PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007198.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Attached io co :' zospondence the Pimeii1 Minister Is sending to
partieGi involvod in the coal industries dispute. 0002%) 3

Mr R. riarshai.
Chairman Austr1. a11l. i aHno l~ Cionclg sAssociation
GPO Box 1423
RISBALZ 07D 4000
Dear or narohall
I am deeply concerned about developments in the coal
industry end propose to accept the suggestion that I convene
a national tripartite conference to consider a long term
strategy fo: the coal industry.
It is , y hope to convene such a meeting of all the parties
next weel and that we can move constructively to find
sufficient common ground on a strategy to enhance tho
viability of the industry and to avoid a widespread coal
strike. I have made it clear that the Government is
prepared to consider establishing a National Coal Authority
with a central role in the implementation of that strategy.
However that does not extend to vesting that Authority with
direct marketing functions on the model of the various
agricultural commodity boards.
I would aedd that it is difficult to see how such a meeting
could bo successful next week if over the intervening period
there is a further escalation of industrial tension.
Accordingly I ask that all companies refrain from further
retrenchnents until that meeting has been held and its
result-become clear. I have written in similar terms to
the Coal Mining Unions National Liaison Committee asking
that there also be no further industrial action in this
period. A copy of that letter is attached.
Yours s. ncerely
R. J. L. Hawke O0O02,

Mr J. Maitland
Chairman Coal Mining Unions National
Liaicon Comaittee
3rd Floor
377 Suscoc Street
Dear Mr Maitland
I am deeply concerned about developments in the coal
industry cnd propose to accept the suggestion that I convene
a nationaL tripartite conference to consider a long term
strategy for the coal industry.
I fully und* rstand your concern about the need to enhance
the viability of the industry and to maintain employment
wherever practicable. While the industry's problems are
complex, ny Government is committed to develop a strategy
that fully involves all parties to help ensure the long term
viability of the industry.
The Government is willing to consider establishing a
National Coal Authority to play a central role in the
implementation of that strategy. We are prepared to listen
to argumant on any subject at the tripatite conference.
However I want it to be clear that the Government believes
that the coal industry would not be assisted if such an
Authority were to be vested with direct marketing functions,
including on the model of the various agricultural commodity
board, as has been suggested.
As you will appreciate, I am in the process of setting up
the rinistry and I am unable to convene a tripartite meeting
this wee:, I propose, however, together with the new
Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, to call a
meeting of Net South Wales and Queensland Government
representatives, the coal unions and the Australian Coal
Association towards the end of next week. 000294

It is my hope that the meeting can move constructively to
find sufficient common ground to avoid a widespread coal
strike. Howevor it is difficult to see how such a meeting
could be oucces3ful next week if over the intervening period
there ic a widoopread strike. Accordingly I ask that all
relevant unions refrain from further industrial action until
that meeting has been held and its results become clear. I
am writing in uimilar terms to the Australian Coal
Association cohing that there also be no further
retrenchments in this period.
I have sent a copy of this letter to Mr Unsworth, the
Premier of Queeonsland, and Mr Marshall of the Australian
Coal Association.
Yours sincerely
R. J. L. Hawho 000295