PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007275.pdf 12 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Caucus has today elected Senator Peter cook and Mr Gary Punch to
the Ministry.
Senator Cook is to be appointed Minister for Resources.
Mr Punch is to be appointed Minister for the Arts and
Territories. Mr Duffy will join the Cabinet retaining his current
appointment as Minister for Trade Negotiations.
Senator Richardson is to be appointed Minister for the Arts,
Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories, and will also
join the Cabinet.
Associated with these changes, I have reviewed machinery of
government and ministerial arrangements.
There will be no change in the basic machinery of government nor
any adjustments to the Administrative Arrangements Order.
The new ministerial appointments described below are, where
formal action is necessary, being recommended to the
In making other changes, the objective has been to recognise
areas of special priority and workload, and the experience and
skills of Ministers.
one area of special priority, where major policy changes are
underway and which will be of particular importance over the next
few years, is care of the aged. Other programs in the Community
Services and Health portfolio are also closely associated with
the Government's objectives in relation to social justice which I
have already indicated require priority attention in our third
term. I have therefore decided to appoint Mr Morris minister for
Housing and Aged Care in Dr Blewett's portfolio. He will assist
Dr Blewett generally in the portfolio and have primary
responsibility for housing programs, residential programs for the
aged, the Home and Community Care Program, ' the office for the
Aged, pharmaceutical benefits and therapeutic goods. 0: 03928

Mr Morris will also be appointed as Minister Assisting the Prime
minister, with particular responsibility-for the Bicentenary, and
will assist me generally in my portfolio.
Senator Cook is to be appointed Minister for Resources assuming
the duties previously carried by Mr Morris.
Mr Punch is to be appointed minister for the Arts and Territories
( excluding Antarctica), in Senator Richardson's portfolio.
Senator Richardson will have particular responsibility for the
environment, tourism and sport.
Aboriginal affairs ( including the Department, the Aboriginal
Development Commission an -d other statutory bodies) will move to
Mr Dawkins' portfolio with Mr Hand as minister. Mr Hand will
also be responsible for those -aspects of the Aboriginal
Employment Development Program administered by Mr Dawkins'
Department and other appropriate Aboriginal education programs,
as minister assisting Mr Dawkins. This change in ministerial
arrangements reflects the Government's belief that education and
employment programs are of central importance to improving the
position of Aboriginal Australians.
Mr Duncan will move to Mr Dawkins, portfolio as minister for
Employment and Education Services, with responsibility for a
range of employment and training programs, CeS operations, the
Youth Bureau and student allowance delivery.
Mr Holding will move to Senator Evans' portfolio as Minister for
Transport and Communications Support, in which capacity he will
assist the Minister generally ( including representing the
portfolio in the House of Representatives) and have specific
responsibilities for particular areas of the portfolio including
road and rail transport. He will continue as Minister Assisting
the Treasurer.
Because of the very heavy workload in the Transport and
Communications portfolio, I have in addition appointed Senator
Ray as Minister assisting Senator Evans. He wil1 retain his
primary duties as Minister for Home Affairs in the Administrative
Services portfolio. Senator Ray will assist the Minister for
Transport and Communications in specific areas of the portfolio
referred to him from time to time, such as shipping and
waterfront matters.
In addition to her present responsibilities, Senator Reynolds is
to be Minister assisting me for the Status of Women.
Attached is a Ministry listing showing the new Ministry including
representational arrangements together with a more detailed
listing of the new Ministerial responsibilities, which may be
subject to further adjustment as to details following discussion
between Ministers concerned.
The third attachment shows the revised Cabinet Committee
membership associated with the changes. 003929

* Prime Minister
* Deputy Prime Minister
Attorney-General and Minister
Assisting the Prime Minister for
Comonwealth-State Relations
Minister for Justice
Minister for Consumer Affairs and
Minister Assisting the Treasurer
for Prices
* reader of the Government in
the Senate and Minister for
Industry, Technology and
Commerce Minister for Science, Customs
and Small Business
* Deputy Leader of the
Government and Manager of
Government Business in the
Senate, Minister for
Transport Commnications
Minister for Transport and
Ccmnunications Support and
inister Assisting the Treasurer
* Treasurer
* Minister for Inmmigration,
Local Government and Ethnic Affairs,
vice-President of the Executive
Council, Leader of the House
and Minister Assisting the
Prime Minister for Multicultural
Affairs RJL Hawke AC P
Lionel Bowen HP
Senator Michael Tate
Peter Staples MP
Senator John Button
B 0 Jones MP
Senator Gareth Evans QC
A. C. Holding mP
P. J Keating MP
Michael J Young MP Representation in other Chamber
Senator Button
Senator Tate
Mr Bowen
Senator Tate
Mr Jones
Senator Button
Mr Holding
Senator Evans
Senator Walsh
Senator Reynolds
Minister for Local Government
and Minister Assisting the
Prime Minister for the Status
of Women Senator Margaret ReynoldsMr Young 003930

* Minister for Finance
* Minister for Foreign Affairs
and Trade
* Minister for Trade Negotiations,
Minister Assisting the Minister
for Industry, Technology
Cosuerce Minister Assisting
the Minister for Primacy
industries nergy
* Minister for Industrial Relations
and Minister Assisting the
Prime Minister for Public Service
* Minister for EMployment,
Education and Training
Minister for Employment and
Education Services
inister for Aboriginal Affairs
* Minister for Defence
Minister for Defence Science and
Pe rsonnel
* Minister for Primary Tndustries
and Energy
Minister for Resources
* Minister for Social Security
* Minister for Administrative
Services inister for Rome Affairs,
inister Assisting the
Minister for Transport and
Cemauications Deputy Manager
of Government Business in the
* Minister for Conmnity Services
and Real th
Minister for Housing and
Aged Care and Minister Assisting
the Prime Minister Senator P Walsh
Bill Hayden M
Michael Duffy MP
Ralph Willis MP
J S Dawkins Mp
Peter Duncan MP
Gerry Hand m
Kim C Beazley MP
Ros Kelly MP Mr Dawkins
Senator Evans
Senator Evans.
Senator Button
Senator Walsh
Senator Walsh
Senator Senator Senator
John Kerin MP Tate Ray Ray
Senator Cook
Senator Peter Cook
Brian Howe MP
Stewart West MP
Senator Robert Ray
Neal Blewett MP
Peter Morris HP Mr Kerin
Senator Richardson
Senator Ray
Mr West
Senator Cook
Senator Cook

minister for veterans' Affairs
* Minister for the Arts, Sport,
th Enlvironment, Tourism and
Territories minister for the Arts and
Denotes Minister in the Cabinet Ben HumphreyG MP
Senator Graham
Richardson Gary Punch MP Senator Reynolds
Mr Punch
Senator Richardson

ATTORNEY-GENERAL ( The Hon. Lionel Bowen, MP)
Minister for Consumer Affairs ( The Hon. Peter Staples, Mp)
Responsibility for all consumer affairs matters ( including
relevant statutory responsibilities under the Trade Practices
Act) and representation of the CGovernment on Commonwealth-
State ministerial committees related to consumer affairs.
Mr Steples also assists the Treasurer in relation to prices.
Minister for Justice -( Senator the Hon, Michael Tate)
Bankruptcy; policy and administrative responsibility for legal aid
and financial assistance, Including carriage of
negotiations with the States on new legal aid agreements
( but with the Attorney-General retaining overall
responsibility for the negotiations with the States);
remissions of fines and penalties;
prisoners; marriage celebrants;
policy and police liaison including membership of
appropriate Commonwealth-State committees:
Protective Services Coordination Centre;
Territories matters coming within the Attorney-General's
portfolio ( other than the matters involving the ACTr);
Criminology, including youth and crime;
Statute Law ( Miscellaneous Provisions) Bills.
( Senator the Hon. John Button)
Minister for Science, Customs, and Small Business
The Hon. Barry 0. Jones, AIP)
Science policy and activities including CSIRO and the
Australian institute of Marine Science, and the
encouragement of effective linkages between the research
community end industry;-003933

Policy in relation to small businees;
Management and day-to-day decision making in connection
with the Customs Service;
Day-to-day administrative matters associated with the
building industry.
The two Ministers will work together in such areas as the
National Industry Extension Service, the Management
investment Companies program, and policy in relation to the
information industries.
( Senator the Ron. Gareth Evans, QC)
minister for Transport end Communications Support
( The Hon. A. C. Holding, MP)
General assistance in the adminiatration of the
portfolio; Specific responsibilities for particular areas of the
portfolio including road and rail transport.
Mr Holding also assists the Treasurer in a range of matters
referred to him, including taxation, foreign investment, loan
raising and debt management, and functions of an
administrative nature.
( The Hon. Michael J. Young, MP)
Minister for Local Government
( Senator the Hon. Margaret Rynolds)
Local Government and regional development.
Mr Young and senator Reynolds also assist the Prime Minister
in relation to Multicultural Affairs and the Status of women
( The Hon. Dill Hayden, NP)
( The Hon. Michael Duffy, MP)
Within the Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio,
day-to-day responsibility for the administration and
implementation of Australia's bilateral and multilateral
trade policy and negotiations, including relevant
Ministerial meetings and diplomatic contacts; 003934

Coordination and conduct of Australia's position in the
" Uruguay Round" of multilateral trade negotiations and
more generally the promotion of a more equitable
international trading environment;
Administration and implementation of the agreement on
Closer Economic Relations with New Zealand;
Implementing Australia's relations with UNCTAD;
Responsible for operations of trade related councils
involving the Australian business community.
Mr Duffy also assists the Minister for Industry, Technology
and Commerce and the Minister for Primary industries and
Energy in relation to major commodity negotiations and export
( The Hon. J. S. Dawkins, MP)
Minister for Employment and Education Services-
( The Hon. Peter Duncan, MP)
Employment and Training Adult Training Program, Youth
Training Program, Community Employment Program,
including New Enterprise Incentive Scheme, JOBSTART,
mobility Assistance ( Relocation Assistance Schemes and
Fares Assistance Scheme), existing programs of industry
and Regional Employment Assistance, Community Youth
Support Scheme, Community Training Program, including
Information Technology Centres and Community Volunteer
Program; Commonwealth Employment Service network operations,
including responsibilities under Unemployment Benefit
and Job Search Allowance arrangements, youth access
centres, and job search training;
Youth Bureau;
Student allowance delivery.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
( The Hon. Gerard L* Hand, MP)
Administration of Commonwealth Aboriginal af fairs
responsibilities. This will include the development of the
new Commission to replace the Department of Aboriginal
Affairs and the Aboriginal Development Commission,
Mr Hand also assists Mr Dawkins in relation to those aspects
of the Aboriginal Employment Development Program administered
by Mr Dawkins' department and other appropriate Aboriginal
education programs. 003935

MINISTER FOR DEFENCE ( The Hon. Kim C. Seazley, MP)
Minister for Defence Science and Personnel-
( The Hon. Rog Kelly, MP)-
Defence Science and Technology, including development of
policies and programs for the marketing of products;
Oversight and administration of service personnel
policies relating to members and ox-members of the
Australian Defence Force and their families;
Defence Housing Authority;
Some categories of Australian Defence Force assistance
to the civil community;
Community matters arising from, and in conjunction with,
Australian Defence Force operational training
activities; Development of a strategy to ameliorate the difficulties
created for Service personnel on postings arising from
differing States laws and requirements relating to
education, transport etc.
( The Hon. John Kerin, MP)
Minister for Resources ( Senator the Hon. Peter Cook)
Energy programs;
Mineral commodities;
Natural resource management;
Fisheries matters;
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service;
Bureau of Mineral Resources;
Bureau of Rural Science.
( The Hon. Stewart West, MP)
Minister for Home Affairs ( Senator the Hon. Robert Ray)
4 Electoral matters; 003936

Parliamentary and ministerial services ( including the
New Parliament House Executive Wing, the National Media
Lialson Service and Ministerial Press Pool)
Information coordination;
National Archives;
Honoure and national symbols policy;
Bureau of Meteorology, Ionospheric Prediction Services
and Government Analytical Laboratories.
Senator Ray also assists the Minister for Transport and
Communications in relation to specific matters referred to
him from time to time such as shipping and waterfront
( The Mon. Real Blewett, MP)
minister for Housing and Aged Care-
( The Hon.-Petfer Morris, MP)
Housing assistance functions, including the Supported
Accommodation Assistance program;
The office for the Aged;
Aged Residential Care;
R ome and Community Care program;
Therapeutic goods end the Commonwealth Serum
Laboratories Commission;
The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
Mr Morris also assists the Prime Minister generally in hie
portfolio and in relation to the Bicentenary.
Minister for Veterans' Affairs ( The Hon. Ben Humphreys, MP)
Administration and policy development of services to
veterans. ( Mr Humphreys also assists Dr Blewett generally
across the Community Services and Health portfolio.) 003937

TERRITORIES ( Senator the Hon. Graham Richardson)
Minister for the Arts and Territories
The Hon. Gary Punch, MP)
The ACT Administration;
Other Territories excluding Antarctica;
Cultural affairs.
Within the portfolios not covered in the above list, other
Ministers have not been appointed. 003938

CABINET Prime Minister*, Mr Bowen Sen. Button, Sen. Evans,
Mr Keating, Mr Young, Sen. Walsh, Mr Hayden, Mr Willie,
Mr Dawkins, Mr Beazley, Mr Kerin, Mr Howe, Mr West, Dr Blewett,
Mr Duffy, Sen. Richardson
Parliamentary Business ExDenditure Review
Prime Minister*
Mr Bowen ( D)
Sen. Button
Sen. Evans
Mr Young
Sen. Richardson
Mr Hand
Sen. Ray
General Administrative Prime Minister*
Mr Bowen ( D)
Sen. Walsh
Mr Willis
Mr Howe
Mr West
Mr Dutfy
Sen. Richardson
Mr Morris
Mr Holding
Mr Jones
Mr Humphreys
Sen. Ray
Mr Staples
Mr Duncan
Mrs Kelly
Sen. Reynolds
Mr Punch
Sen. Cook
Structural Adjustment Prime Minister*
Mr Bowen
Sen. Button
Sen. Evans
Mr Keating ( D)
Sen. Walsh
Mr Willis
Mr Dawklns
Mr Howe
Security Prime Minister*
Mr Bowen ( D)
Sen. Evans
Mr Young
Mr Hayden
Mr Beazley Legislation
Mr BOwen*
Sen. Evans ( D)
Mr Duffy
Mr Holding
Sen. Tate
Mr Duncan
Public Service
Reform Prime Minister
Sen. Walsh
Mr Willis ( D)
Mr Dawkins
Mr West
Sen. Ray
Prime Minintec*
Sen. Button ( D)
Sen. Evans
Mr Keating
Mr Young
Sen. Walsh
Mr Hayden
Mr willie
Mr Dawkins
Mr Beasley
Mr Kerin
Mr Duffy
Mr Jones
19 January 1988
Chair Deputy Chair Prime Minister*
Mr Keating
Mr Young
Sen. Walsh
Mr Willis
Mr Dawkins
Mr Howe ( D)
Dr Blewett
Mr Morris
Mr Humphreys
Mr Hand
Sen. Reynolds 003939
Social and Family Policy