PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00000772.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

26tUkL Y91963,
I dont thinjE that r ought to be thAnked in
qparti ua~ r wpy for aagnS he". this afternoon because the
UgS truth is that we have just finished oscoocting a M pt and
somme of You may think* vele that's anl rigtato The % XY4Tis
AU oase Is am lifted from XY ShbOUJAews until Auawt 13th,
or to be more ppeciae, Augut 1th,, when the xkwsp Vws a1Ipeaw.
( Lu~ e) hmt the truth is that this is a rather ppy 1nem
beeaue what happens vhunt a gem k is starting to oncoct AL
,& Apt and is vwking IMS MY through it is thalt all the ote
. qom13~ ooSit1imte a Tiitus~ of the Prime ministe Pile up an
the yandwhen I Isead at thm this afternoons having
finisbe another omittee or two this smning, for once in
ifty I was vwy thonkfal that I had to aam aWay and do 201Whin
else in amt pios, Inc sort of pleasant ottosphewe.
Now, YouaSir said "" thing about w1sula~ ty
maea glancing reflerene to the imaidty or baniters, the
~ uty of assamnee, son. Bat what I liked whnI wea the
litrataria that yous sent me wo that littl, bit of early history
of the 1.8. A* Duk. The 3.5. A. Bak to as has abs been
a thingv I have gemn in Melbourne and glance at ecaina[;
e" w else but you a Makid enough to lot se have a
ibitrioul srh gping back over rn'sther no" then a century*
For the first time I relsed. the Scottish influenoe in the nme,
OMhlshk Scottish and Awtallan Bank Limted. " m of you
may not Iaw it and thfre I shold tell Yag ex relatione the
mlyh atprowlded me with the dopey that th* first establiskthtthe
Bank had wa In Sydney In George Street. It amnsistod
of a two ~ tee 9mvelty that the hank bought frm a vime and
spirit morchant. ( Iaugatew) Nov deeinit that appeal to yw
youa Ma ijmigiii the m aw i Ua of b; expatriated sootin, paing
in an Interview with a Qleat to sniff up tUs old aromas. f" is
smthing I understand peretly besause many yearr ap whsn I
was respectable and ws-pamtising at the Bar and In l=
Cbbers in Melbourne, V.. ewaa win, merdhant immediatelyv = Ar
my chaaube it ws a marvellous thing. dharaver the nali
barmaeute, mnpleauant that you werea working an, all hait you
ddto do ws to goer near the window and take up a sood
abostful of air loade with the fames of the demon & W" ic So
am I anderaiQh about the history of the B. S. A.
As fbr the Leal. General, I an bound to say
that go409 eamayculd have a more respectable title. ( Laughter)
sawe people ame legal avid som people aw. ganeral hat it Is very
seldam tumt yea can rt this powerfual oombitnm of ciroumstances,
( Laughter) the word lega V* atig sam rather harsh and
prelso onfrwemnt of Mh enand the vWar pneal IupwIng
a mwt of element of genial huanity ( laughter) fthere I
ws not surprised to We tiild in the paRpers that I received&;
rapid and rwakable the peath of the Legal General has been
in Atwaliak. r read in the paper this amrng -me doubt you
did too that the population of Caber is now 70,000. It Was
left to my driver to tell methat he had heard also on the side

that tbat doesn't Incluft the diplomttc ( Laughtmw) * ieh
wasI astonished to issr, an his natZtmbers aad
19,00 in canbra Ay w v wilmit the dplmntia o02W.
I sometimes Wish i o0Lcald iA; St~) bat anyhow w will emit them
forb this porpoese 70,000 people The first t1ws I vaihed aroamd
this pert of Canbai vex in 19-* when I bad ase brtthrough
embdy' mstake, to boe A= tr Y. hIl of A ewlia
thatsa lion time a p. The population was then 61, M~ When
the war ended, thuse had beow of nooesalt' gat restrictions
on ballding and activity of that kind. Sofrs shop I think
I an right In saying, so fresh bvisluss phmse ad " e buit
for a lin, long timel, bet in the last fifteen years, the developsent
in Canbesr he., I think beem quite WoRMs~ ealft And among
other tbInu84 of Ooee the Jevlopuent ar -hoe -in whet I
wiilvl thi elsmriai sectim of Canberra bas been beyond
a~ bol'a belif# if he bad sat dwou to think about itg to
visels it ton years alp*
This is a great and groing and as I
hae Wa occasion to amy before today# It is agreed br the
statisticians# wortby4egsple, that bw 197O excluding the
dipimetc crpasoh doubt IF ttime will hae rison
to~ mhmmlpeprtlemns, the" e will be 100,000 people haee
Sinbody telAiat there would be a quarter of a n31314a at
the tutu of the omtury. There Is in faet hardly any lUnit to
be put to the development of this piace and that's a good tig
Itts a post thing for Austrailitth~ t shold have a gns
sGopeiaatU atios or enttledto eat osiaioWe
I barnddI& grambiing about the soft ofputin Inalkea
x an ' 1"! sthat I aeouse them, and I boe suenas fulr of
having a limited eaepisof what the eapital of what we all
kno will be In dwueqre a vwi poeet ooeutry, ought to boo
And, of oose, the buildings that have pmu
up here, they e cay a mixesd reception bw mep I enitl yot.
I 6oult alvays Il; the amv buildin~ e I an soL~ me very rade
abouat the nw bul'dings bet stranmge emgh, this has no effeat
tnrha t il thst ( laughter) butiI a bound to Sir,
tht ~ iktis watsemI,( oide& A roeu oI da
I taoght, that this had seedistinction and chsaater about i
amd that add" to my pleasur in being present to dealare It open.
I believe that we are 4ping to seemedu
melemntso Wen I leok beok ever this period in Whiab I
have been here,, off and an, man and boyp as you 0h my
eould remember for a longti& e feeling a little afrIdthfat
Canbxv nghttend to be just a city of Politician$ and GIVIl
AMI an the last men to upbraid politicians though
sometimes the ubraid me and me doubt for Vey good reasons.
But a omumity n offisial Gity, In which you have Political
peoples and civil servants and a few ethers who attend to their
mosis too naro a thing ait tends to bosom% as an amusing
friend of sin, one said, inbred. It's a Very bad thing for
a politisian, for eample, 0 to moe areud as oe had to ton
yes ago and be addressed with infinite wespedt q 0110 SITil
sinntafisau another, It Is essential for the sanity of all
of as that we shold have a variety of Po I with a variety
of ' experismoes Including a boathq' paeenCA of people who
Instoad of saying * Good mowning 8iW will stand off and tell
yeu exactly what they think about you and what rubbish it was
Veth Inight befaoe This Is sood and it is
u*/ 3

whave wreat finlancial institutions now
Os~ b shing tIelvoo The day vill aom Sir I hoe I
mak* mbae nku m et aeina t peCpoanrbqe , v but iitt s wboan&' t obef fiac . b rnoiht wofill
oo to tbe point whm this has b. oom* a g t natioawl
capital that it will brame the sontre not of trade and oomnerce
I 4' t thift it is qit* o eqnppe for that but the eentre of
Laportant fimnal deiona imprtant finanoial asitvitle,
reat intollootual activities in miorsities and in shools
reat selentifle achiwrmess in the varies veeareh establIsh.
nst whiab ame haee a reat Veity of people and & round
a boatifal eatwl ftat", a tbrin of people who will
vat to lie he mot becue tc; are pell eiai ment becau.
ter are civil sw ts, bt butr Use they f3r t aas i vilised
a i plnes in whie their chlidren my p to fine
an" havo all the fteilities and is whhiicbh stwe
of = iversiti* e will be awmlfable to tbo@. This I believe,
is altry with a e g piagpumse The mlyr epdlhveIs
that lealr at I , I think I Vas born twty " etoro soom
beaus. I womd r to be alive in 2000 if : Dra to hav a look
avo and see what'os NSA tfhyou win ml Y fi to
my so, look back a Uttad i; 1 tat li al fiteeme
years, I have perhaps made sm ontribution to its achi-evemnt.
This is quIte a notable ocesion in a notable
pie. I wish both of these pwnie l. I kn they
will have xpeat happimessand mecess in Cnber and I have
the petest plwa. in delacriag the building open*