PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007200.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Caucus today zc to clect the Iinistry cz-, d other officers for nth 35th Parliamnt.
AQ I forcshar auc>-yetorcday, the now Hfinitotry is a w1l balancid and talented
team. I am not-o2oocod to announce the full list wi4th the portfolios which I will
be reconmemnt-n ; o th2 Goveror-Gencral. The list provides etails of proposed
representation 1; i thz other Chamber.
The positions Zr, 2 as follow: Representation in other Chamber
* Prima Minister
* Spacial 11i2ister of State and
viinistoer Arosisting the Prime
Minister on the Status of Womwn
and the Biccintcnary and Minister
Ascisting3 t: ie Ninister for
Comunity S. rvices Health
* Deputy Prim. r minister and
Attorney-ceneral and
Minister A~ c3 sting the Prime
Minister For Comnnwealth/
State Relations R J L Hawke AC MP
Senator Susan Ryan
Lionel Bowen MP Senator Button
Mr Hawke
Senator Tate
** Parlialr3rntary Secretary
for Justice
Minister for Consumer Affairs and
minister Assisting the Treasurer
for Pricces
* Leader of the Government in
the Senate and Minister for
Industry, Technology and
Commerce inister for Science
Small Business Senator Michael Tate
Peter Staples MP
Senator John Button
B 0 Jones MP Mr Bowen
Senator Tate
Mr Jones
Senator Button 00 k-Oj
( 1

* Deputy Leader of tJ. Q
Governicent and Mmciagor of
Government Businoso3 in the
Senate, Minister : Zo:
Transport Councatins3
Minister for Lanrd Trncport
Ingrastructuro Suort
* Treasurer
* Minister for IwigsW.' Aon,
Local Governmnenit = 0 Othni Affairs,
Vice-President of Eoecutiva
Council, Leado: ok teLoH ouse
and linicter AssictABr the
Prime Minister : or 1-aticultural
Affaire Gentaor Gareth Evans CC
Fetor Duncan MP
P J Reating MP
Michael J Young MP Mr Duncan
Senator Evars
Senator Walsh
Senator Reynolds
** Parliamentay S,? c: cotary
for Local Govorm, 7:: Itn; Senator Margaret Reynolds
mIinister for Fin. snco
ilinister for Foreign ! uffrs
and Trade
Minister for Trado ' Ngotiations,
Miniztcr Assictinr; the Minister
for Industry, rrecrx~ ology
Coweirce Iiniste: Assisting
the Minister for Primary
Industries Energjy
* Minister for Industrial Relations
and Minister Assisting the
Prime Minister in Public Service
* Minister for Employment, Education
Training Minister for Employment Services
Youth Affairs lnister
Assisting the Treasurer Senator P Walsh
Bill Hayden MP
Michael Duffy MP
Ralph Willis MP
J S Dawkins MP
A C Holding MP Mr Dawkins
Senator Evans
Senator Evans
Senator Button
Senator Ryan
Senator Ryan
0 029
mr Young

* Minister for Defence
** Parliamentary Secrotary
for Defence Science and
* Minister for Pripary Industries
Energy Minister for Resources
* Minister for Social Security
* Minister for Administrative
Services Minister for Home Affairs
Deputy Manag-r of Government
Business in th, Senate
* Minister for the Arts, Sport,
the Environment, Tourism
Territories Minister for the Environment
and the Arts
* Minister for Cormmunity Services
Health Minister for Veterans' Affairs
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Kim C Beazley MP
Ros Roelly 1s>
John Kerin MP
Peter Morris MP
Brian Howe MP
Stewart West MP
Senator Robert Ray
John Brown MP
Senator Graham Richardson
Neal Blewett MP
Ben Humphreys MP
Gerry Hand MP Senator Ray
Senator Ray
Senator Walch
Senator Walsh
Senator Richardson
Senator Ray
Mr West
Senator Richardson
Mr Brown
Senator Ryan
Senator Reynolds
Senator Tate
Denotes Minister in the Cabinet
Temporary title pending amendment of the Ministers of State Act 1952 000 300 q

also elected today the-candidates for the Parliame~ ntary Officeholdors and gilled
other Caucue. positiono.
Mrs Joan Child will be pixt formard as Spea~ ter for the House of Reprosnatjie, arId
s2nator Kerry Sibraa for the poizition of Preoidont of the Senate. Fpo -eun
Spanker and Chairman of Committecs, we will ho proposing Mr Leo r4Cexocay,
nominating Senator W~ a Colston for the Deputy Prc& idert position in t-Ut3
Eorry Cunningham ha-, hcl I elected Govornent V~ hp for the House 01 1
unyLmb as his Depu( t. Senator Gerry Jontes will be Government Whip ia th Sn
azsirsted by Senator G:: ai-m MRaguire and Senatoz Jim McKiernan as D~ pties.
new Chairperson oEf Caucus will be Solo arora with Bob Chynowth as his auly
Svcretetry of Caucuo will be Ross Fire,-. r
The Governor-General Lao agroeed to swaar in th:? new Ministry at Governm~ ent House om
Flriday wiorning. 00030.1