
On 1st July, 1947, Senator Courtice announced that it had been
decided to lift growers' ceilings on pineapples. Retail margins on
pineapples would continue to be fixed. If prices rose to a level that
suggested exploitation, consideration would be given to re-imposing
On 2nd July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
Following the conclusion of the agreement by which Qantas
Empire Airways Ltd., has been taken over by the Commonwealth
Government, Cabinet decided to-day to appoint Mr. W. H. Fysh as
general manager, with the vice-chairman of the Australian National
Airlines Commission ( Mr. W. C. Taylor), the Treasury member of that
commission ( Mr. G. P. N. Watt) and Sir Keith Smith as members
of the boai'd of directors."
( For earlier references, please see No. 123, page

On 4th July, 1947, the Minister for Civil Aviation ( Mr. Drakeford)
announced that the Government had decided to introduce charges for the
use by operators of aircraft of airways facilities provided by the
Commonwealth. Modern air transport demanded increasing ground
facilities, aeradio, and navigational aids and meteorological services,
and it had become customary throughout the world for the authority
providing the airways facilities to make charges for their use, designed
to recoup part of the expenditure. It had been" decided that a system
of air route charges should be applied on regular services regardless of
the number of landings involved. Aircraft used for purposes other
than regular airline services would be classified according to the nature
of the use to which they were put, and annual fees would be charged.
Payment of charges would be introduced as from 1st August, 1947.
On 25th July, 1947, Mr. Drakeford announced details of the system
of charges for the use of Commonwealth aerodromes and air route facilities
to he payable as from 1st August, 1947. It was estimated that the
charges would bring in about œ 300,000 a year, but that would recoup
the Commonwealth for only a small portion of its annual expenditure
on maintenance of air ports and airways facilities. Aircraft would be
divided into four classes-
Those used for purely private purposes: tlhoie used fir tle hllim. ris purpo. ses
of the owner: those used for reiumnerative purposes other th: rin n r I,; gilari rline
and those used for the operation of airline services.
The first three classes would pay an annual fee which would be
lowest in the private category and progressively higher in the other two
classes. The fee would be based on the weight of the aircraft and would
cover the use of any aerodromes and airways facilities. Examples of the
annual charges payable by owners of aircraft in eacl of the three classes
were:-SClass 1. Clw 2. Class 3.
t d.
Tiger Moth 3 5 1 0 9 15 0
D. H. 4 ( l) raon) 8 2 ti 17 5 0 25 7 6
Anson 14 12 6 29 5 0 43 17 6
Operators of aircraft used on regular aircraft services would not pay
the annual charges for those aircraft but would pay a charge in respect
of each route unit traversed. To determine the number of units the
routes had been classified having regard to their length, the number of
aerodromes and emergency landing ground and the availability of
navigational aids. The comparatively short Melbourne-Sydney stage
was rated as a two-unit route, while a much longer but less highly
developed route such as the Derby-Kimberley Stations route was classified
as one unit. A basic charge had been fixed for each type of aircraft

a~ nd the amnount payable for c ach flight would be the basic charge
multiplied by the number of units, traversed. Examples of the charges
were: M15esi1. 3 W. u y. Adelaide or Hohart-D. C. 3. œ 4 14S. lid.-D. U. 4.
Adelaide to Pertli-D. C. 3. œ 9 9s.; œ 27 11.
Sydney to Tamnworth-Aniioi, I Is. 3d.
Brisbane to Cbarleville-D. C. 3, f2 7 s. 3 1.
Melbourne or Adelaide to Broken Hill-D. C. 3, œ 2 3d.
Perth to Wiluna-D. H. 89, 7s. 6d.
Uiuuurr-Nornaiton-~ o~ urryD. H83.3s. fid.
Alice SprYin1' S-Wynidhani-Alicc Springs-D. H. 90. I ( h.
Cairns : to Horn Island-D. H. 89, 7s. 6d.
Trans-Australia. Airlines andl Qantas Empire Airways Ltd. would
pay the charges on the Same basis as other airline operators.
The charges did not apply to aircraft used on regular international
nir services. Charges for-those services would be promnulgated later.
On 10th July, 1947, Mr. Drakeford announced that Dr. K. N. . E.
Bradfield had been appointed Australian representative at the International
Civil Aviation Organization's head-quarters at Montreal,
On 25th July, 1947, Mr. Drakeford announced that the interdepartmental
committee set up to consider applications for licences
to operate internal air services had made recommendations as follows.-
Nsw SOUTH WALES.-Sydney-Broken Hill with possible extension to Adelaide;
Sydniey-Taruworth-Gleui hInes; Sydney-Corowa; Sy( lney-Cootam undra-Griffith:
Sydney. Te niora-G rif Nth; Sydney-Old Bar-Kempsey-Coff's Harbour-Grafton-
Casino; Sydney--Jcrvis Bay; Toor-awcenahl-, Narrabri-Goondiwindi; Walget-St.
( 3ecrge; Bourke-Th argomnindith; Bourke-Wincannia and Bourke-Cobar-Parkes
Vic-roRIA.-Melo ure-Wat rrnainItool Melbotaune-Bairiisdale itid/ or Sale;
Melbourne-Ararat-Nhill: M. el hourrite-1e idll-Corowit and Melbounw~-Echuca-
Deniliquin-Hay. QUEBESiLsAbOn.--e -n ky-Fonit-MtchlI; Brisba ne-' ren terfield-G lei i
i nnes; Rockliani pton-Lon-reaclI: Townsville-Charters Towers-Jul ja Creek-
Cloncurry; Brishanp-Coolangatt a-Cats iino and Cairns -G eorge town -Croydon.
On 2nd July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
" In 1945, the Northern Australia Development Committee -was
appointed comprising representatives of the Commonwealth, Queensland
and Western Australian Governments. Matters of policy are canczidered
by the Minister for the Interior ( Mir. Johnson). the Premiers
, if Queenqland and Western Australia and myself.

" The committee h-as prepared a comprehensive report dealing
specifically with general measures for the relief of disabilities; specific
measures for the development of industries; and measures necessary to
develop specific regions.
Cabinet decided to-day that a sub-committee, comprising the Minister
for the Interior, the Minister for Post-war Reconstruction and
myself as Treasurer and Acting Minister for Defence, should examine
the report -and recommendations of the committee, and report to
On 2nd July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
The question of payment of war gratuity for natives of New
Guinea and Papua was considered by the Parliamentary Committee
which furnished a report on the question of war gratuity. The outstanding
service rendered by these natives was fully recognized, but the
Iommittee was not in possession of sufficient information to enable a
recommendation to be made as to the appropriate method of rewarding
their service. The question has been since considered after consultation
with the Departments of External Territories, the Navy and the Army.
" C: abinet to-day approved of a gratuity for natives of New Guinea
and Papua who were enlisted as members of the forces, payment to be
at the rate of 5s. a month for each month of service; the gratuity not
to be paid for any period prior to 7th Pecember, 1941; no qualifying
period to be required; native members who have been discharged for
disciplinary reasons to be ineligible for the gratuity; payment to be
made as early as practicable.
An ex gratia payment has been approved, subject to the conditions
approved for natives enlisted in the forces, for the following classes
of civilian natives-members of the New Guinea Police Force and the
Royal Papuan Constabulary; civilians employed as combatant soldiers
by the Allied Intelligence Bureau prior to their enlistment in the " M
Special Unit Infantry Battalion on 1st February. 1945.'
On 2nd July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
" Following the recent death of the Deputy Chairman of the
Repatriation Commission ( Mr. John Webster), Cabinet to-day
appointed Brigadier H. H. Hammer as a member of the commission
until 14th October, 1950. iMr. II. F. Gascoigne-Roy and Mr. T. S.
Hooks have be-en : iI. poinied A'scinmt CoTininissionrer; ninitil I13th July.

On 2nd July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifey) said-
" Cabinet decided to-day that rationing of sugar be abandoned forthwith.
The principal reasons for introducing sugar rationing no longer
; apply. Sugar rationing in Australia does not greatly help Britain. There
is an arrangement whereby the United States, Canada and Britain draw
equal per capita shares from the world's sugar supply. For every
10,000 tons of sugar contributed by Australia to the pool, Britain
draws only about 2,000 tons. Distribution of sugar is decided by the
World Emergency Food Council. World production of sugar showed a
marked increase in the 1946-47 season."
On 2nd July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
Cabinet was informed to-day that representatives of the Meat and
Allied Trades Federation had asked the Minister for Comunerce ( Mr.
Pallard) and the Minister for Customs ( Senator Courtice) that rationing
and price control of meat should be removed from 15th August,
1947, that being the period of flush supply.
The meat position in Britain is acute and on : 3th .1 ine, 1947, the
Chancellor of the Exchequer ( Dr. Dalton) announced in the House of
Commons that there would be a further cut in the imeat ration from
is. 4d. worth a week ( including 4d. worth of canned meat) to is. 2d.
worth a week.
Cabinet decided that it was not possible to remove the controls.
It would be very wrong for the Commonwealth Government to permit
unrestricted consumption of meat when the British people are having
their meagre ration further reduced. The matter will be brought before
Cabinet again when there are indications that -upply of meat in Australia
will be sufficient to provide not only an unrestricted Au. l tralian
demand but an adequate amount for export to Brit: liii."
On 2nd July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
Cabinet decided to-day that interstate and intra-state -vessels ( but
not including passenger and other vessels required by and under charter
to the Navy Department) be de-requisitioned at the earliest possible
date and that the Minister for Shipping ( Senator Ashley) de-requisition
individual vessels as they terminate voyages and come into position
for re-delivery at home ports. But the Minister is empowered to defer
the de-requisitioning of particular vessels when such action is regarded
by him as essential to ensure efficient conduct of particular . rvice for
example the services to New Guinea and adjacent islands.

Details associated with the matter will be dealt with by a Cabinet
sub-committee comprising Senator Ashley, the Minister for Customs
( Senator Courtice) and myself."
( For earlier references, please see No. 126, page 41.)
On 2nd July, 1947, the Minister for the Army ( Mr. Chambers)
announced that the intake of cadets into the Royal Military College,
Duntroon. w'ould be increased in 1948 to 60 Australians and ten New
On 3rd July, 1947, the Postmaster-General ( Senator Cameron)
announced that Mr. J. S. Hanlon and Professor J. D. G. Medley had
been appointed members of the Australian Broadcasting Commission
for three years from 1st July, 1947.
On ith July, 1947, the Minister for Commerce ( Mr. Pollard) said
that Australian manufacturers must pay greater attention to the sales
of their prodncts overseas if present industrial employment and production
levels were to be maintained. There were no grounds for complacency
in the fact that, despite export restrictions to ensure supplies
for local needs, value of manufactures exported would probably reach
œ 45,000,000. The figures had been achieved at a time when many competitive
European countries had not reached their full export capacity
of manufactures. Once local demand fell to normal, Australian surplus
production would have to be exported, or productive capacity reduced
with consequent unemployment. Manufacturers should remember that
not only Australian production would reduce local demands.
A good deal of Australian secondary industry had been built up
behind protective harriers but a considerable section of it had never
met the full shock of competition from imported goods, nor participated
in the exucting business of overseas trading. Overseas countries had
accepted Australian export methods to date, but would continue to do so
only if the export business procedures practised by many Australian
manufacturers and exporters were radically changed. To gain and
hold thl export markets they would soon require manufacturers and
exporters should conform to trading practices followed by competitor
nations. Goods should be strongly packed, correctly labelled and documented
and of competitive quality.

On 9th July, 1947, the Minister for External Affair. i ( Dr. Evat)
said that the Australian Government welcomed reports that further progress
had been made towards a permanent settlement in Indonesia.
The de facto authority of the republic, on the basis of the Linggadjati
Agreement, which had been recognized by several goveriineiint, including
the British and United States Governments, and which the Australian
Government recognized, implied the acceptance by the Republican
Government of very great responsibility; and the Republican
Government, -as one of the negotiating parties and as a future essential
element in the interim Federal State, had accepted the responsibility.
The Australian Government sent representatives to Indonesia to assist
in solving problems related to the recommencement of trade. The Australian
Government wished both parties to understand that, if, in the
interests of agreement between Dutch and Republican authorities on
economic and political matters, the good offices of the Australian
Government would be helpful, Australia would continue to do anything
in its power to afford both the Netherlands and Indonesian authorities
its assistance. Further, the Australian Government would give to the
interim Federal Government, when established, advice and assistance in
such matters as trade, finance, communications, and rconorni
rehabilitation and development.
On 30th , July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
" The Australian Government has ilnstricted its representative on
the Security Council to draw the attention of the Security Council to
the situation in Indonesia under Article 39 of the United Nation.
Charter. Australia has taken action ten days after hostilities commenced
in rndonisia, because, in accordance with Article 33 of the
Charter. the parties to any dispute are obliged to seek a solution by
negotiation or mediatics. Strenuous attempts have been made in consultation
wilh other Governments, particularly Britain, United States
and India, to bring ' about a solution in that way. However, it is felt
that further delay is not justified because of the loss of life being
sustained. " The policy Australia has adopted in past disputes has been to
urge an investigation under Article 34 of the Charter before any decisions
are reached. However, the situation in Indonesia differs from
any previously brought before the council. Hostilities are being
carried on. Investigation is not required to establish the crucial fact.
and, before the Council determines further action, it is essential that
hostilities cease. For this reason, Australia has drawn the attention
of the Council to the situation under Article 39 of the Charter and
thereby gives power to the council immediately to order the cessation
of hostilities and subsequently to take such further steps as are necessary
to restore peace.

This is the first time that this article has been invoked and it is
the hope of the Government, in taking this section, that not only will
hostilities cease, but that the Council will prove its worth in dealing
quickly and effectively with a situation of this kind.
" In making this move, Australia still maintains the judicial attitude
which it has . always maintained in considering any situation before
the council. No attempt will be made to pre-judge the issue, and discussion
of merits of the case will be avoided. The Australian representative
will ask first that the necessary steps be taken to terminate
hostilities, and, second, without discussing the merits of the situation,
that both parties act upon Article 17 of the Linggadjati Agreement,
which specifically provides that, in the event of disagreement between
the two parties arising out of the agreement, a third party will be
asked to arbitrate, or, failing that, the matter should be referred to
the Chief Justice of the International Court. If the Australian proposal
is given effect to without delay or debate on procedural issues,
and if it is readily admitted by the Council that the situation is one
within its jurisdiction, there should be good prospect of an immediate
cessation of hostilities, and an immediate negotiation between the two
parties with the assistance of a third party of their own choosing.
Members of the Council should not therefore have to arbitrate or to
pass judgment on the merits of the case.
Action along these lines can be taken by the Council only if the
Republican Government, not being a member of the United Nations,
undertakes to observe the obligations and duties of the United Nations
Charter, and in particular undertakes to observe Article 25, which
obliges members to carry out the decisions of the council."
On 10th July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
I have to-day asked the Governor-General ( Mr. McKell) to convey
to His Majesty the King the following message:-
On behalf of the Government and people of Australia and my wife and myself
I send loyal and affectionate greetings to your Majesties and offer to Her Royal
Highness Princess Elizabeth our felicitations and best wishes on the occasion
of the announcement of her betrothal to Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten.
On 31st July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
At a meeting of the Executive Council to-night, the Governor-
General ( Mr. McKell) read the following message from His Majesty
the King:-
I should be glad if you, as my personal replresentaltiv in tih CiiII vn,\ allt Ih
of Australia, would convey to your Executive Council that I have to-day, in
accordance with the provision of the Royal Marriages Act 1772, declareld in
Council my formal consent to the marriage of my daughter, the Princess
Elizabeth, to Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten.

On my motion, it was decided-' That the message of His Majesty
be notified in the Co. mvwonwealth of Australia Gazette for general
On 30th July, 1947, Mr. Chifley said-
" Discussions are still proceeding between the British Government
and the Commonwealth Government in an endeavour to reach some
arrangements on Australian sterling balances at London that will helpl
Britain, compatible with the protection of Australia's economic
interests." ( For earlier references, please see No. 126, page 31.)
BUDGET 1946-47.
On 10th July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) announced
approximate figures of receipts and expenditure for 1946-47 as
EXPENDITURE. 1944-45.1945-46. 1946-47.
Part 1.-Departments and Services other
than Business Undertakings and
Territories of the Commonwealth 295,296,278 306,456,954 311,587,508
;'. trt 2.-Business Undertakings 30,321,644 31,294,195 35,951,734
P;,. rt 3.-Territories of the Commonwealth 1,371,583 1,635,664 4,517,328
Part 4.-Payments to or for the States 47,868,821 49,614,350 60,373,227
374,858,326 389,001,163 412,429,797
Part 5.-Primary Production-Self-balancing
Items 1,995,775 1,779,238 18,819,506
'' t; dl Expenditi're for year 376,854,101 390,780,401 431,249,303
RzcErprs. 1944-45. 1945-46. Ap1p9r4o6x-i4m7a. te.
Part 1 Departments and Services other
than Business Undertakings and
Territories of the Commonwealth 343,665,511 358,372,860 380,902,387
Part 2.-Business Undertakings 30,737,646 30,119,738 30,956,809
Part 3.-Territories of the Commonwealth 455,169 508,565 570,601
374,858,326 389,001,163 412,429,797
Part 5.-Primary Productio-Self-balancing
Items 1,995,775 1,779,238 18,819,506
Total Receipts for year 376,854,101 390,780,401 431,249,303

EXPEDrruRE. 119944444-54. 511.99 44554466.. Ap1p9ro46x-i4m7a. te.,
Defence anzd Poat-uwar ( 1939-45) Charga,-
Defence and Allied Services-
Defence and Service Departments
Production Departments
Reciprocal Lend-Lease
War Gratuity
Post-war ( 1939-45) Charge. 4-
Public Debt Charges
United Kingdom Grant
Re-establishment and Repatriation
Lend-Lease Settlement
International Relief and Rehabilitation
Subsidies. Less Afiscellaneous Credits
Deduct amount chargeable to Loan Fund
Total Defence and Post-war ( 1939-45)
War and Repatriatiun ( 1914-18) Services-
Interest, Sinking Fund and Exchange
War Pensions
Other War Services
Total War and Repatriation ( 1914-18)
Other Departments-
Special Appropriations-
Interest and Sinking Fund
Invalid and Old-age Pensions
Child Endowment
Widows' Pensions
National Welfare Fund( b)-
Other Special Appropriations
Administrative-Parliament Prime 11inister's Department
Department of Externaal Affairs
Department of the Treasury
Attorney-General's Department
Department of the Interior..
Department of Works and Housing 331,895,970 20,460,773 89,132,522 306,813,721 15,338,778 26,009,957 143,285 109,825,768 10,921,489 5,018,169 2,881,933
441,489,265 348,305,741 128,657,359
34,139,464 41,485,850 46,011,089 25,000,000
5,028,804 14,025,635 29,548,679 8,398,339
47,000 5,811,067 18,116,917
25,089,708 32,739,119 30,360,514
10,761,978 9,705,815 3,758,699
75,066,9154 103,767,486 161,194,237
516,556,219 452,073,227 289,851,596
56,559,819 74,146,909 57,821,718
459,996,400 377,926,318 232,029,878
268,040,485 152,947,643 37,325,256
193,955,915 224,978,675 194,704,622
9,120,975 8,958,552 9,038,512
9,250,175 9,120,616 9,302,484
917,724 812,715 920,536
19,288,874 18,891,883 19,261,532
3,203,243 3,413,763 2,781,260
21,701,127 ( a)
12,036,248 ( a)
2,965,446 ( a)
30,000,000 46,499,243 64,646,735
550,223 907,820 829,365
70,456,287 50,820,826 68,257,360
1,074,127 195,441
2,150,333 360,624 440,497 83,785 225,264
1,321,067 404,443
2,354,489 394,769 535,023 160,580 253,455
1,899,155 866,260
2,900,525 465,702 938,112
Paid from National Welfare Fund. For details see page 39.
5009.-3 Paid from National Welfare Fond. For details see page 39.

Expenditure-continued. 1944-45. 1 1946-47.
1945-48. Approximate.
Part I.-Departments and Servicas--continued. I f
Other Departments-continued.
Department of Civil Aviation
Department of Trade and Customs
Department of Health
Department of Commerce and Agriculture
Department of Social Services
Department of Supply and Shipping
Department of External Territories
Department of Immigration
Department of Labour and National
Department of Transport
Department of Information
Department of Post-war Reconstruction
Total Administrative
Miscellaneous Services
Additions, New Works, Buildings, & c.
Total Expenditure-Part I.
PART II.-BusrNss.,
Trans-Australian Railway
Central Australia Railway
North Australia Railway
Australian Capital Territory Railway
Miscellaneous Expenditure
Additions, New Works, Buildings, & c.
Total Expenditure Postmaster-Genera
Postmaster-General's Department
Additions, New Works, Buildings, & c.
Total Expenditure
Excess Receipts PART mI.-TERaBroRIEs c
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory
Papua-New Guinea
Norfolk Island
Additions, New Works, Buildings, & c.
Total Expenditure 428,350 747,950 162,583
377,234 400,901 268,129 35,374 32,420
( c)
( c)
( c)
( c) 728,105 837,936 173,979
406,232 600,023 272,876 44,119 72,551
( C)
( c)
( c) 1,269,956
1,183,070 206,986 569,023 698,856 326,319 54,704
1,031,658 54,618
330,458 526,329
6,965,092 8,531,456 15,462,297
2,787,207 1,331,754 5,225,797
1,842,903 1,902,360 8,675,900
295,296,278 306,456,954 311,587,508
h Railways. 1,027,406 919,767 885,837
994,579 79?, 829 690,925
620,705 314,745 159,996
14,087 13,609 14,881
138,019 147,312 169,536
137,998 94,360 137,293
2,932,794 2,283,622 2,058,468
Vs Department.
23,993,463 24,774,998 26,755,407
3,395,387 4,235,575 7,137,859
27,388,850 29,010,573 33,893,266
27,871,811 29,010,673 33,893,266
294,800 365,990 819,614.
736,898 831,289 941,275
6,748 6,654 1,526,344
4,074 4,074 4,075
329,063 427,657 1,226,020
1,371,583 1 1,635,664 4,517,328
Included under Defence and Post-war ( 1939-45) Charges.

Expenditure-continued. 1944-45. 1945-46. 1946-47.
Special Grant to South Australia 1,200,000 1,400,000 2,000,000
Special Grant to Western Australia 904,000 950,000 1,873,000
Special Grant to Tasmania 742,000 646,000 875,000
Federal Aid Roads and Works 2,200,902 3,327,553 4,797,325
Interest and Sinking Fund on Loans for
Local Public Works-Grant towards 100,000
Contributions towards Sinking Fund on
State Debts 1,682,869 1,615,604 1,636,120
Contributions towards Interest on State
Debts 7,584,912 7,584,912 7,584,912
Contributions towards Interest on Loans
for Drought Relief 22,035 16,052 10,103
Grants to States-Tax Reimbursement 33,432,103 33,521,057 39,463,847
Special Grants-Income Tax Reimbursement 552,172 2,132,920
47,868,821 49,614,350 60,373,227
Balance of Interest on State Debts-recoverable
from States 24,436,259 23,693,664 23,149,160
72,305,080 73,308,014 83,522,387
Wheat Industry-Assistance to 1,995,775 1,779,238 1,747,383
Wool Use Promotion and Disposals Plan .4,497,123
Wool Industry Assistance 7,075,000
Wheat Industry Stabilization 5,500,000
1,995,775 1,779,228 18,819,506
RECEIPTS. 1944-45. 1945-46. Ap1p9r4o6x-i4m7. ate.
Taxation-Customs Excise Sales Tax
Income Tax( a)
Social Services Contribution
Pay-roll Tax
Land Tax
Estate Duty
Entertainments Tax
Gift Duty
Gold Tax 21,487,538
45,689,133 29,671,802
215,534,037 11,0" 8" 8,088
3,64,420 3,090,200 5,026,821 329,296 342,457 I
28,893,682 49,066,962 33,600,175
194,593,578 20,000,000 11,499,243 3,782,359 3,880,041 5,069,672 392,949 383,552
335,923,792 351,162,213
Includes War-time ( Company) Tax. 45,889,732 56,356,602 36,264,642
156,764,940 51,000,000 13,646,735 3,679,482
4,018,620 5,137,805 544,672 556,434

Receipts--continued. 1944-45. 1945-46. Ap19-te.
Part 1.-Depart m ents and Serrices-continued.
Other Revenue-
Coinage Defence Civil Aviation
Health Commerce and Agriculture
Marine Net Profit-Australian Note Issue
Miscellaneous Total Receipts-Part 1,307,037 126,318
1,172,958 140,198 11,889 87,961
2,948,472 1,685,818
7,741,719 604,599 250,184
1,166,551 135,239 13,696
280,933 250,991
2,939,405 1,569,049 7,210,647 238,677 961,294 155,418 15,747 35,156
3,792,383 1,696,433 7,042,723
.343,665,511 358,372,860 380,902,387
Commonwealth Railways.
Trans-Australian Railway
Central Australia Railway
North Australia Railway
Australian Capital Territory
Total Revenue
Excess Expenditure
Post Office Excess Expenditure Railway 989,194
1,045,423 819,884 11,334
2,865,835 66,959 768,885 710,648 174,371 10,496
1,664,400 619,222 691,740 395,377 58,141 9,260
1,154,518 903,950
2,932,794 2,283,622 2,058,468
Postmaster-General's Department.
27,871,811 28,455,338 29,802,291
555,235 4,090,975
27,871,811 29,010,573 33,893,266
Northern Territory 84,965 116,601
Australian Capital Territory 370,204 391,964
Total Revenue
Excess Expenditure 148,649
455,169 508,565 570,601
916,414 1,127,099 3,946,727
1,371,583 1,635,664 4,517,328
Contribuions from General Revenue 47,868,321 49,614,350 60,373,227
47,868,821 49,614,350 60,373,227
Interest on State Debts-payable by States 24,436,259 2?, 693,664 23,149,160
72,305,080 73,308,014 83,522,387

Receipts-continued. 1944-45. 1945-46. Approximate.
Flour Tax 1,995,775 1,779,23S 1,747,383
Wool Contributory Charge 4,497,123
Wool Committee Operations Surplus 7,075,000
Wheat Export Charge 5,500,000
1,995,775 1,779,238 18,819,506
On 10th July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) announced
details of expenditure on social services in 1946-47 as follows'-
1944-45. 1945-46. Approximate.
National Welfare Fund-
Invalid and Old-age Pensions 26,962,420 29,416,673
Funeral Benefits 163,992 184,478 209,349
Widows Pensions 3,247,334 2,366,288
Maternity Allowance 2,542,801 2,492,495 3,026,460
Child Endowment 18,019,178 19,862,933
Unemployment and Sickness Benefits 1,144,412 1,650,125
Hospital Benefits 1,111,292 4,380,296
Tuberculosis Benefits 109,603
Balance for year remaining in National
Welfare Fund 27,293,207 2,625,008
Deduct amount paid from balance in 30,000,000 53,161,609 64,646,735
National Welfare Fund 6,662,366
30,000,000 46,499,243 64,646,735
Other Special Appropriations-
Invalid and Old-age Pensions 21,701.127 ( b)
Child Endowment 12,036,248 ( b)
Widows Pensions 2,965,446 ( b)
Total Social Services paid from Revenue 66,702,821 46,499,243 64,646,735
Paid from Other Special Appropriations. Paid from National Welfare Fund. Balance
of National Welfare Fund at 30th June, 1947, was œ 49,994,273.
On 14th July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
" Incorrect statements have been published that Commonwealth
employees numbered 556,700 in March, 1947. The fact is that in March,

Co mmon wealth Departments and statutory authorities employed only
156,500, the balance of 400,000 being employed by State and local
g~ overnment authorities.
" The latest bulletin issued by the Commonwealth -Statistician shows
that, of the total number of ' government employees, 28 per cent, were
employed by Commonwealth authorities, 62 per cent, by State Governments
and 10 per cent. -by local authorities. Nearly one-third of all
Commonwealth employees are employed in the Postmaster-General's
Department, and nearly another third in the Services departments and
in post-war services, including the Repatriation Department."
On 21st July, 1947, the Minister for Air ( Mr. Drakeford) announced
that a Walrus and a Kingfisher aircraft would accompany the forthcoming
Australian -antarctic expedition. The Walrus, equipped for
vertical and oblique photography, would be carried aboard an L. S. T.
The Kingfisher, equipped for oblique photography, would operate from
the Wyatt Earp. CAPITAL ISSUES.
On 21st July, 1947, the Prime Minist& r ( Mr. Chifley) said-
A statement I made in October, 1946, set out that premiums on new
share issues would not necessarily -be insisted upon. In that statement
I requested that, where an issue at par was proposed by a company
whose shares were appreciably above par, the application should include
a statement of the reasons for not requiring a premium. Since then
some companies -had required premiums-others had not.
i" I have reviewed the position and have decided that it is desirable
ithe interests of the Australian economy that a premium should be
required in all cases where there is an -appreciable margin between par
value and market price. I have accordingly requested the Capital
Issues Advisory Committee to give this aspect consideration in future.
The committee will not insist on prohibitive premiums but will allow
reasonable margins."
( For earlier references, please see No. 120, page 12.)
On 28th July, 1947, the Prime Minister ( Mr. Chifley) said-
" Census returns are -absolutely confidential. This is guaranteed by
Act of Parliament. They cannot, therefore, he used for any purpose as
has been suggested."
( It had been stated that the information given in regard to dwellings might
be used to compel small families with large houses to provide space for others.)

On 31st July, 1947, the Acting Minister for Post-war Reconstruction
( Mr. Pollard) announced National Security ( Minerals) Regulations
giving power to acquire minerals compulsorily and to apply compensation.
provisions to any acquisition. The power ' would be used only in
connexion with strategic minerals and metals.
By Authority: L. F. JTOHNSTON, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.