PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007437.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

I am announcing today a series of new principles and
processes to apply in future conservation and development
decisions. A copy of the principles is attached.
Existing decisions, such as those on the Wet Tropics of
North East Queensland and Tasmanian forests, will not be
affected by today's announcements.
The new processes involve:
the establishment of a Resource Assessment Commission
( RAC), an-independent body to inquire into major,
complex land use decisions;
streamlining and enhancing the operations of the
Australian Heritage Commission ( AHC);
the negotiation of a Forest Accord;
the development of a National Forests Inventory;
a review of existing environmental data bases, with a
view to filling identified gaps; and
increasing the environmental expertise of industry
councils and enhancing community understanding of
conservation issues.
I see today's'announcements as the beginning of a more
harmonious approach in the resolution ofconflicting demands
on Australia's natural resources. AgricuIture and mining
contribute more than 70 per cent of our export income, yet
Australia contains some of the world's most valuable and
fragile environments.
Ultimately, of course, final decisions must rest with
governments. The new processes will assist in informing
governments, as well as those in the community seeking to
participate in discussions on major land use issues.
3566 Our new ap
Strategy f
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our new approach builds on the National conservation
Strategy for Australia ( t4CSA), which was developed by the
Commonwealth in consultation with other interested parties
in 1983. It provides a framework within which industry can
operate with confidence, and achieves a balance between the
need to develop our natural resources and to preserve our
environment for future generations.
Sometimes hard choices have to be made between envi-ronmental
protection and resource development. The Government's
concern is to see that its decisions are timely, well
988 informed and, above all, that all interested parties State
and local governments, industries, unions, and community
groups and individuals have the opportunity for their
views to be taken into account.
I will be writing to State Premiers, the Chief Minister of
the Northern Territory and interested groups on consultative
nt mechanisms to give effect to the NCSA.
The Resource Assessment Commission ( RAC) will be responsible
to me. The Government will initiate inquiries and determine
e -terms of reference and timetables. The Commissioners for
each inquiry will be appointed by the Government on the
recommendation of the Chairs of the Australian Science and
Technology Council and the Industries Assistance Commission.
The RAC will draw on the resources of the Government
on departments and agencies as appropriate for each inquiry.
RAC hearings will be public and all interested parties and
N individuals will be able to put evidence before the
Commission. The Commission will produce draft reports which
will be available for public comment. The final report will
also be published.
The Government has reviewed the Australian Heritage
Commission and has decided to streamline and enhance its
operations. Legislation will be introduced to improve
procedures for compiling the Register of the National
a Estate, including better arrangements for notify'ing owners
and other interested parties of intentions to list places on
the Register.
The AHC's annual budget will be increased by $ 2 million, and
staff levels will be boosted substantially to remove
backlogs in the Commission's work.
mands The Government has agreed to Senator Cook's proposal for a
ing Forest Accord. Senator Cook has maintained close contacts
yet with interested groups in developing the proposal put to the
-id Government. He will now conduct negotiations with the aim
of concluding a Forest Accord.
Because it shares community concern about the conservation
ng of forest resources, the Government has decided to develop a
to National Forests Inventory, including a survey of old
growth forests. The Departments of Primary Industries and
Energy and the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and 3567

Territories will co-operate on the survey and will seek the
co-operation of State Governments in compiling the
inventory. A sum of $ 2.9 million has been allocated over
three years for the Survey.
Senator Richardson has been asked to undertake a more
general review of existing environmental data bases and
their availability to Commonwealth decision makers and to
advise on action to fill identified gaps.
The Government will also increase environmental expertise of
industry councils and begin a program to enhance community
understanding of conservation issues.
,3568 d. The t
guide claim Mi

0 The three policy principles to be publicly promoted and. used as a
guide to Commonwealth Ministers in resolving. conflicting land use
claimsa are that:-
therb should be an integrated approach to conservation and
development by taking both conservation and development
aspects into account at an early stage;
resource use decisions should seek to optimise the net
benefits to the community from the nation's resources,
having regard to efficiency of resource use, environmental
consideration and an equitable distribution of the return
on resources; and
( iii) Commonwealth decisions, policies and management regimes may
provide for additional uses that are compatible with the
primary purpose values of the area, recognising that in
some cases both conservation and development interests can
C-be accommodated concurrently or sequentially, and, in other
cases-, choices must be made between alternative uses or
combinations of uses.
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