PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00000719.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

I dea't uind tUlag y" a I a aff" l th~ is aftsuin
mea dwqd~ tkut att night I le1t
MLU = nJ1 ( Apam) uAa to" I heam' to a~ x
0001tlama Oay with a teash of greweaw4 hamout ; W6 lah
SObe" s' I e n. iag ht say all present aut
sueret* 7* 41 M pi or Iew a AnUwarLS ad" tatlp-but
wwb It is from y~ rI ; vOinmt li to sp. Bit ta
Gia4wt~ are, 4' atIsast. am is toot I-6wa lil .1& I
& aV21i*' VGOr the m et or Whe looking a bit
9 dI usaM be tf unius, sa the USA is
um~ fficr thet iMI nm * w o at a" l ( Za61be0
Ue lp bue" s on mm A s that
Is a 410WAatafp. I abMyil0k0, * 0 60 M 4o0 O aMudem.
Ifea " tu& Yew"" that yea have mse ityou can see It*
Aaotherp A aadvAMt to that Apsem this nost
fas urs. eumset as oWith this mwl
.7 hum baldeo
63O . s 1 o ofth " Ltbass am
seek tim 1 3as4 aem maidlp I W, bhaea9 W. Chales
Meh used to be an eld1A of sims) a" We KAR
andh SStw DOWNm do" thelkig thoe e
the a ) aamnddaa ltem I t aid heaving
rd= m Wift 1IMA to fotr1 4 los m
VOOM het I aJan" bwh fat aseasiss & An % h~ ea
I Wii l do1 best to Omewoomm this bandIeap.
at, 0 rosily this IS a ll enn Ww t. I Et
eses~ as yew femastew k" t* Asta n " t
4100 amar" tOf bmsa aic logth
str~ ei~ t~ wswl a 9A to ' UM 4d. ou yamS & U~
WOn Tis. Is wow tMO I hes I boe as" A it And I
st ll mok w but tb wre bum arA thatg. I thlxk,
0Vetf0 thing fte ft* W anda May pad thing 1W
New I gnat to Oabma to To* that W claim to
allt ; 240". are = enerly dwh* Wbo I was a
ho" I bad as inoasrdi 5 somery* I WOs the MMn
of UbeloP t tlu'oso we ti. rte silyo ya"
OXOpt I gse or mteUt. n woeasIi tsow U
brand" IsOtfft I WOW
I -' el to l.. A. VRth: d 1W ber9a as I o" said in the
II-of Nr'. Robou, I a1b0My Ipt fiffy as a reMit.
hil-half thesay * P0stie. fto TI rit WWWW" mt " a
g0* 00**

. O2 g
X7 04tMfie qualiletea Sluem thm . my Instinetiw
bet not smltlmtud osimtifle Ideas haw beau roes MMM
I m a Dt~ of 3sm b* lim It or not of
US M21iOTsltY Of NOW 8outh Wales, and seeing a esupi.. of
pmwftl di al aem uhe are frionis of min Inl 91" st
row I wat t. tall the that I aln als 0; WA; of the JWMl
Crlte Of Oi. 5a. and. Obst-tilms ( Iauitea)( A las)
so you mee a soes M vat entiwly unqi1fin ( Letw
for the tas t asft e* Woo 1 a tboh tWO Codly thin4 dli
Is spsk.( wut., aplueI
* At tt~ ng all that an aw side, the truth of the
Satter is that w hewo heesm pertauAwly ija the last test
twar ea iwe inlj GaseoM of the mlg )) aee or
OcdenevIn aim In1 the whale emhot Of tile afftirs
of the World* ft" i is to aly time. it O beai
that Perhaps we are a little earrIed a*. y I! the ths42LI
or iMelear PWIOSis tv the SPOGUaMlw & dAolWSMsat WhIeb & M,
akIa place no doubt at this moment -iamu p * be" use
gottisIst to b nds to the fat at inaty b
it live* In soe le of some of these 1a
laimfi ted eiaouui bvthe smientift vsft= dameinthis
Oft"-the Woft of the xmio~ e1ogists, the antL -Utis
thed ewebloglem 0t 1MLao dwnl oGmIl, n8o179I n gmtIs WIhn vtWhQea psmotdaAm
i~ sty -all these thJing lFaw not 1 d . y
to ' a wealth and khepeI ness but thhave, in Yu
aeems w lated to a w arbte E= me of WORK liWe.
iir i smetbingr that we a" e not to forgt In vie * ell -IN! t
at the moment of awne tsh~ aehbl Man * tielating Ideas*
I emse took the eppoctunitr of saylingt mo
the univer Itles, at the tin, wham the first SpuLNwenku
and ws to be soon 4r earnet obevr in th * t nkt It
mes imith e while of a lot of the people is the worldA who
waeloekiag at It and mrvoliag at It to remember that MAt
for the vowk partimularly of the numedl selemntists in this
emtury almiios of then woal4 not hae been there to see it,
go, as always*, w wast pulise ftms men and ' ederstand vbat
we are talkint about wbon w are talki of sosee not
a avl ht In all its " seta*
Xo%& io In Australia have I thi nk, two tvs~ no s
Isterests in na~ ssttere, In % 1W rzt Plaee thl o Is n
the maders world, as a proomu of 4. volommat We* an a
eawtazat presemon the mat lewi, a omnstaat inflationary
rd tow em all the tWags that enter Into the est
twLand theee of omsev avo or -v0m1s ifterest,
ow Amovi. t tw man em the land9 to tb fb-Mreur' to tNo
gpesew ad# of lqrnie., of tlvvnisa Interest to ME other
people. No" e and in., q we ae coming to realse that the
right angw to this is not a blind attempt to g!! h basek the
tdqbut the right amewar is to Inorease our orf eiaW of
prodetIoin al Its aspects aid that tho right myto 40 that
Isr lrUZ r devoti" ov a& nMosv soientifla stWW and
to gtoaaPulAtiSSO to the problem In band.
WQ~ W all gem love seem It In my ow liftI
bov the pidelsof wimat Wa improvedo how MMW areas lawe
oe AWr profitable mIUtVOUM that mW tiut to be arid.
Mat an eoms 4evelpmit tber. has been Ina tbe wool iMnftW#
in the sheep Industa7 Ir 0 blt tv eendo--i eeit
ares oeinwrlug awry 6% qiUU% p'eat inlust" ellri" AM
if you Wbaft far snougkL, It Is ver seldom just a happq aemlest#
it is isany the " esuit 6f the earefAl weft of s& me Scientist
In tUs labmtoy a& W of same applied sclentist In the Sn~ g~
flelde 00** 000

2brow. tbois I qeif an so aeloutist
tholu I i~ f an beod Is the tweditIon of the ainmaties
and hes that tradition will always wvive I si
utterly euMVIWimott wo mt" Par A ia4M. S. Ing attotion
to alientitie tsaa to senetiflo dia'sWWlWyt9 io
aPPlise0tion If we are~ I be wn in the msrdk d time, if o
00VU7IS to hae 30= 9 WAn 10020 a to bmkand
anik Rpoepe fiem that p~ oloe l . abth WWseo the,
fulles of taim am buildig will at sLap: yhdoIng
somthiag that my smmday qua24 hin to told a paitimlr
Job or to tamn a Par'ticular Inmo* m B3e wi la thets be eas
of tbouands aking a osat1Wihtie to the uitXuS' adaommet
of the tiyo A the 1 e-out of the country and the
oMvaammest of the pseople and thed he Inins a-ut
tban auq Individual a ta etma lfil* iv h
first reeu Tbe sooem resoni is perhaps ist iaojated with
It. We boe a soupIdly-p'eving Pepulatiem we hoea emn
it 11 10i11100 A l In Axistalia, mimy aosniea
I fit Immv vhs i6 uate of Ausi NOWk te
are other 0amtrigss th V4t0% 1M into e8f2.0010110010
asI~ 4 just 401ging late aust MsseiMAO spum. 0
tiie a a fateulag may th esi ~ tatOf lf-. sen mt
The pepsiai of ( biaa Itself will probably be a tamsd.
plla at the ta of the ewtwu. The peu ofIna
Ww illion. The popuafte of IA i Ipts VWY now
to 100 ailitm We mvhw b4s, b.. ealagiaplay ~ e~
of Million of people in the ; W no iai n La settlod,
somm~: L~ o tv uag the amnities of life that we enjq,
lapasIty ro at wating tbm useiag than tmatrglIac twvds
them, 9 and owt owmW sa Ist it fM-lmdIas
that : It vast piadne selatist not wItself butttete
emutresLathe world baemess we bae a taUs m souutribation
to make if this owvwtd La to deowlep ad mintain Its pride,
SOWO its lsuuja-6m and to ha able to held up its beat IS the
ftll proes of what we sell medaihs OListIon
An sov flor the IM14oal# tt Whs, mtin, for
other grast ations In the venld, the study of * clanoe, the
attaining of the higbost possible standards, bovw beesm of
vital lapoatmmee. One of the reasonsWw1 L Be sotly * adire the
liciatiwe vook of the inbastril fnd end of those publiospirited
. stoma ftsot its affairs, Is that when I was
a seolb4 adeatiftle equipment was of a highly lUeantaN
kind Tda it bosoms note and oompea s nt at Ganes
as In a research univeity oart Il a univorsIty or the swml.
Sstill eoaplx and expesive as eapareod to the
iv apparsas of the pest. It Is mash mstly to
establish a selam theamtp in a MIniwersi then it is to
iestablish a arts tbeslty. ? u ta tooo people rLUn, with
s~ difflty, I tako It* hat you am toek people [ atla witk
the nialoolf of eqUIput. NYv xpewies. was aom beaks and
a teache with a gimlet eje ( aUghte.) fTat was the equipmt
that eold set you ping an the rood.*
* la L os" a it is big nom that Is mw ovnded,
This Involves baso~ oe eawi amd La the 1pm00140
flelA, dealing as I do with Whe UNiVORsieS, ofrAstella I
an ia* SraeSily . s Oaof this fact bollus the outay, ewe0
WO 00

S se the Vst Nwey Ropet we adod lw vas9 6m
Itself 13Vthrb. yews* LAd this nsot ivtsl
to%: e f equigAjmt. ! h MW mtli~
this as a of pwsreeel experismee hs onm
Its am emtuibatmsp amasiwv as tqare es.
l1aSotoi J 4tet to seeiNg that oa jist ' mt an
agmabg, Ith pOd Ught Sming tMMKOnl too
va tholt yft hae. the UMesu of IthLLhhag
timof the Stmwt œ guim pep up to the
at vhiohk they to wis = Lppsty,
fepeooins out of bosaie
Swip dir that is all I west to Saq. I boe
s too Issas hIs a Ofem thing abiautih offset
I wll have to opt air xweem sf~ to GiplAmw It to as
Smetis a swig" s thin shout L f'ot 40the optic
jme, but it you Is*~ at a akleme, o a sth daft* as
lesgs 1have beft1O~ higat yo$ y iito PLAout a
ftv faoas and tht's hAwt has bow happening to mo* Iat
Is perhaps * 7y I be" spdm teo lang.
size at I wa't ObRth~ its msom hae
ak my Post doinl of . mtisgtioua nde] awig this lmdlding