PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007203.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

The Primo 1inister today chaired a meeting of representatives
of the coal industry workforce, coal mining companies, the
Queensland and NSW State Governments and the Commonwealth
Government. Following a constructive discussion, during which there was
a positive contribution from all parties, it was agreed that
there would be an acceleration of negotiations at the
enterprise level about changes to improve mine viability and
secure the future of Australia's largest export industry.
To give effect to this shared commitment it was agreed that
for a period of at least one month:
employers will seek to achieve a moratorium on
retrenchments where there is discretion to avoid
retrenchments ( and whore there is disagreement between
the oaaties in NSW about the scope for discretion in
particular cases, the Joint Coal Board shall be the
point of reference fo determining the facts); and
the unions will cease industrial action, including
overtine bans.
This agroment will be reviewed by the two parties within
the one month period, to assess progress achieved.
An extraczdinary meeting of the Australian Coal Consultative
Council wIll be convened by the Minister for Primary
Industriesc and Energy, Mr John Kerin, at the earliest
opportunity. This meeting will supplement the negotiations
which will be occurring at the enterprise level. In
particular, the neeting will consider elements of the
overall strategy which are nore effectively dealt with at
the aggregate level rather than at the enterprise level.
In this regard the Commonwealth will consider enlarging
forms o assistance currently available under the Relocaticn
Assistanice Scheme and the Labour Adjustment Training
Arrangercnt to facilitate relocation and retraining of coal
industry craploycee.
For their part, the NSW and Queensland Governments, further
to the ccncessions they have already given, will examine how
they might assist the coal industry by way of reductions in
State cha:: ges affecting the coal mining industry. This
examination will depend on progress achieved by the
employees and the mining unions in their negotiations. 00 : 4

t 2.
It was further agreed that if the parties considered it
desirable, the Prime Minister would convene a further
meeting of the various parties at a later date.
The Prime Minister indicated that, in regard to marketing,
while the Commonwealth adhered to its view that there would
be no centralised authority, the Government was open to
represontations from unions and employers on how the
existing reserve power in the export control arrangements
should be utilised. Howevor, the exercise of the reserve
power ultimately will remain the responsibility of the
ministor for Primary Industries and Energy.
Finally, the Commonwealth Government is available at the
request c9 the unions or the employers to facilitate
progreno in negotiations. 00034136