Senator Susan Ryan, the Special Minister of State, has today
informed me of her intention to retire from politics.
I greatly regret that I and the Cabinet will be losing Susan
Ryan's talents. She has brought special perspectives to all her
tasks from her wide range of interests and particularly her long
standing concern with women's issues and education. She has been
a most valued colleague and an effective and articulate Minister
both in the Education portfolio, and latterly, as Special
Minister of State.
Senator Ryan was Education Minister at a time of rapid change and
fundamental reform, in particular the fundamental restructuring
of Commonwealth support arrangements for Australian schools, and
the ending the divisive State aid debate.
Before entering politics, and in Opposition, Senatci:-.
prepared the way for governments to have a special focus on
women's issues and, since the 1983 election, Susan Ryan has held
the position of Minister assisting me on the Status of Women.
Her advocacy has led to the many achievements in this area of
which the Government is justly proud such as the Sex
Discrimination Act and Equal Employment Opportunity and the
Affirmative Action legislation.
Since the election I have also appreciated her-' upport as she
assisted me with specific responsibilities for the Bicentenary as
well as in other matters in my portfolio and in that of the
Minister for Community Services and Health. I am grateful that
she will be carrying out her special Bicentennial tasks
through January 1988.
The ACT, too, is losing a most able and energetic representative.
Susan Ryan was elected as a foundation Senator for the ACT in
1975. She quickly established her credentials within the Caucus
and became a membev of the Shadow Cabinet from 1977, W'brking on
and shaping a range of policies.
Senator Ryan's contvibution to this Government and to the
Australian Labor Party has been very substantial and she has
brouight considerable skills and abilities to the vairiours areas
with which she hiar, been associated. She will be missed by me and
all my colleagues. I wish her every success in her new position
as Publishing Editor for Penguin Australia, to whbich I ami certain
she will, bring the same distinction wh-ich she contribute' to my
Gove rnment.
Senator Ryan's retirement from politics will. take place sometime
before the resumption of the Parliament in the Autumn sittings.
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