PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007967.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

) Q7( 2
In view of the misleading Statements made by the Coalition
after my Campaign Launch on 8 March 1990 1 wish to make
completely clear the funding basis for the new Co-operative
Research Centres.
This follows a letter to me from Professor Wicken, the
President of the Federation of Australian Scientific and
Technological Societies, expressing concern that this
excellent initiative had been misrepresented by the
Opposition, causing some confusion in the scientific
community. A copy of Professor Wicken's letter is attached.
I reiterate that:
The scheme will be Introduced immediately upon our
re-election and it is planned that the first 15 Centres
will be established within the next 12 months.
The Centres will be created by linking together
outstanding research groups and providing additional
resources. Facilities will be concentrated at the one
location where possible. Where geographical
co-location is not possible research consortia and
networks could be established.
The existing resources of staff, facilities and
equipment will constitute the contribution of
participating institutions. That combined contribution
will be matched by new funds from the scheme. The
participating institutions will not have to make their
contribution in cash or by cutting back on existing
* The supplementary funds provided under the scheme will
-L be flexible and may be used for staff salaries,
buildings, equipment or research support.
The total funds provided by the Government when all
Centres are established will be $ 100 million per year.
These funds are additional to existing funding
arrangements and do not involve any offsetting savings
from our appropriations to science or education.

I repeat that the establishment of the Centres will be the
most significant step ever taken by a Commonwealth
government to build on and draw together the strengths of
Australian researchers.
I am delighted by the enthusiastic response that the
proposal has received from the science and technology

Mi, i BEHAV SCIENCESM-3~ OO 10: 341 FACULTY OFFICE4 01 02 115222i# 3
Office of The Prssdent
6. PO. Box 2181
CANBERRA A. C. T. 2801
Tel: ( 0OW) 473554
Fix: ( 02) 406419
Sydney ( 02) 62016
Is Marh 1.00
The Hon R. Hawks
Prime FAntster
Psrlasmet Mouse
Caera ACT 2600 FAX 02 734100
Dsar Prime Minister,
As you will be aware FASTS, long with other solentflo groups, has warmly
supported your initiatives towards the establshment of Co-operative Research Centres
by OSIRO, universities and the private sector. I am our You wUl be equally aware that
the Coaldon's spokesperson for Sence, Peter Meauran, has ateoked the propoltion
on the basis that t would take funds from the unIversites And CSIRO. The Mister for
$ oleno, Barry Jones, did, test week, attempt some damage control, but I am finding
that Mr, Mo3auran' press statements have created some confusion and oynlolsm In
the olentdflo community. I believe that the Iuu eI of Such slonifliance that a
statement from you bfotr the eleotion would be neonsary to allay the fears that I have
desolbed. PAMTS would hate to ee this excellent Inliative founder through yet
another variation at ' where's the money coming trom0
I have also communicated these conoerns to the Chief Scientist, Professor
Ralph Motor. Yours Federation of Australian Solentflo
and Tsohnologloal Soceties.